Steemit name Challenge: What is YIDNETH? A graphic novel nourishing all my music projects

in #steemitnamechallenge6 years ago (edited)
I honestly cannot recall who nominated me to do this. Either way I am super late joining this challenge and I cannot recall who did it but here it is :). And I can tell you in advance this post will help you to get to know me better in many ways. The original idea on this contest was shared by @felobtc quite a while ago but it is still working and helping us to get to know each other :). This was the original post that started it all

The Rules:

  • Tell us in your post how you chose the current Steemit username you have, the story behind it.
  • Tell us your real name!
  • If you could change your current Steemit username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it! Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that I can track all the posts and check them out
  • Nominate 5 people for this challenge

My steemit user name "Yidneth". What does it mean?

yidneth back cover - by Priscilla Hernandez (

Above: Back cover of "YIDNETH" (I made that drawing mid 90s more than two decades ago!!)

Yidneth is my trademark and the name of my record label and also the title of a personal artistic project that has nourished my art since I was a child. It is a project that has grown up with me and has shifted with me too.

Yidneth started as a horror/fantasy novel that I illustrated to make a comic out of it. It consists of a 74 coloured pages that I scripted as a child and took shape as a graphic novel mid 90's. Though a number of the illustrations have been featured in publications or been remade to be featured in my published artworks, the project remains unpublished as a whole.

Still my illustrated music albums include drawings, scenes and characters that were born in it. So my CDs are in fact "Soundtracks" to my YIDNETH story.
Here an example of how the project entwines with my music and videos.

Of course there are different realms, stories and spin-offs but most of the concepts were born in that first early graphic novel. And though my style has changed a lot since, I wonder if one day I will rescue the project and rewrite it to fit my actual style and skills. I wanted to be a writer, then I added illustrations, finally a score. But considering to redo this one Should I? Drop your encouragement!

Artistically it is one the projects that have satisfied me the most, not only because I do believe the story is worthy, but also because I've gotten used to their characters and have created an alternative world around it. Yidneth is about fairies and ghosts but neither a fairytale nor a ghost story.

The four realms in YIDNETH


Above: my drawing of "Yidneth" in The Underliving ( (2011)

Yidneth is also the "Universe" in which many of my drawings and songs are based upon.

THE LIVING (also called THE FLESH) The one we dwell, that is us, souls enclosed and incarnated in bodies. The only realm most of us will ever know, experience or remember. Though sometimes our crysalis is torn and our eyes can see beyond its wrapping.

The UNDERLIVING things living but not alive also title of my second album A world close to the LIVING casting their influence, weaving the fabric of our dreams and thoughts. The inhabitants of this realm never lived but have a presence that sometimes is perceive it when we shape it with our imagination.
Have you ever heard words when the wind whispers? Have you ever stared into an empty corner until "something" stirs?
Dormant in the corner of our eyes, always there always hidden to your sight


Above: The Underliving illustrated booklet (

THE LOOM a realm of silver paths that SOULS without a body create as they want to incarnate to feel complete. Ghosts are rather bitter and sad creatures but the ubiquitous threads of the loom make them the perfect "messengers" as they can travel easily from one kingdom to another.

THE ANCIENT or the Elemental World, a world of SPIRITS that don't require body to be complete. The whole realm is an expansion of the feelings and thoughts of "The Ancient" the very spirit of physical matter and Nature. It/he will take shape and Yidneth will become "The Ancient's" wife. My first album was "Ancient shadows"


Above: The Ancient depicted in "Ancient Shadows" (2006)

There are several stories branched out of them but the main "Yidneth" is a simple romantic yet bitter story in the Elemental World between "The Ancient" an elemental god, ruler of the "spirit world". It is a fairy/ghost/underworld cross-over. Inspired both by my love of fairy and ghost literature and my experiences with sleep paralysis. I do not wish to be very revealing so if you want to see this one finished, encouraged is welcome, though great parts of it are already scattered in my two albums and forthcoming one.

Part of the story takes place in a different time/space setting and dwells with metaphysical concepts as our own "identity".

Remember who you were. Be aware of you are. Decide who you will be

Below: A recent drawing of "Yidneth" with one of "The Underliving" creatures just in ink as it will be featured in my forthcoming album "Fear no More"

My real name is Priscilla Hernandez which is also my artist name

It is not a mystery. I have been using my real name along with my songs, publications, writings, albums since I started sharing them. I thought it was sensible that my authorship would be linked to my real name. My real name is actually Priscilla Hernandez and that is how you can find me if you google me or look for my music online on Itunes or Spotify. My official website is both or so wether you use my nickname or user name it redirects to the same place. :). I used to dislike my name when I was little but as I am a fan of Tolkien, the writer of "The Lord of the Rings" , I grew fond of it when I found he named his daughter Priscilla Tolkien.

Still my merchandising uses my logo and trademark... I never thought "Priscilla Hernandez" would do a nice t-shirt hahaha. I sort of regretted but I have too much material published by my real name already, which sounds "not very magical, unfortunately" sigh!

A curiosity, a coincidence, maybe synchronicity or perhaps magic: YIDNETH is a Goddess


When I created my YIDNETH logo and trademark that I designed myself I drew an "Y" and I also made the shape of a woman inspired in the character of my story in spirit form. It was during a performance in Oregon, when one listener came to gift me a pendant with "The Goddess" symbol as a gift as it was similar to my logo. The Goddess, A representation of Mother Earth, and Divinity in Women. I was thrilled and I have treasured it. I am wearing it today. Many people if I am a Witch or Pagan. I am just "Spiritual" but I have found my own ways to connect to the worlds I create through lucid dreaming and art creation.

But who is YIDNETH? what kind of creature she is? It's a mystery even in my own book. Was this a coincidence?

goddess pensant wicca - by Priscilla Hernandez (

Other listeners and followers of my work has gifted me items with my logo engraved or sculpted, here a few of the most special.


Above: a glass cup sculpted in the shape of my logo "YIDNETH" made by a friend and listener River (USA).
Below: My double Ocarina, one of the instruments I play, made by instrument maker Charlie Hind and with my logo engraved on it.


I even have a dress custom made by one of my listeners who had it sent to my USA premiere. Her name is Linda Blankenship and we would meet in person in another concert in Baltimore some years after. It remains one of my favourite gowns and it's special because it has my own logo embroidered into it.

yidneth dress - by Priscilla Hernandez (

And now I see YIDNETH logo everywhere

In trees, in flowers...
Once I found that connection I started to stumble upon the shape everywhere

dryad - by Priscilla Hernandez (

Above: Very recent photo of a tree that looks likes "Yidneth" logo. Can you see her shape? It almost look she was about to walk.

goddess - by Priscilla Hernandez (

Inside flowers...

Channelling that Goddess now in me

So as you know I love Nature, hugging trees.
Somehow through the years in my imagination "Yidneth" has become my alter-ego in my imagination. Of course I am not her, nor I have been bestowed the gifts and powers she has in my story. But through my poems, my drawings, the novel, my songs... she is alive inside me.
It is said "every woman channels and goddess". Yidneth is mine.
She is present not only as my trademark, logo and company but also as one of the characters that appear in all my albums, she gathers the stories... she is the "Queen of her Realm" (title of one of my songs)
So whenever I feel connected to something magical I lift my arms... and I let her out
The Goddess that lives in me, the one that rules in my "imaginary world"

is she me...? or am I her?

But when she's alone she gives in careless flight... and thus she became the Queen of her Realm

yidneth logo trademark  - by Priscilla Hernandez (

If I could chose another user name...

Unlikely, I've used "Yidneth" or my real name so long... in fact you can locate me as "yidneth" in almost every network I use twitter, youtube,facebook and
instagram and of course my official website

And I nominate...
I know some of you may have done it already, so feel free to post yours in comments :)


Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator


Amazing story, great background of the name, fantastic pieces of art, love the ideas and the whole post! Thanks for nominating - I will think about it, how to show it and explain it in best way, it wont be so interesting as Yours, but I will do my best ;)...

Thank you, I just too the chance to tell a bit about this project that has been so long with me... somehow always incomplete but at the same time present. :) Looking forward to see yours, just your pictures will make it interesting to me, you have of one of the most beautiful accounts on this platform.

Thank You again, I am ust afraid that behind the pictures there will be not so much to tell - the name 'photovisions' is just a two words- photo and visions which explains everything ;) but I will try to put some more from myself ;)

Yes the nickname is just one part of the challenge. We both started around the same time, I am sure many of the new followers will appreciate an "indirect" reintroduction. You pictures do tell a lot about your nickname. They are visions and shards of beauty. We live n such a beautiful planet struggling with so many stains and ugliness but all I see through your "visions" is its beauty.

What an interesting and well narrated post, @yidneth !!! Love the details with which you go through the various aspects of your journey <3 The four realms are particularly creative and wonderful <3

Beautiful post!! Good luck in the challenge !!


I do not think the challenge is a contest, right? Guess the award is that it helps to get to know each other better. That first drawing is from the nineties, I am less colourful now, elementals mire abstract. Still the core of the story remained and lived on in my music too. 💞 Thanks for the feedback.

aaah i guess the rewards is its own rewards! connection with people and sharing more about each other~ that's great <3 I kinda like your old style, but your current style is also very creative and beautiful :>

I extend my nominations to you if you wanna try 💞

oh my name is just because im from australia and we are known to have a lot of spiders here, and then the SPIDER was already taken so then i am VERYspider...

the end


Lol, but not "every" spider is "very" spider 🕸️🕷️ Some spiders are cute, here we do not have dangerous species.

I nominated you for this some time ago, and I am so happy you did this!!! It is no problem that you are late, better late than never, right? Thank you for doing this, I think we know so much more about you now 💚

Aw thank you, so it was you. I remember having read yours 💞. I took ages, I want to do truths and lie too, but slowly trying to gather time.

🎉 Congratulations @yidneth! 👏, your amazing Artwork has been selected to be featured in my curation post.

Awww thanks that is really lovely and encouraging ! :) just found out but going to spend some time tomorrow visiting my fellow steemartists selected, loved the carterpillar with the umbrella aww! Once more thank you!

PRiscilla, oh I meant to comment last night.. I love your logo and art( all of it, music, writing, pictures, art, spirit..) hat drawing on the back of your book is sensational. Stunning, amazing how you do that! The tree is uncanny.. just wow. Mother Nature recognizes you and approves🍪And who can blame her?

Awwe thanks for the cookie and all the emojis you are the sweetest. Yidneth is not me I am nothing but an echo, but it has become part of me being a personal project so long. Maybe one day I will sit down and gather all its shards

Damn thia is awesome, really unique name and unique story behind it! And those graphics look epic

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Always encouraging!

Haven't had a chance to hear your music yet, but I already love your drawings! :-) And since your music is the theme-songs to the graphic novel, I'm very curious indeed...


Thank you so much. Scroll back a few posts, you will find an article called "In the mist" it is the perfect example of how art and music entwine together. Hope you like it.

I listened... I watched... and was amazed. This is not the kind of music I normally listen to to be perfectly honest, but this videoclip of In The Mist provided a very pleasant journey indeed :-) I am a big fan of all things fantasy and science-fiction, so I was sold immediately on the drawings and now the music to: it IS a "perfect example of how art and music entwine together". Also it took me back a lot of years and made me think of the theme-song of my mother's favorite tv-series of the time, I think it was called "Get Harry" or "Harry's Game"... That song had something very angelic about it, just like yours. Maybe you heard of that song: "Harry's Theme" by Clannad:

Anyhow, listening and watching your videoclip my mind was full with a cyclone of memories, scenes from Lord of the Rings, mom turning up the volume when Harry's game would start... It was only a mini-series that lasted maybe two or three weeks, and I was like 6 or 7 years old, but your music brought me right back there! Thanks for being the creative person you are and thanks for the journey :-)

Honest is good 🌱 and appreciated, music and art are subjective to taste and we all have the kind that stirs our feelings. I am honoured though you made the effort to check because for me it is all connected. I grew up loving fantasy and as a middle aged woman I can say I did not let it go. That song is beautiful I had heard it but did not know it was from a series. Growing in the 80s my icon series was The Storyteller and my favourite movies The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. Fantasy is part of my real life too, I do go to the woods dressed in gowns carrying a harp, not even joking lol

I admire people who dare to live their fantasies :-)

Dream of mine
Push me forward
Where you go
I will follow

You have most certainly chanmelled your inner goddess, @yidneth !!! In utter admiration.... 🌱🦄

It was just a coincidence but what I meant is that in the worlds we create, we are queen and kings... imagination is such a powerful thing, I am certainly not "yidneth" still the project has evolved, changed, shifter and grown with me, and somehow I became part of it myself :) It changed my perception of things even. Thanks for reading :) Hope one day to publish it as a whole, meanwhile it s fragments scatter in all my work as an "echo"

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