Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #7

in #steemitultimatechallenge6 years ago (edited)

Happy new Week distinguished Steemians,
I Hope you are doing great inspite of the disturbing crypto deep that is bedevilling the various crypto currency platforms globally.

It's the last week of the @Dobartim steemit challenge and this is my fifth entry at a stretch. It's strange right? But I am never satisfied until I get the crown. Like @Dobartim would say, we win together.
You may want to check my previous entries on:

week Three Entry

Week Four Entry

Week Five Entry

Week Six Entry

And now...

Week Seven!

Actually it takes real hits to do this because so many who began this contest with me gave up on the way. I decided to try it to the very end not minding if my write-up is great enough but then, hope and faith are virtues taught strongly in the Christian faith.

I had almost wanted to think that it would be impossible doing this again because I felt I had nothing else to say after trying it four times already, but trust steemit: it gives you new testimonies everyday.

I joined steemit on the 27th of December 2017 through a friend @mritsnobigdeal who brought the Goodnews of steemit to my house.

Steemit is really a life changing platform that has changed the lives of many for the better especially in the areas of finances, academics, business promotions and community development and collaboration.

Let me start from my story just few days ago. Like many of us who know me personally on this platform are aware, I am a student in the University of Uyo here in Nigeria, studying pharmacy which has always been my dream course in the University.

But just few days ago something's happened as we were carrying out a major laboratory work, my laboratory work group mistakenly slipped on an apparatus in the laboratory known as Kipps apparatus and broke it completely. This equipment is so expensive in my country's currency that I had to go around looking for money to use in replacing the broken glassware, then I remembered I had a steemit family.

The Day the Incident Occurred

The apparatus which was destroyed by my group

The first person I talked to was my school mate, @rachelrick who immediately sympathized with me and told me she didn't exactly have so much but that she would hide me 2000 naira that day, sincerely she kept to her word and redeemed her promise.

My chat with a Steemian That Assisted me

The money raised could not buy the damaged item and I was on the verge of losing my status as a student. I had to get to another Steemian here by the name @lizzieharrison who transferred 3 sbds to me to assist in my plight.

** How The Giving spirit of Steemit Transformed My Life**

I was able to add those donations to what I had in my bank account to purchase the damaged item in school. Thanks so much Steemit, I am excited about this great idea of @Ned which has made millions of participants excited and transformed.

Steemit has taught me selflessness because I can now make sacrifices for others irrespective of what is involved. I remember applying for the @dobartim win a laptop contest severally. It wasn't for me but a cousin of mine whose dad lost his job and his education was put on hold.

Although @MacDonaldfebi couldn't make it through the contests I. Was happy I could help him my own way. Steemit is a platform where people give back to society.

My speedy rise on Steemit can not be said to be an accident because I have made it very intentional and purposeful. I have joined lots of steemit communities on discord channels but I will mention just a few here to include : steemit school, stach nigeria, air-clinic, steemstem, minnowbooster, esteem. The way steemit integrates itself with so many other applications and allied sites is so awesome.







I am very passionate about steemit and I know with this passion success is inevitable.
I have not been the same financially since I joined steemit as my earnings these three months have influenced my life immensely. Last Saturday was the burial of one of my foster dads who took responsibility of me so I literally had to empty my bank account to the tune of 200,000 naira to support the burial of that good man. I began to wonder what I could have done if I wasn't on Steemit.

I walked into the funeral grounds with my head high because I didn't disappoint the family when one bit.
Forgive me for boring you with my personal successes on Steemit but I just want to pour my heart out this last time on this challenge.

I feel the main aim of this challenge is to create an archive of success reports for the future steemians to be encouraged when they join. To me this is even greater than winning the price money to be given by @Dobartim.

I am a student and steemit is another major aspect of my life except my clothing business. so if I must be able to encourage more people and bring them to steemit, it follows logically that I myself should be seen to be successful on the platform.

The photo below is a screenshot of my Reputation Number in 3 months here on steemit, this has given me more integrity on the platform as it shows my level of involvement and also shows how people appreciate me too.


I have also been able to effectively communicate with other steemians by meeting them up and also inviting others to the platform.


I have also joined several steemit whatsapp groups to further boost my community presence and involvement because steemit is all about useful, meaningful, reasonable interactions that will lead to the overall improvement of lives.






You see am interested in a better steemit than I met it. With your help, support and continued motivation, we can make Steemit better and bigger.

This contest is proudly sponsored by: @dobartim, @aidasfg7 55.512 SBD, @flysky 40 SBD, @xpilar 10 SBD , @sultan-aceh 5 SBD , @utomobong 5 SBD, @fadhila 2 SBD, @udembahenry 1 SBD, @theheralds 1 SBD, @itsmechille 1 SBD,
A Big thank you to them all.

Thank you for this awesome challenge @Dobartim
God bless you


Nice one to keep trying dear.
Wish you the best of luck

Thanks so much

This is quite an impressive post. I remember when I was in my first year in school, we got engaged in some basic practicals in which we used some expensive apparatus as well. I was very careful not to break any of these apparatus.. I'm really impressed with the kind of love the steemit Uyo family showed to you.. It's obvious that every true steemian is a generous giver.. #Uniuyosteemitfamilyrocks.. I hope you wIn the contest @ambdavid

Thanks so much

Awesome! Nice post ambdavid
Thank you sharing
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Thanks so much

I like your spirit, you never give up at trying something. Good luck dear.

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