Questions With WolfDawg Episode 4 (A 7-Year Old Answers Questions From The Steemit Community).

in #steemitkids7 years ago (edited)

This is Week 4 of Questions with WolfDawg.
This week we had 4 questions and I added one to make it five questions.
The questions are kept to a maximum of five to keep the video at approximately 5 minutes in length. This week's video went a little past the six-minute mark as WolfDawg had a lot of input.

Questions For This Week

  • @aunt-deb If you could visit anyplace in the world, where would you go and why?
  • @moondancer762 Why do we need money in our society?
  • @moondancer762 Why can't we have a society without money?
  • @siriusgaia What do you like most to do with your daddy?
  • Today is Canada's 150th Birthday. What gift would you send @barrydutton and why?

Submit your questions for WolfDawg to answer every Saturday below. 5 questions will randomly be selected each week.

This is a life project for my son to learn responsibility and to learn how to earn money by bringing value to the community.

75% of post-rewards go to him(25% to savings) and the other 25% will be used for a family trip or family present(of his choice).

The percentages are to teach responsibility and to give him a better understanding of where a person's income truly goes each week.

Thank you for joining us!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3


Article explaining inspiration

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I have two new questions. But they're both quite big with multiple parts so maybe one next week, and one the week after.

This carries on from the questions about money. If mom and dad needed some help getting enough money for food, what could you do right now as a 7 year old to either earn some money, or directly provide some food? Would you need to learn how to do some new things to be able to help?

The other questions are about school.
If he goes to school, the questions are: What do you like best about school? What do you like the least? If you could switch to home schooling, would you? Why do you think it would be better?
If he already home schools, switch it around: What do you like best about home schooling? What do you like the least? If you could switch to going to school with other kids, would you? Why do you think it would be better?

Yes, these are hard hitters and I love them. Questions that make him think critically are the greatest. Thanks so much for these.

Well that was entertaining. Here's a question.

Do you believe in life on other planets?

Wow, good question. I am so glad I did not ask this today because I almost included it as the fifth question. There is a reason for everything. Thanks for the question.

No problem brother.

Oh my! This was fun to watch! I had a smile on my face all through (maybe a big grin). And his love for food!

Such an adorable boy with a banging nickname 😄. Keep up the work. This should help him master the art of articulating thoughts and answering questions very well.

Well done

Thanks at @fisteganos. He does love food, that is for sure. He is looking forward to the videos more and more each week. There are many benefits for him to do them(many of which you mentioned) and he does not even realize it. This is one way to make learning fun! I am glad you enjoyed it.

So... I'm taking 6+ minutes and this was the BEST break I've had all day. I think it actually made my weekend. LOL Wolfdawg is awesome! I think the boy may be hungry. He sure likes food. Uhh... I could eat a groundhog if I was really hungry. ROFLMAO.
How'd you guys break a wrench? Dang!

Question for wolfdawg

If you had a super power, what would it be?

Love it when I hear he makes other people's day like he makes ours
There are always 3 things on WolfDawg's mind.

  • Food
  • Trucks
  • Guns

Probably in that order. The kid asks for fried egg sandwiches on bread with mayonnaise for breakfast and then grabs his favorite Tonka Truck and BB gun to head outside and play while he waits for breakfast to be finished.

Questions I hear all day

  • Daddy what's better a Ford or Chevy?
  • Daddy why don't you own a truck?
  • Daddy how many people own Ford F-150s?
  • Daddy, you know Hondas are junk; right?
  • Daddy are you going to let me shoot a minigun one day?
  • Daddy when are we going to get a sniper?
  • Daddy when are we going to eat Chinese again?
  • Daddy is it time to eat yet?

As for the wrench breaking.

Lol, I wish.
It was one feisty bolt.
Thanks for the Question.

Thanks for the great reply! I couldn't have come up with a better reason to visit a place than that. Well done!

That boy WolfDawg is just bubbling over with energy :)) This brought more than one smile to my face hehe..

I love this series, I did always scroll through your posts and notice the 'Questions with WolfDawg' poster towards the end, but never investigated further..Wish I had noticed earlier and then I would have submitted a question last Sat.. lol but better late then never.

My question to WolfDawg,

If you wrote a book, what would you name the main character and where would he/she go?

Yes, he was surely energetic that day. We are still awaiting approval for his channel name. Hopefully, it will be soon. Thanks for submitting a question.

Can't wait to see him here!! Is his sister also joining? :)

I am going to wait a few days for wolfdawgs channel. If I have not received confirmation I may think about creating a shared channel for the two. I don't know if i have the time to run more than 3 accounts.

did you get any news yet? But regardless, I think a shared account might be better for the beginning..less stress for you, and they can work together to create content featuring them both or their shared works like poems, songs, etc. hehe

No, still no news.

:( joining steemit is getting to be like waiting for your kraken tier 3 verification

LOL. You are not kidding. I keep my coin decentralized, but Kraken is one of the few sites to allow withdrawals. I wanted multiple ways to withdraw coin if I needed to so I wanted to get verified at Kraken. It's been weeks now.

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