Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #3

in #steemitultimatechallenge6 years ago (edited)

Ever since I became part of this magnificent platform called Steemit, I have witnessed tremendous transformations and adjustments within and around my personal, family, financial, academic and spiritual life.

I am eternally grateful to @dobartim for giving me such a massive opportunity to tell the world how much Steemit has been of benefit to me and those around me.


Life Communication

I am a young man whose stories supersedes his age. I have had a fair bite of pains and tribulations but I am yet to consider giving up as an option. Never, for I know where life is, hope is. There is a Latin quote that always gives me so much Hope to press on and never give up.

Aegroto, dum anima est, spes esse dicitur

Which is interpreted to mean "To a sick man, as long as there is life there is hope".

My life has communicated several sad lessons and experiences to me from my very young age.

I lost my dad when I was just two months, a two month old child is pretty much a baby knowing nothing and nobody. It's correct to say I never knew my dad except on pictures as was shown to me by my mom years after his death.

So it happened that after his death mom took full responsibility of my siblings and I till we grew into maturity. From childhood to adolescence to adulthood, there were challenges beyond what many children my age could contain. Plus the supernatural encounters that nearly took my life which I had already written about in @jerrybanfield supernatural writing contest. here

But these things made me stronger as the first male Child of the family.

At about 9 years of age I left my mom to stay with my uncle his brother in Abuja; Nigeria's capital City where I received the worst treatment in my life. I want to believe slave trade was not as dehumanizing as the treatment my mom's brother and wife gave to me(at least slaves were adequately paid for but I was taken free of any charge).

I was just 9 year old when I went to stay with them. I faced several degrees of abuse ranging from child labour to physical assault and even attempted man slaughter by my uncle's wife. I could trek miles to a market in the scorching sun without food nor water, I was a walking dead sincerely. It was this same period that my mom was fired from her job, you could imagine what my siblings looked like back home. They were sorry sights indeed. These experiences of my life that made me write a post sometime ago on child abuse which can be seen here.

From left to Right - Myself and siblings With The relatives who Abused me as a Child

But somehow I overcame that stage of hunger and depravity and graduated into another stage of challenges altogether. But I never gave up.

Financial Communication

This part may get you shouting for joy to steemit for what it has done for me in less than two months of joining the platform.
Ever since I joined I have been enjoying financial independence.

I finished my first degree program three years ago and ventured into my second degree in pharmacy. Here in pharmacy the demands were quite high in terms of finances for chemicals and reagents for practicals.

I needed data to constantly be online in order to take care of various assignments and classworks. Schooling in Nigeria is quite difficult as the system doesn't really support working and schooling.

I have not mentioned that I lost so much money in the several Ponzi schemes that floated everywhere including the defunct MMM. so when I heard of Steemit I was apprehensive, feeling it was another dubious set of people coming to finally cripple my finances.

But when I joined I didn't regret, I now earn over 20 US dollars a week due to Steemit!
My First 558 USD earning on Steemit

Business Communication

Being a fashion conscious person who loves the latest trends in wears, I decided to invest my steemit income into another stream of income.

I began to get foreign ties and suits for men and sold them at a reasonable profit. This was a dream I had a long time ago but could not see it come through due to lack of finances, steemit did the magic in less than two months.
My clients in steemit include : @mritsnobigdeal @joshuaetim @ekeminismart who have had reasons to patronize me, thank you friends.




My Goods Ready For Customers Courtesy of Steemit

Education Communication

The First Thing I noticed was that Steemit was really time sapping and consuming, it nearly discouraged me at the onset but then I had to keep on doing my best.

I later discovered it was all about planning my time prudently. I learnt a lot for my academics through steemit. I most times follow the #Steemstem trending tag and I have learnt so much through this platform. From technology to nature to lots of things I never knew. My horizons have broadened in healthcare too and I hope to graduate as a better Pharmacist.

Community Participation

Two communities have miraculously transformed and caused awesome adjustments in my steemit journey and they are: @steemit-uyo community and @stach, these communities are a bunch of destiny helpers that have transformed my life immensely.

@samstickkz and @ejemai are the great guys doing wonders and transforming lives in steemit-uyo sbd @stach. I will be eternally grateful to them.
I can't forget to mention the following : @mritsnobigdeal @ifioklee @vheobong, @elisabethscalart, @lizzieharrison, @vic-essien @ungest @enajo @amec
They are new friends i got via this platform.

Introducing Friends to Steemit

Introducing My University Lecturer To Steemit

New Discoveries In Life

If one person achieves a million, then two or three can achieve two or 3 million. This is the concept of community participation.

Steemit community has taught me that the Bible is quite true even today, when it said in Deuteronomy 32 verse 30

"How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had shut them up?"

The above passage is saying One simple thing, "Greater things are achieved by collaborations"

Don't forget to share your success story by joining this contest organized by @dobartim , your story might encourage your world who knows.

Thanks to @aidasfg7 @flysky @dobartim for Supporting this contest


Word Count : 1108 Words


This post has received a 0.22 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Congratulations on your success and ability to overcome such a very rough start in life. Blessings, peace, and joy to you from my heart to yours.

This post has received gratitude of 1.51 % from @appreciator thanks to: @ambdavid.

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STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 64647.65
ETH 3473.91
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50