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RE: POETRY | DAY 7 | The House at the Edge of the World

Siempre es hermoso escribir de la casa, @naquoya. y de volver a ella, pero qué sucede cuando no existe la casa a donde llegar. Vagamos, náufragos buscando guarecernos en esa casa del recuerdo, esa que nunca se olvida. Me gustó este poema. Te leo por aquí


We wander, shipwrecked, looking for shelter in that house of remembrance,

I translated your comment via Google, so I may not have got it 100% correct, but I think I get the gist of what you are saying. The above quote caught my eye, because I think that sums up a lot of what I feel, and try to capture with my poetry and other writing. To me, this poem I have written is about the house representing a doorway. A pinch point between one world and the next. The house won't let us settle. Which is how I often feel about life.

Thank you for your comment, sorry my Spanish is not good enough to communicate in, although I am learning.

Se agradece el intento y haces poesía al decir: "La casa no nos deja resolver". Jamás volvemos a ella. O por lo menos no a la misma. Considérame una nueva lectora

Muchas gracias.

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