POETRY | DAY 7 | The House at the Edge of the World

The House at the Edge of the World, poetry by @naquoya.

Day 7 of 100 for @d-pend's Poetry Challenge

The House at the Edge of the World

The house looked lost, but knew its place
It was the house that marked the edges of time

A wanderer walks, yet fails to see
That this is the place he needs to embrace

From worlds once known and forever lost
Into streams of living that pass through us forever more

The nightly vision has lead the nomad home
A dream that rose from his earliest breath and memory

In this world; so familiar, yet so alone
He heard the knock and answered the door
And stood to face the childlike stare
Of a thousand innocent eyes
And a tunnel of souls that had lead him
To a door, and a house
At the edge of the world
Where past and future come together
Just as they also come apart
As he enters in
He exits out
A wanderer always
In search of that lonely house

Reading Notes: This poetry is new and written exclusively for the 100 Day Poetry Challenge, which is explained in more detail here and here.

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Thank you :)

nice, "From worlds once known and forever lost
Into streams of living that pass through us forever more", I love those lines. our time will come to look for that house at the edge of the world, but is it a choice we have? leaves me with many questions, exactly how it should be.

Thanks for yours feedback. As for choices, that is a good question. I tend to think not, that life flows, and we need to learn to flow with it. But who knows? Certainly not me! That's why I write it down in poems and stories.

There is an intense and enduring lightness to this write ... if that makes sense. It really is a superb write:)

Thank you, I appreciate that. Intense and light, that sounds like me! Conflict and hope. Glad you could get something from this poem.

As he enters in
He exits out

I looooove this part! Actually, I love the whole poem! It kinda put me into a zone, I was eager to read more and more and more...

I see you're also going strong with this 100day challenge! Way to go!

I appreciate your feedback. Always happy to know what grabs a reader, what makes them think, or feel something. As for the challenge, yes still going. And it's still just early days, so who knows how it goes from here.

It's early to say but the challenge is really interesting so I'm gonna try without skipping a day...But as you said, who knows... :D

Yes, I am going to try too. So far I have a few more already written.

super surreal, almost dreamlike state to the tone of this write, @naquoya, set up quite well with your into (which I am a big fan of):

The house looked lost, but knew its place
It was the house that marked the edges of time

The key line, to me as a reader, is this one:

In this world; so familiar, yet so alone

it is here where I most see the acknowledgement and awareness that this existence might just be one of many and it reminds me of the philosophers who pose that deja vu is just the reflections of past life realities brushing against our current in recognition.

Thank you for sharing, my friend, all the best.

So glad to know you can perceive where I was going with this poem. The idea of deja vu is an interesting one, and that possible explanation has occurred to me at times to try to understand the phenomena.

That first line was one that I initially had. I was attempting to write a story based on a similar concept but went nowhere with it, until I wrote this poem. Then the words started to flow. I just had to find the right format.

Siempre es hermoso escribir de la casa, @naquoya. y de volver a ella, pero qué sucede cuando no existe la casa a donde llegar. Vagamos, náufragos buscando guarecernos en esa casa del recuerdo, esa que nunca se olvida. Me gustó este poema. Te leo por aquí

We wander, shipwrecked, looking for shelter in that house of remembrance,

I translated your comment via Google, so I may not have got it 100% correct, but I think I get the gist of what you are saying. The above quote caught my eye, because I think that sums up a lot of what I feel, and try to capture with my poetry and other writing. To me, this poem I have written is about the house representing a doorway. A pinch point between one world and the next. The house won't let us settle. Which is how I often feel about life.

Thank you for your comment, sorry my Spanish is not good enough to communicate in, although I am learning.

Se agradece el intento y haces poesía al decir: "La casa no nos deja resolver". Jamás volvemos a ella. O por lo menos no a la misma. Considérame una nueva lectora

Muchas gracias.

Beautiful and unsettling at the same time. Doorways are just portals for us to enter or others to come to us. Nice imagery.

Glad you could feel that duel sense of emotion. I try to present the light and the dark. But hopefully more light, more beauty. Thanks for your comment.

Interesting , could you explain the meaning though?

On it's deepest level, this is a poem about reincarnation. The house represents life, in which we try to settle, but we move from one to the next.

I like how your poems transport me to a different reality and just make me forget about the moment. As much as I like living in the moment, I also like to travel far and wide in my mind and your poems do that to me. To me, it seemed like something I'd feel if I go back to the house I lived in during my childhood- brings out those sort of sentiments and nostalgia.

Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. It is a good feeling to be transported somewhere memorable and enjoyable. I'm glad these words can do that for you.

A house at the edge of the world, where many things come together? Haha sounds like the edge of consciousness!

Thanks for your beautiful words <3

Yes, it very much could be a reference to the edges of consciousness. In a way I suppose it is. Glad to read your thoughts.

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