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RE: Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge #13 : The Finest Fish Dish and New Theme Announcement

This wasn't an easy contest to judge. I would actually try any of these dishes. Don't tell anyone, but I secretly enlisted a little bit of help from my wife. We disagreed on a couple of the places, but I went with my gut and I hope the participants are OK with the decisions. That @amy-goodrich will have to ship me one of those prosciutto-wrapped fishes! Or we need to figure out how to make instant food transfers over the blockchain! Get to work on that, @dantheman!

Thanks again for thinking about me and thanks to everyone who entered. Your contributions help build the community and keep it engaged...and fun.

I sent the SBDs to the honorable mentions. That should at least get them some of the ingredients for this week's contest! For transparency, here are the transfers:



food transfers over the blockchain

hah! that's a million dollar idea!

Thank you for the bonus prizes. How could we not have you on the list of choices - you have been helping so many authors make their posts proper and more appropriate not to mention the rest of what you do for the community - in steem-trail and other guilds so Thank you very much and extend our gratitude to your wife!

hah! that's a million dollar idea!

Really? Hmm...perhaps I should delete that comment and find a developer...

And I will certainly let my wife know that her help was appreciated.

(By the way - I'm not actually part of Steem-trail anymore. Just wanted to clear that up.)

@ats-david haha - you should haha (with regards to the million dollar idea )

I see, no biggie - you were and though you no longer are - you still do curate and encourage authors!

Thanks so much for awarding me 3rd place @ats-david! You surely know by now I love to cook and do fun things with it, and I'm ever-so pleased to have the bonus of a prize!!!

You're welcome! I thought that was a very creative and clever take on fish. I think you have successfully and single-handedly improved the culinary rank of the English! So congratulations on that!

Now if you could only get the rest of your fellow countrymen/women to follow suit...

Ha ha, thanks so much, what a compliment! I do my best to bring nutrition and culinary creativity to the English masses, but alas most are held captive in MacDonalds and the ready-meals aisle in Tesco. Uninspired and malnourished, it's very sad :-(

Well, then just remember that you're a goddess among women/men. You will mold the world around you.

Thanks for the honor @ats-david! Depending on where you live I'll gladly send you one of those proscuitto wrapped fishes over... or even better why not take a short holiday and come and have one here in Cambodia!

Well, I don't know if the fish will survive the trans-pacific trip without going rancid, so maybe I'll just have to figure out a way to get to Cambodia.

Congratulations again on the win! That dish really did look fantastic. It was the one recipe that both my wife and I completely agreed on.

You are both more than welcome here! Or now that you have the recipe feel free to try the combo yourself. It's actually super easy to make. Thanks again! I'm glad you both loved the recipe!

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