Syria. US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, in full knowledge of US collusion with Al-Qaeda/Nusra Front, calls to end funding/arming terrorists.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemnews8 years ago (edited)


Tulsi Gabbard- The Iraq War veteran has been called a “rising star” in the Democratic Party Image: STAR-ADVERTISER

The US, along with many other western nations and the UN has a PR problem. Once again the rhetoric splashed over the news outlets has been found lacking in integrity.

Tulsi Gabbard recently visited Lebanon and Syria on a seven day fact-finding mission, self-funded. She met with President Assad, leaders of the Muslim and Christian communities, humanitarian workers, academics and the people of Syria.

The trip was kept secret until after her return for security reasons.

Some highlights of her findings:

  • The Syrian crisis is a war between ISIS/Al-Qaeda/Nusra Front and Syria.

  • Even the opposition to Assad acknowledges that the originally peaceful uprising was hijacked by jihadists “funded and supported by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, the United States.”

  • The battle for truth has been compromised by “one-sided biased reports pushing a narrative that supports this regime change war at the expense of Syrian lives.”

  • The question which sums up her lasting impression: “Why is the United States and its allies helping al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups try to take over Syria? Syria did not attack the United States. Al-Qaeda did.”

  • As she later wrote in a blog post: “I return to Washington, DC with even greater resolve to end our illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government.”


President Assad of Syria. Image: LLW Productions

It should be noted that Gabbard introduced ‘The Stop Arming Terrorists Act’ to Congress in December 2016. She knew the realities of the crisis, at least in part. Her mantra demands that using taxpayers dollars to fund terrorists should be outlawed.

One of the shocking consequences of this episode is the reaction of the establishment. Outrage was tweeted to the extent that she was legitimising genocide! If there has ever been a case of the ‘pot calling the kettle black’!.

CNN interview with Tulsi Gabbard. Can you hear the agenda in the framing of questions posed by Jake Tapper? I notice that CNN is still trying to legitimise the Fake News around the child Twitterer, Bana Alabad.

Tulsi Gabbard - Background
Tulsi Gabbard is a serving Major in the US Army. She is a Hindu, born on the island of American Samoa and is 35 years of age. She became the youngest ever elected representative of the US government aged 21. She has been a Democratic Congresswoman, representing Hawaii since 2013.


Tulsi Gabbard receiving her promotion to the rank of Major. Image: Wikipedia

Syria - Background
Syria gained Independence in 1946. It is a Muslim/Christian nation of 22 million people.
Bashar al-Assad became President following the death of his father in 2000. Were it not for the death of his older brother in a 1994 car accident, he would probably be working as an optician.

The Assad family are a part of the Alawite Shia community, a minority Muslim faction.
Syria has long-standing disputes with Israel as evidenced by their involvement alongside Egypt in the Six Day War of 1967. Similar long standing feuds exist with Lebanon. The whole region has nations and borders which seem to have been a pragmatic measure at the time with little to no long-term understanding.


The Syrian National Flag

The Syrian Government is based in Damascus with the Ba'ath Party (formerly the Arab Ba'ath Socialist Party) holding the vast majority of seats in the parliament. Critics say that the system of government is a dictatorship.

In the 2012 elections the Ba'ath Party won a majority of around 60% (up from 50%) of the 250 parliamentary seats. If one adds in the independent MPs aligned with the Ba'ath Party, the MPs who support the president make up over 90% of the seats in new parliament.
Religious Parties are forbidden from this secularly run country.

Religious/ethnic alignment of the Syrian people:
Sunni Muslim 70%
Shia Muslims/Alawite 12%
Kurds (mostly Sunni Muslims) 7-10%
Assyrian Christians 4%
Druze 3%
Turkmen 1%

Follow @ebryans and resteem if you like true news!


gif animations

With much gratitude to @son-of-satire for my new gif!


Thanks for the great feedback. The journalist is just awesome. In greek language "Namaste" means " Here we are" meaning "we just came" when paying a visit or joining friends that wait for us. ( Yesterday when I tried to post it, system showed me this: "Comment is nested 6 post deep, maximum depth is 6" and didn't let me post it) . Thanks for your descent job.

Yes, you cannot continue a conversation beyond that-it is a strange feature of the platform - if you ever need a chat about anything, you can find me on which is useful for lots of things. Please let me know, am happy to help

Thanks a lot. Have a nice time.

Why the downvote @transisto ?

I have no idea? I do not know who this is.
Very cool having all these downvotes going on when you have written a serious piece about something that matters and someone else writes about being a cashier and gets masses of votes which pay!!

I know its getting rediculous ! Even some post 1 picture with no story , and boom tons of money and upvotes only because they have a ton of followers and people want to be paid for curating because they know that person always gets lots of money no matter how easy and effortless the blog is ! I feel your pain !😉

Congratulations for the article. Downvoting this, even by mistake, is unacceptable. We need more true news. Two or three years ago I watched a video (on YouTube) of a young woman narrating things about Syrian war.I don't remember everything she said but I do remember 2 things: a ) Syria didn't have a central Bank "embedded" in the global system , b ) In Syria people of 6 or so relegions used to live in peace. Hope i added something useful. Keep up the good work.

Replies like this make the work I do worthwhile. It drives us all a bit mad seeing crap getting votes. This post had its legs chopped - yes, by mistake but ...
The kind person who commented first is the No.2 curator ... at least he saw it.
I live in the company of many Syrians. They are gentle nice people for whom I have a lot of respect. They fled to a new country to start life afresh. No extended family, very few old friends, new language and culture, education for kids, an income to derive ... tough!
You have certainly added something more than useful, my friend.
I shall follow you for more enlightenment!

Thank you. I really appreciate your response. I can't find the video I was talking about. Having said that you have Syrians friends maybe they could help you find this video. If I remember well, the young woman said 9 or so things. Another thing now : What means the word "Namaste" ? Thanks again.

Many thanks, @olviosgus, I have seen a great many videos about Syria and often you find a segment here and a segment there - it depends upon the vlogger!
If you search on Vanessa Beeley you will find a lot of good stuff. She is an independent journalist for whom I have a lot of respect.
There is another video which ie an American woman exposing the fake Twitter accounts which CNN is still claiming as true!
I used this video in one of my previous posts
Here is the video:
Here is the full post:

Namaste is a greeting or farewell which acknowledges the divine or spiritual energy in the other person. I like it as it is more inspirational than hi or bye!

Looks like it might have been a mistake, hopefully they get a notification. Great story btw. Thanks

I'm very sorry about that, I changed my flag into an upvote as soon as I saw your message. You might not believe me but my explanation was that I was showing steemit to someone and wanted to show him how curation was working. I never usually downvote something that hasn't lifted to the top 3 or so pages. I just randomly picked the first post from the NEW section and added vote then removed it (not sure why I would have shown flagging, but forgot to remove that one).

Thanks for sorting it out :)

She'd better be careful or the CIA will take care of her the same way they took care of Gabby Giffords.

Wait a minute, Tulsi Gabbard, Gabby Giffords. I honestly don't know why my brain picks up these kinds of patterns. It's a complete coincidence, I'm sure. Their names are not even really that similar. Weird how the brain seeks patterns.

Rule of thumb with these things is you either tell nobody or you tell the world! I would be pressing for a complete review of US overt and covert operations - even in the USA - if I were Trump!

Agreed. Sunlight, as is said, is the best disinfectant.

I haven't been following these events as much as I should be, so it's nice that you've summarized this here. Wow! I didn't even know of Gabbard until this post. Such an amazing person! When I was 21, I was still struggling with my undergraduate thesis while she has already been elected as a representative! I'm lost for words. Her achievements should be celebrated more, and her influence should really be bolstered especially in the age of social media.

With regards to the war question, I don't mean to be a conspiracy nut, but I really do feel that news about governments like the US arming both sides of a conflict has merit. They earn regardless of who wins or loses and they establish a foothold whoever triumphs. From an objective standpoint, that's a good strategy to maintain power, but we're not emotionless beings. I hope I don't rub people the wrong way here but is it really worth it to sacrifice millions of innocents in a quest to keep power? Not for me to say, but I don't think so.

Humanity as a whole should really try to band together as one if we want to survive as a species. Wars are meaningless in the long run, especially if the lives that are lost wouldn't amount to anything. We need to put compassion above greed.

The US is busy vilifying Assad - meanwhile providing funds and weapons to the Al Qaeda/ISIS/Nusra Front insurgents ... all for Israel. Soros provides the media feed. I wrote this a couple of days ago:
Should George Soros be tried for War Crimes?
I should have put this link into today's post!
There is going to be a day of reckoning and the spin doctors will be hard at work.
I know a few Syrians and they laugh at the way their country is written about.
I have written a few posts about it all. The Soros post got onto page 1 of a Google search about him! I was quite happy with that.
Thanks very much for your great comments. Always welcome.

There's still time, you can edit it to add that in. Congrats on the achievement! Way to put Steemit on the map! :D Posts like this is what Steemit news should be, covering the views not covered by mainstream media. These are all new information for me, and I enjoyed reading about every single bit. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! Since I'm following you now, hopefully I could keep up to date with this as it unfolds.

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