STEEMIT Weekend Camp Fire Series! Weekend 28 : We are Steemit Family. Come Visit Around the Fire with your Family Every Weekend!

STEEMIT Campfire BD Branded Template Cover 850x500.jpg


Weekends are slow, meant for Fun, Relaxing with Family & Friends, and this is what we are here.

Leave the Flags & Problems at the Office. Meet up for Anything Goes, Friendly, Encouraging Weekend Fun, Talks and Friendship here every Friday Nite through Sunday Nite.

Blogging on Weekends can be slow. Around the Campfire here we will be respectful to each other, have some fun, play some games, eat some food, have some drinks (Hydration is super important!) - and treat this EVERY weekend series like a nice weekend getaway from the race.


Encourage each other. Kindness. Community Building. Welcoming all Steemians with no Class Distinction. Friendship. Relationship Building. Food. Fun. Music. Campfire Shenanigans.

Visit my Page Fridays through Sunday and poke around, chat with people, have fun!!

1 Post on my Page Every Friday Nite runs for the whole weekend - Share the link on others pages where you feel you can and invite people. New people! Older Steemians! Everyone is welcome!

1 page to visit. | 1 simple Hashtag to find/use/share. | 1 Platform. | 1 Family.

HashTag / Tag: #SteemitCampFire

What I'm sharing in replies on Steemit so it does not offend or spam people

I started a new Weekend Steemit Campfire Series ! - it just was posted.

Check that out, I am trying to still find ways to build community and love and kindness here.

On my page every Friday nite - Runs for the whole weekend til Sunday nite,

#SteemitCampFire !!

Link Dropping Diverting People Elsewhere:


Please do not drop links to blog posts at the fire diverting people away from the purpose here - gathering people in one place, this is not a post promotion place just because it is a high engagement post.


The last while of everyone dropping links on the #SteemitCampFire - is getting a bit much. I do not mind the odd one, but this kinda can deflect the purpose here - gathering people in one place and not too much diversion elsewhere.

Hope you are not upset but it has been worsening. We all do it from time to time, but a high engagement post is more prone to this. Please keep this in mind.

Link to the First Week/ Run in this new Every-Weekend -- All-Weekend series! -


Link to a past recent #SteemitCampfire post:

How has your week been? How are you doing there??? We have your favourite food and drink right here, so grab it, and a seat, what's on your mind Steemit Family???

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.


LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE

Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477

Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c

EOS (EOS) - 0xD37bEFf5bf07E3aa432de00cE0AaA8df603A4fB0

Bitcoin (BTC) - 18J6RRuzX4V7b2CDbx7tWZYNBLkkGWsvWX

DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS

PIVX - DA3azxQqJiX9t7EviuacpamfNhMi2zGAUh

Monero (XMR) - d8ecb02c09f70ec10504b59b96bc1f488af28b05933893dfd1f55b113e23fbff

Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv

ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.

How has your week been? How are you doing there??? We have your favourite food and drink right here, so grab it, and a seat, what's on your mind Steemit Family???


Hi, been a mixed bag this week.

Bumped into the ex on Monday, so now get anxious every time I venture out again, which I kind of got over. But kids were happy to see him.

Helped out a few people this week, so I'm feeling good overall.

Could do with a nice warm by the fire, have my coat on indoors as its cold. Marshmallows at the ready....

Oh the "bumping in to"'s - it's going to happen. Sounds like you have a lot of positive energy to spark warm fires so it's no wonder that you're feeling good and will will soon be all the warmer. I was out and about on foot the other day and bumped into three different people I know and had friendly casual exchanges on the street with a few people I don't know at all. It was kind of weird. Among reasons why that may be? I think Steemit works as a social primer for a lot of us, and writing is so internally perceived. What goes on inside- often gets projected outside. It's a thought.

It better not happen too often, he is supposed to have a restraining order against him coming anywhere near me.

But yes thankfully other things happening in my life fill me with joy. People have told me recently how when I write the 'raw' stuff how much I've helped them and vice versa when I read stuff from the heart, it has an impact. I love steemit, it has helped me so much and I've met so many wonderful people on here. And yes, along side the well being course I attend, my confidence is finally growing.

This reply was to the other fellow so I am just here on the SCF checking out the replies or I would have missed these details HH.

I am so glad to hear things are improving for one of us LOL.

We are glad to have you as a friend. Happy Sunday afternoon to you, since you are ahead of me here.

Hey you.

I know that feeling about running into an ex, it is not always pleasant but I know some of what you have been thru.

We had our first snow last nite just a few hours after I got in the door from my usual outside rehab session so it is full on winter here now most likely.

TY for dropping in again and glad you had a mostly OK week.

@barrydutton love this concept. We as a family on weekends unplugg for one evening, enjoy a family dinner, together do the dishes (never owned a dishwasher) and play a board game or card game. This is our Weekend campfire. I try to demonstrate to my kids that there is life outside of technology! We often take the dog to the trails and go for long hikes in both winter and summer with snowshoes in winter. We learn the skills of foraging in winter, pine and spruce tea. I taught them to make a fire in snow, etc. they absolutely love this time and how we spend it. Again thanks for sharing!

I was at the wrong campfire. It was lonely lol... I'm still getting over my cold but I got through the week. I'll be digging out the Christmas decorations this weekend but will not be putting them up until Sunday out of respect for our Veterans.

I was wondering how you felt at the end of the week with that virus.

I saw someone's front window on Cabot already with a fully lit Consumerism Tree plugged in and fired up.

Every year, these people I am like.....

At least wait til after Remembrance Day out of respect even if you are not a statist or believe in the big Business of War.

I got by a couple of your posts again late last nite and got votes in, I am just rarely off my own page anymore but wanted to show you some support.

No comments, it was too late and frankly, those headaches from the other night - I was still recovering from.

I keep telling the boy no decorations until November 12th. Maybe a magnesium supplement will help with the headaches. Thanks for dropping by my page 😊

If I take any more Mg. I will really poop myself LOL but TY for the good advice.

I have been taking a high grade Mg + supplement for likely 5 yrs now, every day.

-- It helps with pain mgm't. But I can tell you likely know this.

Coin Club Mtg is Sunday if you want to hang out and see shiny things that are not Consumerism Tree related!!


I so appreciate your expression of - inclusiveness-. It's a really nice gesture and it adds to the fuel that keeps Steemit alive in the same way that swept me away a few short months ago. Steemit is the closest thing to building a family of friends that I've ever experienced online and the weekend campfire theme sure does Fit! My first time stumbling upon this tag btw. So hey, is that coffee in the gif up there any good? Tell the truth, lol.

I make no promises on my #SteemitCampfire coffee quality lol

Thanks for dropping in - this post runs every weekend as you read, all weekend in one spot, so drop in and out as you like Doug.

Campfire is very welcome as we finally dipped below freezing temps today. Trying to keep the toes toasty will be the challenge the next few months.

Hey Eddie.

We had our first snow last nite just a few hours after I got in the door from my usual outside rehab session so it is full on winter here now most likely.

I am pretty sure my last few tomatoes for harvest were really the last ones LOL

Oooh, glad you made inside. We had a few flurries early this morning, but nothing stuck. It's just a matter of time before it does pile up.

Time to start pondering next year's plans and stocking up on supplies / materials...

Some dogs and their owners were out late for a family walk in the first snow and the dogs were all rolling around in the dusting of powder LOL.

One was a puppy so it may have been their first snow.

Guaranteed to make anyone smile! Critters playing in the snow are so much fun watch. Full on happy!

Yes makes me smile just imagining it.

You enjoy your time in Camp Fire.
And we're enjoying your photos in Steemit.
To be honest with you: I envy you

We are here, glad you dropped by!

Thanks, we do our best here!

buena publicación =)

Thanks, I speak no spanish LOL.

We are here all weekend if you are around.

Have a great weekend everyone. May the campfire keep you warm during the cold!

I almost missed this, I have been telling the dev's this stuff and lack of replies will happen when they changed the pop up screen over main the other day, brutal.

I sent you a Steemit.Chat this wkend to check on you too.

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