Steem-monsters-common-card-fantasy-story-contest-week-10 | Skeleton Assasin

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

My name is Ashur-Dugul of the Sand Shift Assasins. I am but one of the many Skeleton Assasins that have been sent to kill you. Listen to my tale and find in it the strength to overcome me and free my brothers from undead bondage.

We were a proud order of assassins who were the hand of the Caliphs of Alipta in dealing with their enemies. We were the blade in the night, the poison in the drink, the whisper in the shadow, the rope that encircled the caliph's enemies and made them disappear. We were silent and deadly.

Like many assassins before me I was left in the sand dunes to be eaten by the jackals because my parents could not support one more mewling mouth to feed. Left to the environment, the Sands enveloped me and took me for their own.

Left for dead and unwanted, we were integrated with the mindset that our lives are already forfeit so we were not afraid of death. Each training session could be the last for we used real weapons. Each task could potentially be our last.

In the hollowed out caves beneath the sand dunes where the sands shifted above held a hive of activity, training the next assassins and sending out the initiates to whatever orders the caliphs wanted.

In return for a successful mission, we would have our fill of women, wine, food and hash. Heaven on earth while we become hell on earth to our enemies. A life of bliss and death.

We are but a tool of the caliphate and we do not question any orders. Yet in hindsight, this should not have been done. If I had the power to undo it I would have sold my soul to the div.


He was one of the arch ministers who with strength and guile manage to rise up in stature. Whispers of foul magicks were ever present. He was told to be able to get anyone to tell their secrets and knowledge was indeed power. His name, Devash, should have been an indication but we Sand Shifts are not politically minded and remained stoic amidst the signs.

The caliph was growing restless and his plan to marry off one of his daughters to this arch minister was met with refusal. This infuriated the caliph and with Devash recent victory over a powerful neighbor, there were whispers that he would be the next caliph.

Such was the life of a powerful man. Ever so afraid of encountering the next more powerful man. So with an order sent our blades were aimed at Devash.

One cool night when his household was giddy with celebration and his guards most likely taking one more cup of wine. We slipped in silently and killing efficiently guards who were in the way. A brother fell to one of the traps and we had no choice but to leave him. Dead man tell's no tale anyway.

I entered Devash's chambers to see him sitting down and having a cup of wine. He knew death was coming but not in what form. Without any struggle he said he is ready for the next step.

A quick slice to the jugular meant that he would not survive this and like a hundred times before I whisper in his ear my name and my origins. It was a tradition among us to let those that we killed know our name for this is the only way we can tell someone that we exist.

It was the first time that I had chills when I killed a man. It was a feeling I could not shake off even amidst the throes of bliss that I was experiencing.

I awoke to shouting and confusion as my drug numbed mind struggled to stay awake and assess the situation.

A call for arms was being sounded and I was disoriented as the Sands have never been infiltrated before. Yet I saw one of the invaders wearing the garb of the guards of Devash.

Devash was dead, he was sure of it because it was a mortal wound that he has given a hundred times before. Was his brother alive from that trap but no Sand Shift would give up the secrets no matter how bad they were tortured.

No matter they would resist and kill off everyone that knew their secrets and rescue their brother and put him to death finally.

The guards were all dead. They finally won and they would rest up before storming Devash's palace. Then they heard metal scraping on the stones of the caves. the rattle of bones, of leather scraping on stones. Then silence.

We saw the glint of the daggers as they were unholstered. We saw the hollowed eye sockets and the fleshless bodies move towards the light. Then as if remembering their past lives, they slowly melded back to the shadows.

We waited for that sudden flash of movement, of the stroke with the dagger from an unguarded area in our body. It was like training days again as the mentors tested each one of us. Probed for weaknesses and strike!

They were relentless as hours passed and they avoided detection and struck from the shadows. They were tireless as each strike had the same weight behind it each time. I was growing weaker with each one, I could hardly hold up my blade.

It was inevitable as I saw my brothers fall one after another. Their bodies given up as we made our way from one room to another in the hopes of escaping. The Sands were lost. Too many of us dead. We would never be the same after this.

I was the last one and finally reached the mouth of the cave. Devash came to greet me clad in purple and red robes. A light of green energy crackling in his hands. "Welcome brother to undeath." he said with a grim smile.

My name is Ashur-Dugul of the Sand Shift Assasins. I am but one of the many Skeleton Assasins that have been sent to kill you. That is my tale and now my brothers are held in undead bondage, killing for the undead scourge as we did for the Caliphs of Alipta before.

We are the blade in the night, the poison in the drink, the whisper in the shadow and the rope encircling life and offering it to Death.

I no longer control my actions and know that if you fail to live you will be one of us, one of the undead.


Flavor Text

We are the blade in the night, the poison in the drink, the whisper in the shadow and the rope encircling life and offering it to Death.

This is my entry to Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 10

I really wanted to do this because I was originally in the Black segment of the writing competition. Yet alas somethings happened and well I just have to move on and forget that part and try to get into the lore through the weekly stories instead.

I hope that you liked the tale I weaved for the Skeleton Assasins. It was a sad tale of servitude.


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Thank you so much I appreciated that this tale of mine was chosen by curators of Esteem! I absolutely love the app.

You keep pumping out the stories. :) A cool read on the skeleton assassin. Why can't I be inspired to write anything else besides my selenia storyline. Looking fwd to the next one!

Ahahha but your Selenia Storyline is so wonderful and I am a fan of yours!

This is just my way to try to get a story of mine as part of Steem Monsters. I, unfortunately, did not win in the different segments that was writing for the lore so this is my chance to be a part of it.

I haven't won yet so I will keep trying and there are so many monsters to write about :)

That's right, you participated in the team writing contest. That was a big commitment, one I couldn't do myself with my time constraints. I'm sorry your team was not selected.

I hope one of your characters will make it into the game! It was probably after I read your story, and as I was walking to the car after work, I was 'inspired' to write on this character too. Only because I tied the character into my Selenia story. It's not very often that I'm inspired to write, so I decided to take advantage of it.

A very nice caustionary tell, we become in death that which we were in life. A good plan on the part of Devash, what better way to build an army of undead assassins than to get the living ones to try to kill you. Very enjoyable.

Thank you this one was an idea that I originally had for the writing the different factions. One part of the black had Middle eastern and Egyptian influences and I wanted to make use of that idea here.

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