
I have no idea? I do not know who this is.
Very cool having all these downvotes going on when you have written a serious piece about something that matters and someone else writes about being a cashier and gets masses of votes which pay!!

I know its getting rediculous ! Even some post 1 picture with no story , and boom tons of money and upvotes only because they have a ton of followers and people want to be paid for curating because they know that person always gets lots of money no matter how easy and effortless the blog is ! I feel your pain !😉

Congratulations for the article. Downvoting this, even by mistake, is unacceptable. We need more true news. Two or three years ago I watched a video (on YouTube) of a young woman narrating things about Syrian war.I don't remember everything she said but I do remember 2 things: a ) Syria didn't have a central Bank "embedded" in the global system , b ) In Syria people of 6 or so relegions used to live in peace. Hope i added something useful. Keep up the good work.

Replies like this make the work I do worthwhile. It drives us all a bit mad seeing crap getting votes. This post had its legs chopped - yes, by mistake but ...
The kind person who commented first is the No.2 curator ... at least he saw it.
I live in the company of many Syrians. They are gentle nice people for whom I have a lot of respect. They fled to a new country to start life afresh. No extended family, very few old friends, new language and culture, education for kids, an income to derive ... tough!
You have certainly added something more than useful, my friend.
I shall follow you for more enlightenment!

Thank you. I really appreciate your response. I can't find the video I was talking about. Having said that you have Syrians friends maybe they could help you find this video. If I remember well, the young woman said 9 or so things. Another thing now : What means the word "Namaste" ? Thanks again.

Many thanks, @olviosgus, I have seen a great many videos about Syria and often you find a segment here and a segment there - it depends upon the vlogger!
If you search on Vanessa Beeley you will find a lot of good stuff. She is an independent journalist for whom I have a lot of respect.
There is another video which ie an American woman exposing the fake Twitter accounts which CNN is still claiming as true!
I used this video in one of my previous posts
Here is the video:
Here is the full post:

Namaste is a greeting or farewell which acknowledges the divine or spiritual energy in the other person. I like it as it is more inspirational than hi or bye!

Looks like it might have been a mistake, hopefully they get a notification. Great story btw. Thanks

I'm very sorry about that, I changed my flag into an upvote as soon as I saw your message. You might not believe me but my explanation was that I was showing steemit to someone and wanted to show him how curation was working. I never usually downvote something that hasn't lifted to the top 3 or so pages. I just randomly picked the first post from the NEW section and added vote then removed it (not sure why I would have shown flagging, but forgot to remove that one).

Thanks for sorting it out :)

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