Do you enjoy my blog? Here's some happy steem for you!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

A blog for money

When I first joined Steemit I had a clear intention of beginning a blog where I could talk about my interests and add value to the platform. Earning money was nothing but a bonus, something that could externally motivate me.

I spent a lot of time reading about how Steemit works while I waited for the account approval, and after wrapping my mind around the concepts of Steem/Steem Power/Steem Based Dollars, I read something about curation rewards. The name itself is clear: you are the first to notice a good post, so you're helping it become noticed and eventually get a lot of rewards. You should get a prize for that, and you do!


Simply put, you earn Steem by upvoting posts. But it depends on three variables:

  1. Your steem power - If you have lots of steem power, your upvote is bigger so it helps the post's visibility more than a smaller upvote. So you deserve more rewards, which is just fair. The more steem power you have, the more steem you get from curation rewards.
  2. Order - If you're the first to upvote a post, it means you are the first reader recognizing the value of it. So you deserve more rewards as well! It's easy to see a post is successful after 500 votes, but being the first one... Well, that's a mastery!
  3. Timing - If you see a good post and rush upvoting it because you think you'll get lots of rewards, forget it. On the first 30 minutes, part of the steem you would get from noticing a good post is given to the author. On the other hand, it's difficult to find a 30 min old post without almost no upvotes, that will rise to several hundreds $ in rewards!

Thanks to @skycae, that delegated some SP to me when I first began steeming, my curation rewards have been rising quite a lot. They're now about 0.2 SP a week, which is not a negligible value!

How you'll earn free money reading my posts

I use vote-sellers (@smartsteem) for pumping my posts. And I profit from them, it's really easy, I just send any amount of SBD to @smartmarket with the link for my post in the memo and BANG, there goes a bunch of upvotes that will give you more than you sent. People that don't even know they're selling their vote, let alone reading my post.

You can also register on their site for some additional features. Feel free to use my referral for that with this link.


I don't feel bad about using vote-sellers. I do if for my profit but also for my dear readers profit! Why?

Because I only do it 24 or more hours after posting.

This makes a whole difference, because most people that really read and enjoy my posts upvote them in the first hours. Their upvote will inevitably be one of the first ones, and I really encourage them not to upvote in the first 30min: I want you to earn as much curation rewards as possible!

After about a day, I go ahead and I pump my post like hell (usually to 15$). The vote-sellers aren't going to earn much curation rewards. You will, because you were one of the first. And I'll make the post artificially rise in value!

I want you to earn as much money as possible in my blog, if you enjoy it. Here are some of my strategies, besides using vote-selling after some time:

  • I try to 100% upvote every comment on it (it's not much but is about 0.04$)
  • I set up automatic upvotes for the most active friends in here,
  • I give you SBI shares every week!

Is this fair?

Short answer: I don't think so. But it is the way it is.

Long answer: Steemit is full of bid bots, vote-sellers, and other ways to pump bad posts for profit. I can't agree that it is fair, but it doesn't make the platform different from what we're used to: the internet is full of crappy stuff pumped with money, often hiding very good things!

But at the same time, if you're just writing good posts and receiving almost no attention at all since no one really cares... Well, you'll need a lot more time to start profiting from your efforts! So I think you need to play by the community rules and stop caring about what is the "true good usage" of the platform, as long as you keep respecting everyone.

I think I do respect everyone :)

I know this isn't a consensual matter (@diogogomes, are u there?) so I guess I'll have some comments with different opinions!

Which is great!

Let's just try to keep this nice and respectful for everyone, shall we?


Do you want to earn SBD forever? I'm giving away Steem Basic Income shares :) Just drop an original comment in this post!

If you enjoyed this post please consider:

upvote follow resteem


"Because I only do it 24 or more hours before posting."
Big mistake, please correct! 😎

u are SO on it man, wowwww

Oh, thank you! :)

It's the age old problem on here. Where you know that something might not necessarily be optimal from a community standpoint, but you understand it's necessary and not participating holds you back from progression...

Exactly! I guess we need to play with the community, but in the end we're playing with our own ethical being...

Ooo wow, I love your strategy on the vote-sellers peeps. I don't really use voting/bidding bots but if I will begin doing I will love to adopt your strategy.

It provides more benefits for your fans and readers.

I wish more people can do this method instead of trying to make their post trend by boosting it earlier and neglecting their own fans and readers.

Yeah I think there's a way to make money (sure, not lots of money, but still some money) while keeping it fair enough to not deal with ethical dilemmas. It would be great if everything worked with meritocracy as it's supposed to, but that just isn't working. We need to play by the community rules, otherwise you'll need a lot more time to earn something significant.

I also tried that strategy of boosting it very early to make it to the trend, but I instantly felt bad about it. Trending page is full of garbage because of people that do that. I'll let others decide on the value of my post, and reward those who really read and like it!

Thanks for stopping by!

You are the best.

Thanks alot for the response

Though personally not a fan of the bidbot phenomenon (I remain unconvinced that it is sustainable for the long term), I do commend your strategy that enables you to still reward your followers with an opportunity to cash in on the curation rewards. It is certainly a well thought out plan of attack.

Yeah well sure people won't be making a lot of money in curation rewards unless they have a lot of sp. On the other hand, they'll be making even less if voting on trending posts, where they won't even get any of it! Most of the trending posts have almost 0$ curation rewards since they're very early boosted with bid bots... It all goes to their greedy authors. Bah :(

The point is to still have the community and shared information, while earning some almost-fair share for curation.

Also the curation rewards capitalize, meaning you'll always earn more as the curation rewards build with time... Clever upvoting goes a long way!

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge anyone using the tools that are available to them, particularly when combined with quality content.

Your strategy, however, is unique, well thought out, amd frankly the best use of bots that I have seen thus far in my short time on Steemit.

I like the transparency of this blockchain most, even if my mistakes are written in this forever...
I learn about and by my mistakes! This is my tool for getting a better human!

Ther services are awesome, like smartsteem, steemauto and also the connection to the discord chat!

Many diffeerent opportunities, like the GINAbot, the PAL-Server and the different communities are helping a lot!

steembasicincome is a simple way to get upvotes and to support my favourite writer!
Keep on doing, what you do!

Smiling regards, Markus

Yeah I've been thinking a lot about the immutability of the blockchain and that whatever you write here... Well, it's forever be on the internet. But that also happens with every other social media. Someone will always have access to it, no matter if you want it erase it.

My conclusion is that the advantages of that immutability clearly surpass the disadvantages. Once you can use blockchain for dynamic government elections (a minister makes a mess? just withdraw your vote! simple), official statements, and other things... The world will change forever. Not sure if for a better one, but it will change.

I completely agree with this statement!

Someone will always have access to it, no matter if you want it erase it.

The difference between common social media to the steemit blockchain is that everyone has open access to everything. And also the accessability is different, if there is a server shutdown of social media, this will be much harder for a decentralized blockchain.
The world is in change everytime, so i will support a more transparent way by sharing my thoughts and knowledge here on steemit!

Couldn't agree more! If it's gonna to be stored forever, better be in a transparent way!

Thanks for your contribute, you have some great ideas on this man :) Gonna be following you

(edit: just noticed you almost only write in german... it's a language not yet on my repertoire but I'll follow you anyway!)

Wow I’m late to this whole biz. Albeit I am late I will resteem because it has info on how curation rewards works and I never knew it worked that way. So I must give gratitude some way for making that revelation. Anyways, good on you for rewarding your followers in any way possible.

Hi @zpedro firstly I want to admit you are a good writer and your work is really organised and readable. Using bit bots after a few minutes is good for you but you decide to chill that so that your followers get the benefits first it is beautiful not everyone is like that what others look at is the money, not the people but at the end of the day, it is the people that. matter a lot . Thanks for enlighting me too on the curation rewards I was green about them usually when my bot notifies me of a new post from my favourite writers i always rush to vote for them leaving me with no rewards at all yet am among the first person to vote so am going to adjust on that so I can earn more and may be I want to ask if you are only using smartseem as your bidbot or are you trying out other new bots on the board ?
be blessed

Hi @ireneblessing! Thanks for stopping by and for the compliments :) I'm flattered!

That's right, when I started steemit I also wandered a lot on the "new" page and upvoting stuff I loved, getting no curation rewards at all. Nowadays I just upvote normally on my feed page without much care, although I have some auto-upvotes in steemauto for writers I trust they always produce high-quality content and I want to support.

About other bots, I'm a fan of @qustodian (that is exclusive for @qurator members) and @bumper. They're great. I love smartsteem for their whitelist feature. When you are whitelisted, you have more available votes and better votes. It's a mechanism for trying to prevent people from buying votes for crappy posts. I don't trust their whitelist too much but the idea behind it is great!

I don't know much of bid bots, but I know the developers for @ptbot and it seems a good project, so I recommend that one also

So, is it fair or not - hard to say what is fair. Someone with lots of SP will say it is fair that they get a bigger share because they invested more into the platform - be it money earned somewhere else or a growing account through lots of time spent on here.

While it is true that great content does get overlooked, actually often, and not so great stuff shows up in trending, there are ways to deal with that.

For example, I never look at the trending page since I assume that most people are there because they either started way back when and have a bunch of SP in their account and lots of followers who are intrigued with their wealth - or they are there because of bots.

Trending page does not equal quality. So, I don't bother.

If content doesn't get attention, it is up to the writer to start networking. Visiting other people's blogs, commenting and supporting, goes a long way to gaining visitors to their blog. the content is good - they stay.

Then, there are the communities who are there to support newcomers and each other. I feel to be successful here, one must do more than just publish their blog. Be a friend and others will do the same for you.

You're right, but when you start in steemit you're told that it would reward good content and that content would be on the trending page. You check it the first time you use it, cast some votes on that trending shit, before realising the reality is really different because of the bots.

I agree with you that communities are 90% of steemit, but that's also a bit of a "flaw" from steemit itself...

Thanks for stopping by!

True - it is a bit of a flaw. But the nice thing is that so many people are willing to help each other.

This is a sound plan my man.

I should implement this same strategy in my posting styles.

Have a great day man!

It's just a strategy... There are many (you can even make money without writing!) but I feel fine with this one, although it's a bit slow :)

Thanks for stopping by! I'll be following your stuff!

Do you have more strategies? I need to earn more urgently.

Well, since I don't research on that, I'm afraid I can't help you @thaishps :(

Don't worry! I will find something over there. Thank you for answer me 😊

I am also irritated by the bot system. i argued with several bot promoter. But, i am thinking it is, what it is. It won't change for me. So, i have to adjust myself too.
Thanks for the information and idea for sharing with us. Best of luck.

It's a way of doing things, can't argue with that although I don't fit in the bid-bot system, not for now at least. I've had several conversations (for example with @diogogomes) that don't agree with vote-selling as well. And @diogogomes is an incredible underground user of this platform. I also know some people that say "this is business" and are pro-bid bots. Thankfully there are many opinions and ways of doing things :)

Until the change, we have to match. And try to do our best about it.
Yeah, there are many ways of doing things.

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