STEEMIT Weekend Camp Fire Series! | Weekend 7 | We are Steemit Family. Come Visit Around the Fire with your Family Every Weekend!

in #steemitcampfire7 years ago (edited)
STEEMIT Campfire BD Branded Template Cover 850x500.jpg


Weekends are slow, meant for Fun, Relaxing with Family & Friends, and this is what we are here. Leave the Flags & Problems at the Office. Meet up for Anything Goes, Friendly, Encouraging Weekend Fun, Talks and Friendship here every Friday Nite through Sunday Nite.

Blogging on Weekends can be slow. Around the Campfire here we will be respectful to each other, have some fun, play some games, eat some food, have some drinks (Hydration is super important!) - and treat this EVERY weekend series like a nice weekend getaway from the race.

Goals: Encourage each other. Kindness. Community Building. Welcoming all Steemians with no Class Distinction. Friendship. Relationship Building. Food. Fun. Music. Campfire Shenanigans.

Visit my Page Fridays through Sunday and poke around, chat with people, have fun!!

1 Post on my Page Every Friday Nite runs for the whole weekend - Share the link on others pages where you feel you can and invite people. New people! Older Steemians! Everyone is welcome!

1 page to visit. | 1 simple Hashtag to find/use/share. | 1 Platform. | 1 Family.

HashTag / Tag: #SteemitCampFire

What I'm sharing in replies on Steemit so it does not offend or spam people

I started a new Weekend Steemit Campfire Series ! - it just was posted.

Check that out, I am trying to still find ways to build community and love and kindness here.

On my page every Friday nite - Runs for the whole weekend til Sunday nite,

#SteemitCampFire !!

Link Dropping Diverting People Elsewhere:


Please do not drop links to blog posts at the fire diverting people away from the purpose here - gathering people in one place, this is not a post promotion place just because it is a high engagement post.


The last while of everyone dropping links on the #SteemitCampFire - is getting a bit much. I do not mind the odd one, but this kinda can deflect the purpose here - gathering people in one place and not too much diversion elsewhere.

Hope you are not upset but it has been worsening. We all do it from time to time, but a high engagement post is more prone to this. Please keep this in mind.

Link to the First Week/ Run in this new Every-Weekend -- All-Weekend series! -


Link to the most recent #SteemitCampfire post:

How has your week been? How are you doing there??? We have your favourite food and drink right here, so grab it, and a seat, what's on your mind Steemit Family???

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.

Bitcoin (BTC) - 18J6RRuzX4V7b2CDbx7tWZYNBLkkGWsvWX

DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS

PIVX - DA3azxQqJiX9t7EviuacpamfNhMi2zGAUh

Monero (XMR) - d8ecb02c09f70ec10504b59b96bc1f488af28b05933893dfd1f55b113e23fbff

Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477

Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c

LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE

Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv

Synereo (AMP) - 1KnrL6wFHaT4gjJ2YJ5f6WmKTDJNsaBS8s

Expanse (EXP) - 0x819b9cce8630ab638198eabfd7496786c20d629a

ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

How has your week been? How are you doing there??? We have your favourite food and drink right here, so grab it, and a seat, what's on your mind Steemit Family???


Happy greetings to everyone!
I joined steemit yesterday and still floundering with this concept and new terminologies. I will have to revise my jargon-vocabulary - I read I am a "RED FISH" and I must achieve "MINNOW" status before setting my sights on the ocean of Dolphins and larger stemians.
Ha - I don't even know what or where my "vest" is!

This is all still new and feels entertaining, though I joined for working on serious world changing issues; such as alternatives to the Beast's monetary system.
Can I put a call out for a stemian tutor or a benefactor?

LOL, you are doing well if you are already up to a 35 Rep Score!


The whale concept and contests are confusing though.

Out of all the things designed to improve community, this has got to be the best idea! It feels right for Steemit, and I hope it gains weekly use! My week is going well, and tomorrow I finally complete the last chapter in my story! I am excited for all the wonderful creative juices Steemit inspires!

Very nice, congratulations on closing out one chapter in your life, and I hope opening up another one very soon. I have often thought about trying to get into more creative writhing myself. Perhaps Steemit will finally be the reason I do.

Thanks, never give up on your dreams! Don't let them sit on a shelf in the closet!

That is nice of you to say!!!!

Campfire weekend day


Philip DeFranco reference?

It's almost midnight on the West Coast... but it's always Steem o'clock somewhere!

I think Jimmy Buffet would steem that into a song LOL!

Hi all !!! I'm celebrating finally being able to be home more and do my home business. Been trying to do this for years and now it's just starting to happen! Hope everyone is doing great!!!

We are all super happy to hear this is working out for you, what kind of business is this and where are you? (if you do not mind me asking)

Don't know if Steemit is going to work out for me though. I started on Steemit not knowing that you had to have a reputation of 50 in 30 days. I started at the end of May and I would say I just found out about the rep score thing 4 days ago. Been slacking and now may pay the price. Oh well, I'll just have to start over again if I need to later.

I will UV a few more of your comments, that will pay you and up your rep score.

I am just a dolphin on here but this week my UV's actually moved brand new baby steemians rep scores when I voted for them LOL.

Very cool man. Thanks a million!

I usually like to upvote 5 comments or posts from new users all at once. It's not much, but it helps!

The attitude to help people is a good one anytime.

I look for people in the 20's and 30's specifically daily to try and UV like this and help or answer questions.

I had help, it is the right thing to do

Good on ya

It's very much paying it forward. They might be a future whale to upvote your own post a year from now!

I just did it again for someone a few mins ago!


I kinda have my own Minnow Support Program I guess


I am not aware of that -- are you sure you have read that right about the rep score thing???????

It was not like that before and I heard nothing of that in the last 2-3 HF changes and the next one happens Tuesday which may help you.

No didn't read it. Was told. I'm trying to find out if its true. Sure hope not. Only at 39 and month almost up

Hi, I was wondering who told you this? I have ask around and was told this is not true.

Not sure I can remember but i'll check back through my comments and see if I can find it.

I found it and must have misread. It said Steam power needs to be above 50 not Reputation score. Guess I was tired when I read it.

(Screenshot of @clevercreator wallet because her article brought this to my attention)
That number is a "loan" from Steemit that allows you to have a larger influence than you would normally have for your first 30 days.
If, by the end of those 30 days, you are unable to get your Steem Power above 50, you will be unable to use your account until that balance goes above 50. Which, at that point, can be done either by another account transferring the SP or by purchasing Steem Power directly.

Thank you for clearing it up :)

Don't mind at all. Just a small home business I do myself. I'm in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia and i'm making things from Kydex ( A molded plastic ) and Leather. Don't do saddle work or tooling work of any kind. Just straight forward leatherwork like holsters for guns and knife sheaths. Also built a steel forge in my backyard to forge knives. Still learning that though.

Oh and the heads up for this week, I ordered in a SAK (Swiss Army Knife for those reading) to give away this week in a contest!!!

There is your heads up, I may have mentioned it to you earlier this week even !!

Sweet! Yeah I have just a couple knives. LOL

Drawers that stack - those clear ones -- all organize the 10 C's for a large part -- the smaller ones anyways!

I was off here for a few mins thinking, it must be your Kydex business, I forgot it was in your profile header when you click on it.

I have ZERO kydex if you can believe it for my tools LOL.

I have a nice little Schrade SCHF 57 -- the little guy / neck knife that came out maybe 18 mths ago??? It has a thermoplastic sheath, the closest I have to Kydex.

I am not skilled etc like many people and after the car ran me over 18 mths ago, there is lot of stuff I cannot do any more and the state is burying my file, I may have mentioned.

I have tiny hands, so smaller stuff fits my hands nicely.

Gotcha! Yeah sorry to hear about the car thing. Man I truly hope things go better for you. I sent a few pics through. Hope they posted. The one holster is actually Carbon Fiber Holstex not Kydex. The other is Kydex.

Congratulations for the new business

Thanks! Every day is getting better!

Hi all. I am celebrating 365 days on Steemit. It's amazing, what a year it has been.

Congratulation!! I will also celebrate my 1st year in steemit this coming July

Congratulations! I have been here for less than a week, and enjoying the wonderful community Steemit has.

It's a rich tapestry of thoughts for sure

Glad that you made it here. Youre from?

Florida, I was told about Steemit a few weeks back and just had to check it out!

You made the right decision. Philippines here :)

Hey Juvy, you made it!!!!!!!


Yeah, I thought the conversation took place in a discord server :)

LOL, never

Way too many of those chat rooms and goofy accts all over people need in the crypto space.

This is Blue Collar Barry town hahahahahaha!!!


Sunshine Coast, Australia 🇦🇺 #teamaustralia

Philippines, the pearl of the orient sea :)


I run this weekend long series on my page every weekend, as you likely read, welcome here and to Steemit!

Today is your full 1 year date???

That's awesome regardless, mine does not come til August.

Congrats and thanks for coming to the fire to hang out!

Yes I joined 16 June 2016. I didn't have the confidence to post until August. I didn't think I had anything to share that others would find interesting

Wow, that was me almost word for word, only I waited about a month to post, my own post.

I commented and was learning my way for the first month, but that is JUST how I felt too LOL!!!

I'm glad it wasn't just me.

Oh no, I have seen a few people feel very similar.

I was not a crypto guy when I started here really and certainly not a blogger hahahaha!!!

Happy Steemit Anniversary!

Thanks @kiligirl came up with #steemiversary wouldn't it be great to get that one trending over the next months to celebrate the first big wave of users joining Steemit in June, July, August 2016

Honestly, that is super news!!!!

Wow, you are one of the "old timers", lol. It's good when old timers sit around a campfire -- they have lots of stories to tell. I'm sure you have lots to tell about the early days of Steemit!

Thanks. It really is still early days. This community is only just getting started.

But you will be the like the "Oldest Steemit Veteran" when there are the big Steemit retrospective and parades. ; )

It's been a great week! I'm trying to get up to TWO original posts per day now, in my quest to become a true power user of steem. No matter how many posts I make, it'll never come close to your work ethic tho barry - what are you at, 100,000 posts?!

Managing my million dollar post, haha, you're funny! Actually I have some friends over, so I can quickly come in here and check things, but then I have to go back out or that would be highly rude lol!
But when you get a moment, I would love some wine ;)

That's pretty good, I think maybe five more i's would do it LOL!!


Glad I am free to enjoy one of these @SteemitCampFire again!

Let's Steemit good!

It is great seeing you here my man, it is exciting to have you around the

#SteemitCampfire for sure!

It's made in candy ? hmm I'm still thinking

Haha, no.

The candy is my food to enjoy for this campfire.

Here I was hoping there was in fact a small island somewhere name Candy. It’s for the best I’m sure. It would go missing in no time!

A real life Candyland!

I wondered today about that name when you first posted this candy, you have thrown many of us for a loop Lydon


What is this made in candy?

A friend of mine sent me custom Steemit candy.

Made in Candy is the company I believe.

Steemit candy? How does it look in the inside?

The Steemit logo is through the center of the candy. This is the best shot I have.

I Want this candy

All my buddy did is stopped by a candy making shop and asked them to make him some candy with the Steemit logo. He used the logo above.

The raspberry flavor is quite good.

We have a store that makes candy. I will find out how much it costs. Maybe we can arrange a sweet Steemup to watch the Steemit candy being made.

Amazing. This is good for giveaways during steemit promotion gatherings or meetups.

Yes it is!

Now that I have enjoyed some I need to find a local candy shop, haha.

Hmm, I wonder what contest I can run for these?

LOL, sweet!

That's pretty cool! That would be popular stuff at the upcoming SteemFest2!

Now that is a good idea. Steemit candy would make great party favors.

I bet people would buy it, too, for outreach. This candy seems like a real winner. It's an advantage of a simple logo!

I want to see this badly!!!

Yes, we all want to see this actual candy my man!

Wow, that is a solid candy related gift fo sho!!!

Hey everyone , i had very nice and lovely week and i wish you all great weekend !

It is nice of you to stop in my friend.

What are you up to this weekend?

It is about 10 pm there your time now right?

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