💌 Steemit Comment Challenge #25 - $15 SBD + 2 x 200 SP (1 Weeks Delegation) - Comment like a Champ, Grow your blog like a Champ!! 💌

Transform your Comment into Cash

Steemit Comment Challenge Number #25 is here!!

Big shout-out to @jo5h, last week's winner. He did the awesome thing to donate a big part of his prize money to support this contest. Thank you @jo5h for the 4 SBD!

NO VOTING - This change was introduced last week. There will no longer be a Top5 based on the most voted comments. Instead, the winner and the 2nd place will both be selected by the judges.

The challenge now ends Friday morning and the winners will be presented Friday evening, based on UTC Time.

As I wrote in my last update, I have changed my view on bid bots and stopped using them on all posts except for my contest/challenge posts.
Although the ROI is not great, I have been able to increase the prize payouts with the extra earnings. But I think I will stop using them on these challenge posts as well...

Short term it might be beneficial to use the bots to boost payouts, but for the long-term success, I believe I will be much better off with "organic growth". In the same way I'm discouraged by posts with big bid bots, I'm sure potential long-term supporters would be discouraged by my posts as well. Let's see how it will pan out.

So expect prizes to be reduced gradually in the following two rounds.
Thank you for your understanding!

The partnership with the #newbieresteemday initiative will continue. I'm happy to have them by my side and I try to do my best to support their users. The Newbieresteem initiative is an excellent community for new Steemians. Their motto and this challenge are meant to strengthen interaction skills, to support and motivate better participation. And what better way to interact with others than through excellent comments.

Get ready to deliver some magnificent comments! Polish your keyboard and sharpen your mind, I wanna see those comments rolling in. Please show me what you have got!

It is important to get followers, but you also want the correct type of followers. Followers that are truly interested in your blog and what you write, and not the “I-follow-you-if-you-follow-me” kind of type. And to attract the right type of followers, you need to write godlike comments.

This challenge is all about writing godlike comments.

Steemit Comment Challenge Logo

  • In each challenge a post from a fellow minnow will be featured.
  • The challenge is to write an amazing comment related to that post.
  • I will resteem the post.
  • I will give it a 100% upvote.

This will be part of my campaign to help other Minnows. The#minnowsupportproject helped me and I want to help others.

Join the challenge and practice your skills.

Please join the fun! 💓 💓

comment meme

That will be me reading your entries...

Challenge Instructions

Write a comment linked to the content in the section below "Post To Review"

Write a comment that will intrigue the reader. The comment should be interesting and create an urge in the reader to click through to your blog.

The entry needs to be written as a comment to this post.

Please resteem to help promote this challenge!

Tell your friends to come and join.


The prize money for Challenge #25 will be 15 SBD + 2 x 1 week 200 SP delegation.

We will have the following prizes:

  • 1st prize - 10 SBD + 200 SP 1 week delegation.
  • 2nd prize - 5 SBD + 200 SP 1 week delegation.

Big thanks to @jo5h, who sponsored 4 SBD!

Make sure to give @jo5h a visit and spread some love. 💌

Rules and conditions

  • The comment should be relevant to the content below in: "Post To Review".
  • Please mind the length of your reply. I don't want to have strict limits, but remember that your tasks is to write a comment and not a chapter for a book. ;)
  • The entry needs to be written as a comment to this post.
  • Entries limited to one per person.
  • Entries need to be written in English.
  • I will reply to your comment confirming it is a valid entry.
  • The challenge ends Friday morning, 0600 UTC time.
  • The winner will be presented Friday evening, UTC time.
  • The 1st and 2nd Prize will be picked by the judges based purely on quality and their own judgment.
  • If the judges can not reach a consensus, they will each pick one candidate and flip a coin. @dorabot will be used for this in MSP's Discord server.
  • If the winner is not a Minnow, the prize will be split in 2 and the other half paid out to the best Minnow. After all, this is a competition to encourages Minnows, so hopefully that will be fair.
  • The definition for a Minnow from #minnowsupportproject will be used. A Minnow is someone with less than 5K SP. (I have removed the follower requirement as I don't see that as relevant.)

Post To Review

Here follows the post for you to review:

Challenge #25's Post - "THE MINNOW SCHOOL | Legacy is what matters the most!", by @bait002.

@bait002 writes about @steemexchanger, a Steem Exchange service in Nigeria to simplify conversion from steem to fiat. This service is part of the offline minnow school initiative. The minnow school was founded by @bait002, supported by @raymondbruce, @meemee, and @faetee. The steem exchange service hosted at https://steemexchanger.ng/ was designed by @atare.

The team is busy with expanding this service to other countries. In addition, they are eager for feedback and suggestions. Please check it out and let us know what you think and if you have anything to recommend.

Remember that a valid entry in this contest is a comment written below, but please feel free to add the same comment to @bait002's post.

Guest Judge

Would you like to take part and act as a judge?
If you are interested, please indicate it in the comments or send me a message on Discord (@danielsaori).

Please donate, please help a minnow

If you like this idea and would like it to grow. Please feel free to donate and I will add it to the Prize Pool. Mention #steemitcommentchallenge in your memo.

History of donations:
@zeartul 10SBD
@destinysaid 5SBD
@dray91eu 8SBD
@tech-trends 10STEEM
@fishmon 10SBD
@destinysaid 5SBD
@fishmon 5SBD
@nanosesame 10SBD
@amariespeaks 5SBD
@leeart 1SBD
@jo5h 4SBD

Previous Comment Challenge Winner

Here follows the list of all the previous winners.

List from oldest to newest:

guyverckw, stephcurry, timeshiftarts, dray91eu,
digitalking, fatpandadesign, fishmon, kslo,
learnandteach01, cryptobychirag, japh, brandyb,
stellastella, amos-robinson, lucyc, bridgetnnenna,
adesojisouljay, teekingtv, donnest, vonromulobalsamo

...will YOU be next on the list??

The Steemit Comment Challenge now follows a fixed schedule.
A new challenge will be released every Sunday evening (UTC time).
The contest ends Friday morning and the winners will be announced Friday evening (UTC time).

Thank you for reading!

Proud member of #minnowsupportproject, #newbieresteemday & #teamaustralia

Click HERE to learn more about Minnow Support Project.
Click HERE to connect to our Discord chat server.

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@danielsaori footer


Hi there DS! Been waiting for this contest. ♥

First of all, I think the "no voting" is a good move. Second, I think adding the "upvote this post" rule would be quite ok considering the prizes you give each week. Lots of other contests with smaller prize pool are implementing the "must upvote this post" rule and lots of people gladly join it. I know that it's a rule in the gray area, so the decision is back to you. :D

My entry... posted as is to bait002...

do something that you would be remembered for here and beyond.

That is a beautiful quote you have there. ♥

The best legacy that I could think of immediately would be the Nobel Prize. It's been 122 years after the death of Alfred Nobel, but his legacy still remains strong until today. Mother Teresa was also leaving her legacy clear and strong.

Creating international legacy would be quite difficult for some people. However, I believe that simple legacy could be done by everyone. Imo, to create a legacy, we can do it in two ways, the long and short way.

The long way would be to build systems in place. E.g. for your offline school you must have been building systems such as curriculums and Standard Operation Procedures.

The short way could be as simple as Pay It Forward movement. When we receive something (such as knowledge) from A, we could just pass it to B. B then to C, and so on.

Congratulation in leaving your legacy. I believe that even though the exchange could serve more people, but you offline Steemit scholl would leave bigger impact in people's lifes.

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!


The voting part is fun in a way but too few people got engaged in it and it was easy to game the system to get into Top5.

The upvoting part was link to my use of bid bots. I have never required people to upvote to be able to participate.
I’ve been using bid bots on these posts to boost earnings, so I’ve been able to payout more. So that is what I will stop with. 😀

I didn't know about steemexchanger until @danielsaori featured this post so i cannot talk about it. But it sounds like its been a blessing to steemians so kudos

That been said. I am a huge fan of "do it yourself" and i am quite good at figuring how stuff work. And in the small steemibadan group im part of ive been able to put a lot of people through some functionalities. Its not much but it helps them get bearing. I do not think we need a reason to be good to people here. It should be unconditional. Ive gained alot from steemit especially from the people ive met and they did so without reservations so i always try to help as best i can

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!

Thank you Josh. I was also amazed when I saw this as it seems to be a great functionality for the Nigerian community.

@bait002. I must commend you guys for what you are doing @steemexchanger. About 2 weeks ago, I got a call from @steemexchanger just to welcome me officially and get my views about their service. I fell in love with @steemexchanger the more after that call.
I think you guys are really doing a great job in putting

the customer/client first

It is good you have put up this post, I feel you need to work on your new sms notification setting. I set the price of sbd at 380 as lowest, but I've got more than 4 sms notification that sbd is less than 380 when the info on @steemexchanger website is different. Can you explain better please

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!

Have you used the service and transferred steem to fiat? Would be interesting to hear about your experience.

Yes, I have used their service and still do. If you check my wwllet you will notice some of the latest transactions to them.

Their service is really nice and pretty fast. It takes less than 10sec to get the bank alert after concluding the transaction with them.

They are the best exchange for me at the moment because of their easy user interface and fast delivery. They also have a fast response customer care.

Thanks for writing back with your experience. Wow, 10 sec!! That is impressive.

Ya, they are doing an awesome work

I am so happy to see a fellow Nigerian making such a positive impact on a global community. I would like to follow in your footsteps. Already, i am working on a project with another great Steemian. We will soon roll out the service and see how it goes to benefit the community. True, we all have somthing to offer. It's all about looking inwards and striving to solve a basic human need. We desire a lot of change in how things are done. We can make the change and have a positive impact on others. Making sacrifices is a great mark of real inventors and entreprenuers.
Thanks so much @bait002 for the great work you did with steemexchanger. I still use it for exchanging steem. I hope you guys would improve the Steem purchase process when you are through with it so that it would be automated just like exchanging steem. I admire your great work and appreciate you as a source of inspiration. Thank you so much. Here is my entry post:

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!

Happy to read your comment Charles. And great to hear you are already using Steemexchanger and that you are promoting it to others.

Its great that you introduce exchange site for the steemians of Nigeria. It will be a big help for them to convert their earnings into cash. And also through that site, many people will be encourage to join in the platform since there is a proof that they get paid of their output. Many people are skeptics, skeptics in a since that they think online services are prone to scam. This made by your group, will be trully a legacy to every steemians in Nigeria and to other countries.

Doing things for humanity is such an impressive work. Doing things for the sake of others and without expecting any return is such an amazing act. No reward can pay, the happiness you've felt in doing things to uplift others. You have encourage minnows to experience and learn something new to make us grow in this community. And that legacy will be forever be treasured and remembered even your not anymore in this platform. Thank you @bait002 for creating legacy for us minnows. As what you have said:

"The true beauty of our humanity is in unrewarded service. And no service pays better."

You did it great @bait002, thank you and continue in helping minnows like me and may be guided by our Creator.

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!

Well done with the comment Jason. Nice of you to show your appreciation for this work.

Thank you @danielsaori. And I hope you will help more in this community. God bless.

I'm trying to do my best. That's all I can do. ;)

And you do it great @danielsaori. Kept it up and may God bless you always.

I agree with you a 100% if everybody just gave in a small way or did a small deed for another to make his or or life beter. The world would be a beter place for everybody. When you give without expecting something back your reward will be 10 times more in unexpected ways.

Yes, but it can be difficult to grasp for many people. Short term gains are easier to understand and those can often undermine long-term goals.

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!

Congratulations, you have been resteemed because you used the #newbieresteemday tag and have a good post!


taglifter giphy.gif

The tag-lifter looks for good #newbieresteemday posts to resteem to his 2500+ followers!

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!

I've resteemed this to my account to spread the word. Don't care about winning, just want to kick the can down the road, so other minnows will know about it.

Thank you Zingali, that is very nice of you. You are always welcome to join any time in case you change your mind. ;)

Awesome guy @danielsaori, you always do a great job! I am playing this week for the "Play 4 a Newbie Challenge", so any proceeds won will go to the prize pool for the 34 Newbies entered. Thanks again for all you do!

Here is my entry

First it's great to see that @danielsaori featured your post. He always manages to find some interesting people, and with this one he didn't disappoint.

For such a young man, you show an amazing amount of wisdom. I'm happy to see that you have learned some of the most important things in life.

expecting to get nothing in return but in fact that pays the most. Make life better for someone. Not because you like them, but because you have to have a legacy. And legacy is the most important, this is because, the longevity of legacy surpasses our own duration on earth.

This is so true. We are all on this planet for a relatively short period of time, so what you do with that time is what makes you who you are. Its not the money or fame that define who we were, its the people we help and the families we raised. I'm thrilled to see that you figured it out.

I am also impressed with what you have done with the exchange. I myself have been thinking of a way to make that process easier for me (and I'm in the US). So I commend you for being one of those few in life that are "do-ers" instead of just thinkers. Providing an exchange platform for others is a great service to the platform, especially to the people that can now use it to earn money!

Finally I would like to say that you are a natural leader. You should understand and appreciate that fact because it is a talent that many aren't blessed with. Keep encouraging people and volunteering to help others, it will take you far in life as you get older!

Great job and I'm very happy to see what you are doing here and I'm glad I got a chance to see such a terrific person as my teammate here! :)

My entry is on behalf of Play 4 a Newbie Challenge. All proceeds will go to a newbie Prize Pool and hopefully you will get other players to join in your game too!


Congrats Dave on the 1st Prize. Hope it will be a nice addition to the newbie prize pool.
Have a nice weekend!

I left a longer reply on the results page... But thank you very much here too :) ... I am thrilled and honored! :)

Ohhh and thanks to you the newbie nickels are starting to pile up... Here is one for you to see what they look like in case you haven't seen them ;) (ps... courtesy of @danielsaori)

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!

Happy to see those Newbie Nickels getting stronger and stronger. Both with more SP and due to the higher STEEM price.

It is a joy to have you here. You are always able to impress and you find great ways to compliment the author in a very honest and personal manner.

Thank you Dave! Or, should I call you "Play 4 a Newbie Challenge" ;)

Steemit is making move in africa. The ghanain community is creating their own steem to fiat system to help support our growing community. You can check it out ob steemit @yensesa it is currently in beta and if you reachnput they will let you test the interface.

@yensesa is also a witness so please help one Ghanas few nodes prosper with your vote!

The steemians over in nigeria are very inspiring and they once came to Ghana to help us get a head start!

Best of luck with your own initiative. Was the support from these guys behind steemexchanger or some other people?

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JST 0.029
BTC 67544.78
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65