Searching for Gold with Goldmatters: STEEMMONSTERS EDITION!

in #steemmonsters6 years ago


STEEMMONSTERS are exploding Menē style all over Steemit.

Either you:

1.Know what Steem monsters are and are nodding knowingly while calculating how many packs you can afford.

2.Have no idea what I am talking about and wonder why you keep seeing this weird card game everywhere through your feed.

If you are a follower of me you have almost certainly gone on a few adventures with me searching for gold. It has become one of my more popular series and has even generated SPIN OFF EDITIONS from other Steemians!

7253B6BC-C50B-4B6E-B166-A67EAC952359.png @nomadicsoul

For an example read here:

Today I will search for gold in a number of STEEMMONSTER booster packs! This is a brand new game created by Steemians where you can collect digital cards of varying power and value. For more information on this brilliant idea :

Let the search for gold begin!!


I bought some booster packs with SBD (the price of $2 per pack will undoubtedly go up so if you want some of the most rare cards on the cheap it’s probably best you get some soon)


For those of us who have started buying these Steem monsters, this is an exciting feast :


BAM!!! First card and my search for gold turned up..... silver?


I’m okay with this! Silvermatters too....

Next pack... Another silver!


And the next pack.... ANOTHER SILVER!!! I hardly noticed the EPIC card ( the 2nd most rare steeemmonster class)


This was getting crazy. I mean, I’m searching for gold here but , I love all this silver!

Next pack.... FINALLY NO SILVER !! But another EPIC which made me pretty happy:)


I was starting to have a little gold anxiety. I had found NO GOLD yet. What would happen if i didn’t find any gold AT ALL?

All I could do was feverishly keep opening...



I had just settled back in to my chair when...

OMG MULTPLE SILVER! Silvershield paladin! AND silvershield Warrior!


Was this some kind of conspiracy to switch me to a full on silverbug? Was there some kind of blockchain algo baked into these cards based on my precious metals user name (go ahead, laugh at me techies)?

Paranoia started to set in as I wildly opened packs left and right...

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ANOTHER SILVER!!! I screamed just like the EPIC Banshee I found:


As I opened my last pack my hands had started to sweat silver just like My Adventures with Gallium series:

One last card to turn over...


NO silver!!


I collapsed into a puddle of silver sweat and breathed heavily with exaustion.

My search for gold was NOT successful this time:


Who wants to be THE Steemian that gets a Gold Dragon to Goldmatters????

I dare you to gift me one.

In the meantime all Steemians should check out . This is an EXCELLENT project and thank you @aggroed and others for making this happen. This is going to take Steemit to the next level!!

Thanks for reading everyone, I have to go stare at my new silver stack.... Steem monster style!!

Sign up for free in 30 seconds and receive $5 in Menē credit instantly here:


Menē crafts 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry™ that is transparently sold by gram weight. By combining innovative technology with timeless design, Menē restores the ancient tradition of jewelry as a store of enduring value.

To find out more about what Menē 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry is from your fellow Steemians :

To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians :

To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here:

For Menē 24k investment jewelry here:

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

All images sourced from Menē and Goldmoney.

Read more about Goldmoney:

See Steemit Legend papa-pepper unbox Menē!


Hey there! Was wishing I could surprise you with the gold dragon... but it was nowhere to be found in my cards collection :( I'm sure somewhere in this eco system ..some kind person will help you out. Best wishes to you always.

Ha ha!! You are buying them too!!

Wish I could help you man, I've open 40 packs and only got 1 legendary, but it's the chromatic dragon.

Noooooooo! Lol thats the same one i have!

omg you got them too? hahaha they are soooo addictive!


LOL I just wanted to get a legendary, i haven't had any luck at all. I guess more openings for you hahaha

I got some! Keep trying!!

Nice pulls, a lot of epic cards but no legendaries, better luck next time, thank you for spreading the word on steemmonster it is a great game, and I hope there is battle mode soon, can hardly wait.

I’m really looking forward to it! Having fun already just collecting the cards

Man sooner or later you are bound to land a golden one.
Maybe a Golden Dragon in Legendary class............... that would be real nice card for your collection :-)

I probably won’t stop until i do :)

steem monsters are crazy addictive........
Once you start buying them its like you just have to complete the set and can't do without them ;-)

Wow,at least you got some epic cards.I got a bunch more silver too!

I wont rest until i get the gold dragon!!

LOL, I tried 3 more and got 1 epic!

Ahhh... so addicting!!

Akox looks on menacingly

Hmmmm... silver you say? Akox likes silver and gold...

Solution - sell all your cards now while there's hype and fomo, and then use the proceeds to buy the golden dragon my crystal ball foresees you co-designing on Mene.

Great thinking @steemmatt!

I wouldn't mind taking some of those off your hands boss...

Akox smiles innocently

Great idea ! Gotta strike while the iron is hot!

If I find one I'll gift you one for sure!!!! It's been on my to-do list to check out this game but I've just been too out of it to care lol.

Do you earn steem in any way by playing it, or just send steem for the cards? This is like Pokemon all over again for me. @aggroed is a genius. People are handing over their SBD's like crazy!

Oh I dont reccomend it unless you want to go insane like I did looking for the gold dragon!!! Lol its pretty fun, mostly its a collectible card game for now but from what I understand there will be a lot of gameplay in the future

You still ended up with a lot of silver which still make you rich like a pirate..

Hi Goldmatters. If i know you ,you have just started and will carry on your search getting some more. Happy hunting. Remember gold is everywhere.

Lol you are so right

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