'True Love' For The Community - Your Only Sure Bet To Succeed On Steemit

Want to thrive on Steemit? Love the Steem blockchain wholeheartedly! Then leave the rest.

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There have been countless posts telling us about how we can be successful on Steemit. While some explained how being persistent regardless of the difficulties that face the minnows, can help us succeed, some have talked about the great influence that interaction have in hitting the limelight here.

Some believe in making posts for initiatives that give good amount of upvotes; ie @utopian-io, @steemstem, etc and to be candid, this has helped countless steemians till today. But the fact needs to be faced:

You cannot only rely on third parties to succeed in whatever you are doing. The most reliable being is you, yourself.

While at these listed methods; persistence, interactions and giving to the community have worked and are working and will always work on Steemit, there is something behind the scenes that connect all these together. You do not have this single thing, then you cannot succeed in using any of the listed methods above. You want to know what this is? Your love for the Steem blockchain!

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Your love for what you are doing will make you keep doing it even if your expectations; rewards and fame are not coming yet. Your love for what you are doing (blogging) will make you feel like doing it always. Your love for the community will make you feel incomplete when you are not on it or doing it. And that means you will always be happy just by being on Steemit, posting, leaving comments on people's posts and in all, interacting and socializing with the people in the community - because you love the community.

All it requests from you is your 'true love'.

Before you could get the honey from bee, you have to get ready to be stung.

There is no such greatness that comes without difficulties. Not just on Steemit but this is applicable in our everyday activities. Every great things come with their troubles. And on Steemit, the difficulties have to do with getting being noticed, getting feedbacks on your high quality posts and lastly getting enviable rewards (of course the payouts are important, too). And all these lead to one thing: becoming a dolphin and then whale - the dream of every steemian.

You can only be consistent when you love the community.

While consistency and persistence are keys to reaching one's goals in everything one engages in, loving that thing that you engage in is what will pave the way for you. It is hard to get your posts on trending pages no matter how good they are. That is understandable because we have over a million users on Steemit and countless posts are being published almost every second. But keeping it up will show you to the community one day.

Love this Steem blockchain wholeheartedly, and in no time, you shall thrive and succeed.

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I know you don't give a crap, but I will tell you this:
I am @teekingtv, the no.1 Global Meetup analyst

I request for your feedback through comment. And I may get you arrested for ignoring this post.

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Hi! This is jlk.news intelligent bot. I just upvoted your post based on my criteria for quality. Keep on writing nice posts on Steemit and follow me @jlkreiss to get premium world news updates round the clock! 🦄🦄🦄

You're so right bro, but everybody has to find their own route to success on steemit. Great post.

Exactly! Thank you for checking by.

Just love to read anything that rejuvenates my steemit inspiration.

lovely read @teekingtv

Thank you for reading it.

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