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RE: STEEMIT Weekend Camp Fire Series! Weekend 1: We are Steemit Family. Come Visit Around the Fire with your Family every Weekend!

How has your week been?

A-MA-ZING !!! A great week ending up with a cool Friday night at a salsa and bachata club. I danced all night and met a beautiful, cute and kind girl. Crypto are pumping everywhere like crazy. Life is great !

Time to sleep now, I wish to every steemer out there a great time, cheers !


I read that about you on your profile this week, your dancing and whatnot, that is super cool man.

Rest up my friend, we are here every weekend, all weekend whenever you want to stop by the


and thanks for the early vote on this, to push it into view to gather community and awareness!

Sounds like a great weekend. I was working yesterday and today, but the truck broke, so we are heading home! This weekend just got better!

Good truck then, coz you home early and went to campfire to mingle hehehe @papa-pepper let's have some Mallows now to burn!

That's great, I hope you'll have a cool weather to make the WE even better ;)

Cheers ;)

Heating up now! Cheers mate!

#SteemitCampfire Week 2 is up, why don't we have a hot pepper eating contest, I have heard you do this LOL

Others are never heard from again after eating your peppers ahahahahahaha!


It's too hot that's why need to eat sugar to goes away the burning sensation and leave the taste of pepper!

I grow hot peppers so the hotter the better for me, Missy!


Wooaah I can't eat properly if there something burning in mouth hahaha and you like hot pepper okey, just get off the seeds so it won't hurt bad!

People just look at me ordering food and wonder what is wrong with me, LOL, I can handle more heat than most people and enjoy it.

What else is going on this weekend Diana?

What are you up to and what did you do this week?

Sounds awesome !! Wish I was there !👍👍👍

Two steemers dancing on crazy deep cuban beats ... Hmmm I guess it would have been awsome ! But just to be cautious, we would have need to first call the firefighters in case we set the dancefloor on fire ...


Thanks again for supporting the first weekend of the


series with votes and posts, you really helped establish this community effort and I am grateful.

Have a nice weekend being glittery and f.....

  • oh...never mind lol

Haahahah, I'll do ! ... or I'll be ? Nevermind ! :'D

Howdy friend...

I hit the 10k post count last nite - I am top 10 all time now in total post count..... I am 6th if you take out the bots and only count humans LOL!

Damn, that's huge ! You are such a crazy poster man !

Congrats on your achievment !

Thanks again for the support here man....



posts and my others, it does mean a lot to me.

Hahaha, let's not count them then!


Week 2 is up, why don't you stop by, share the post or let people know w that hashtag?

Can we beat last weekend's successful community engagement and comments?

I've asked @papa-pepper to stop by with his hot peppers and have fun with the group around the fire!

Haha!! Now that would be epic !😂😂😂♨♨♨

Week 2 of this Campfire starts tonite! See you around later I hope, my friend!

Reminder post is up now! Plus my latest Milestone post / 900 followers.

Thanks for your help and support along the way my man!!

Voted both !

I'm reaching 500 followers soon ;)

Congrats !

Do a milestone post up man, that is awesome for you!!! I want to see it and hope to see you around the fire tonite.

@klye put up a nice post about me last nite and that got me to 900 last nite about a day early!

he is a beaut! I put that in my 900 followers post today, my brother!

I guess I will lake a blog post to celebrate it, good idea !!

Definitely you should --- please drop it in a reply around Weekend #2 of the #SteemitCampfire ongoing now!

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