What children should be able to do at what age

What children should be able to do at what age

Children learn from the first breath and every day. In doing so, they develop a very individual pace, which is based on the incentives from the outside and the speed of the child's development. The second can not be controlled, the first, however, already. Use the opportunity to teach your child certain "skills" when they need them!

In order to cope in the world and to be able to move safely, every human needs certain abilities. We learn many of them as children with more or less parental support. What children should be able to do depends on age and what they need in their personal environment. For example, a city child does not necessarily know all poisonous plants, but does know how to call parents at a public phone booth.


Basic knowledge for the little ones

As soon as a child is able to move independently, it is also in danger of hurting oneself. Some experiences have to be done by the little ones themselves, in front of others - and their consequences - we parents can protect them. As with the risks, it also behaves with other rules. Even small children can learn certain things and remember.

Fire is hot

That's what kids should learn as early as possible. They do not have to touch the candle, the hot teapot or the hotplate. Teach your child to stay away from hot as early as possible. It's really easy. Under supervision, make sure that your child is closer to a hot object. This can be the teapot, for example. Warn it by saying, "Careful, that's hot!" Your child will feel the heat as he approaches the pot, and connect it with your words. So it learns what's hot and that you do not touch those things. Using similar methods, you can also teach your child about other risks, such as the danger posed by electricity or broken glass.

You do not torture animals

This can also be taught to very young children. Animals have a sense of pain, but that is not yet clear to our little ones. If your child causes pain to an animal, say a very clear no and explain to him in age-appropriate words that the animal feels pain. This will also protect your child, because a dog or a cat who is hurt, can also fight back once and with evil consequences.

Hewing is not allowed

Teach your child as early as possible not to beat, bite or scratch others. This is part of socialization. Helpful in this learning process is to alert your child to the person's facial expression or feelings: "Does your brother look happy? Does he laugh? "You can ask that when your child strikes. At the same time, they train their empathic abilities.

What preschoolers should know

Preschoolers are often not as small as they look. You can do a lot and should too. In particular, the following skills should already be available at preschool age.

Good manners

Please, thank you, good day, excuse me - your child should know the basic rules of polite behavior and also behave at the dining table reasonably mannered, food with cutlery children in the fourth year of life is usually quite good. Just watch out for one thing: very timid children often have a lot of problems getting in touch with strangers. If you do not want to shake hands with the distant aunt and say hello, that is not a sign of rudeness, but shyness. Do not force your child to interact, but give him some time to get used to the new person.

What is your name and where do you live?

This should already be known to preschoolers. City children should know the main bus connections. If possible, you should also have the telephone number from home at hand.

Wear, undress, tie shoes

Most children learn this by the way, but when tying shoes and closing buttons they often need guidance and help. Once the knot has burst, it also works from the third to the fourth year of life.

The gang to the toilet

At the age of four, a child should be able to go to the bathroom himself and know that they need to wash their hands afterwards. But if it still needs to be cleaned off for a popo, that's just how it will be - sooner or later it will be done by itself.

In traffic

Of course, give your child - without, of course, scare him - how dangerous cars and motorcycles can be and that the road is not a playground. The most important rules your child should master as early as possible: Do not go red at the traffic lights, look for a crosswalk and look thoroughly left and right before crossing a road. City children have to be educated disciplined here and stick to the rules reliably. From about four years onwards, children should be able to control their bicycles and gain more freedom of movement.

Never go with strangers!

Again, this is a point your child should learn as early as possible. Beware of strangers is an aspect that is also a tightrope walk. Therefore, set up this simple rule that your child can follow without too much detailing the reasons.

No say allowed

Teach your child that it always has the right to say "no" when it feels unwell. This applies to strangers, but also acquaintances. Children who are allowed to have a right to co-determination and their own opinion from the beginning, learn this anyway.

Caution toxic

Especially children who live in the countryside should know the most important poisonous plants and know what makes their fingers better. You can teach this knowledge to children over the age of three while they are in the countryside.


Finally schoolchild - time for more responsibility

Schoolchildren take many steps without the parents. All the more important that they control certain things from the bottom up.


A schoolchild should be able to swim, sooner or later it would certainly go with the school friends alone in the outdoor or indoor pool. This is only possible when it is absolutely safe.

Driving by bus and train

Again especially important for city children. The use of public transport should be mastered. It also means that a child dares to ask the conductor where to go.

Alone shopping

This can be difficult for shy children, but in principle, schoolchildren should dare to buy something in a shop on their own. This can be great practice at the ice cream stall. The motivation is high and ordering the right ice creams, not too difficult.

Children learn a lot with their parents as role models and by the way, you have to teach others your child in a targeted way. Do not forget about the most important lesson: Learning should be fun and be patient if your child does not understand as fast as you imagine.


Did I forget something? Can you think of any more points?
I´m looking forward to your experiences and additions.



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That's quit a big list. And I do agree with most of them.
We should however remember that all kinds have their own learning pace. Some are ahead on some part, while other do excel in other area's.

It is always difficult to compare kids with each other. Not only they do have their own will and mindset, but also the field of interest varies.


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