THE MINNOW SCHOOL | Legacy is what matters the most!

in #promo-steem6 years ago

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Good morning guys, this is @bait002 the founder of the offline minnow school where minnows are mentored and groomed. Today I would like to throw some things out in the open. I am writing today from the feedback I got from my team @steemexchanger during our last meeting.

Over the last few months, I have been writing about encouraging people to volunteer and make themselves available helping others on steemit and with the steem ecosystem in general. The basis for this is the fact that there’s true definition of humanity and also you really don’t know who is watching. The last meeting we had was about us brainstorming on what else we can do for the community. We recently introduced an exchange site that has processed over 7000 transactions in less than 3 months. We are currently considering expanding our operational base and moving over to a new country and we are not disclosing where that would be yet. In addition we are also considering building something else for you all. We would be welcoming all sorts of ideas, so feel free to drop your suggestions in the comment box.

That is supposed to be my background on this post. And what I am trying to say is, you have to look for something you’re good at and make something happen for someone else because of that. The world is a little bit bearable today because some folks made some sacrifice. Maybe the sacrifice didn’t pay them at the exact speed or level they expected but the joy of a visionary is the fact that someone has a better life and that’s because of something they did.

I would like you to look around you and find someone that’s under your control, something you could do and that if you did that thing, life would be better for someone else; just do it. That’s what makes us better. There’re some of us who would never be a part of something no matter what, if some manner of rewards isn’t attached to it. We don’t get better that way. I tell you friend, we don’t get better that way.

The true beauty of our humanity is in unrewarded service. And no service pays better.

That’s the paradox of it, we do expecting to get nothing in return but in fact that pays the most. Make life better for someone. Not because you like them, but because you have to have a legacy. And legacy is the most important, this is because, the longevity of legacy surpasses our own duration on earth. The bottom line is this,

do something that you would be remembered for here and beyond.

Thank you very much for checking on my blog today. Remember to recommend what you expect steemexchanger to build next. PEACE!

I am @bait002 and I am a lover of steemit

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The true beauty of our humanity is in unrewarded service. And no service pays better.

For each, their own perception of beauty. How many thousands have starved, betrayed by those whom they helped? I help people because I want, but not because I feel like I'll get anything out of it.

I help others after I help myself, and I don't think that people who don't help others have any ugliness in them. It's just a personal preference beyond absolute aesthetic judgement. Everything that is ugly to some can be beautiful to others, and vice-versa.

I actually wrote a post about this the other day. I won't say it's the right way to live, but I at least like to do good things because I feel satisfied rather than doing them because of a sense of divine obligation.

You're right friend. It's really not a question of good or bad people, it's a function of how we've resolved in our hearts to make things better for others no matter what. Thanks for your words.

I agree with you a 100% if everybody just gave in a small way or did a small deed for another to make his or or life beter. The world would be a beter place for everybody. When you give without expecting something back your reward will be 10 times more in unexpected ways.

That's the point some of us don't get most times. We care so much about ourselves when in fact our actions contradicts our intentions because we fail to commit to those things that pay the most.

@bait002 who do I have to blame for not being aware that you are associated with

We've shared the same #STACH discord server and in the #minnow-school channel you've reviewed my posts and offered useful comments and recommendations on two occasions yet I never knew about your association with this exchange service.

Yes, I've previously heard of but in this period of phishing links and sites I am always extra cautious of visiting external sites let alone transacting on such the platform. And I think most minnows have the same fear too. Financial transactions requires integrity and trust, backed by the reputation of the board or directors of such financial institution or organization.

My suggestion will then be that more publications and reviews need to be made about and her key operators. With you reputation, I believe the steem exchanger site will gain massive trust and loyal patronage.

@bait002 I appreciate your advise on being useful, contributing our quarters in our different corners to make the world a better place. You're an inspiration to many.

hey Des! You shouldn't have any worries dealing on, it's the fastest and safest so far.

@bait002. I must commend you guys feo what you are doing @steemexchanger. About 2 weeks ago, I got a call from @steemexchanger just to welcome me officially and get my views about their service. I fell in love with @steemexchanger the more after that call.
I think you guys are really doing a geeat job in putting

the customer/client first

It is good you have put up this post, I feel you need to work on your new sms notification setting. I set the price of sbd at 380 as lowest, but I've got more than 4 sms notification that sbd is less than 380 when the info on @steemexchanger website is different. Can you explain better please?

I suggest you create a ticket. takes feed from other websites to enhance user experience. For example, our price feed comes from bittrex and sometimes that is could mean a challenge when their service goes blank sometimes.

By creating a ticket, you mean sending message to customercare?

Yeah, writing the customer care.

I didn't know about steemexchanger until @danielsaori featured this post so i cannot talk about it. But it sounds like its been a blessing to steemians so kudos

That been said. I am a huge fan of "do it yourself" and i am quite good at figuring how stuff work. And in the small steemibadan group im part of ive been able to put a lot of people through some functionalities. Its not much but it helps them get bearing. I do not think we need a reason to be good to people here. It should be unconditional. Ive gained alot from steemit especially from the people ive met and they did so without reservations so i always try to help as best i can

Absolutely, helping others will always have a positive spillover effect on our lives want those who are to come.

I am so happy to see a fellow Nigerian making such a positive impact on a global community. I would like to follow in your footsteps. Already, i am working on a project with another great Steemian. We will soon roll out the service and see how it goes to benefit the community. True, we all have somthing to offer. It's all about looking inwards and striving to solve a basic human need. We desire a lot of change in how things are done. We can make the change and have a positive impact on others. Making sacrifices is a great mark of real inventors and entreprenuers.
Thanks so much @bait002 for the great work you did with steemexchanger. I still use it for exchanging steem. I hope you guys would improve the Steem purchase process when you are through with it so that it would be automated just like exchanging steem. I admire your great work and appreciate you as a source of inspiration. Thank you so much.

Thank you for your kind words @focusnow, we're working tirelessly on how to improve out service. From transactions time to support response time. In a few months all will be running around their best capacities. Also, expect more tools to come from us.

Nice my friend.

It would be great if you could bring SteemExchanger to the UK but I suspect our ever increasing rules and regulations here would make it very difficult.

We considered that already @pennsif and truly regulations would be a great barrier.

We are ever ready sir, if you can assure us that it would be possible. Is there any possibility? We don't live there and that's another barrier.

do something that you would be remembered for here and beyond.

That is a beautiful quote you have there. ♥

The best legacy that I could think of immediately would be the Nobel Prize. It's been 122 years after the death of Alfred Nobel, but his legacy still remains strong until today. Mother Teresa was also leaving her legacy clear and strong.

Creating international legacy would be quite difficult for some people. However, I believe that simple legacy could be done by everyone. Imo, to create a legacy, we can do it in two ways, the long and short way.

The long way would be to build systems in place. E.g. for your offline school you must have been building systems such as curriculums and Standard Operation Procedures.

The short way could be as simple as Pay It Forward movement. When we receive something (such as knowledge) from A, we could just pass it to B. B then to C, and so on.

Congratulation in leaving your legacy. I believe that even though the exchange could serve more people, but you offline Steemit scholl would leave bigger impact in people's lifes.

@liberviarum you're right, I hope to prioritize the offline minnow school. I'm glad to have you recommend that. Thanks.

Wow... Not many Nigerians think this way. I mean look. At @ejemai see what he started and see how far it has taken him. I got this link through @danielsaori. It's really beautiful what you're doing. I would be glad if you will check. my comment on his page. I would Love to write my comment here and there, but I don't want to be seen as spamming
So if you will permit me to post my comment here, for your perusal too, I will do. But am. Sure you'll see some value from it.
While I await your reply, I just want to say thank you for the awesome value you're creating.

@t-flames, it's okay if you wish to do so. And thanks for your kind words.

Thank you @bait002 for creating such feature, it will surely beneficial to every steemians in Nigeria. Your passion of helping others without expecting any return will be truly treasured as legacy in your community. Job well done @bait002.

thank you for the kind words friend!

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