A Touch of Diplomacy

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Hello, Steemiverse...

When last we spoke, I had some valid concerns and grievances to air out. I'd pressed that powerful 'post' button with some reluctance, believing I'd likely just invited a retaliatory flag from our favorite kitty the grouch.

Though I ended that post with a sincere expression of gratitude to @grumpycat for the wave of support I'd already experienced in the wake of their (his? her?) initial flag, I could not have predicted the encouraging tsunami that had yet to inundate me.

I did not anticipate the continuously unfolding thread of both uplifting and informative comments, nor the generous resteem by @aggroed (thank you!) And I, most certainly, did not expect to receive an upvote and resteem by @grumpycat.

No matter how gruff and snarky – I'm still not convinced that @grumpycat isn't actually a benevolent kitten, secretly trying to help piddly little redfishies like me, using the most roundabout method by which to initiate and uplift us.


He Said, She Said, They Said

As the week progressed, I found myself unable to keep up with the flood of comments – though I really did try to reply to every single one. It's the strangest feeling to have sparked such an engaged conversation – to have drawn such lengthy responses from so many. I've learned so much from those invaluable remarks.

I also found my way onto the Resist Discord, amongst a growing number of folks determined to counter grumpy's flags and self-votes. It didn't take long to realize I was chatting with none other than the creator of @sneaky-ninjathe very same bid-bot I'd used that triggered the cat's reprimand.

We had a lengthy chat, in which he revealed quite a lot about what motivated him to create his bot. Our conversation has continued as the days have passed, and I think it's fair to say that – he's a sincerely good guy.

A few days after posting, I also received a Discord DM from @grumpycat. I'm told this doesn't happen often, if ever. Yet it confirmed what I've suspected – that a reasonable human exists beneath the sourpuss meme.

Though our chat was brief, I'm genuinely impressed by their willingness to initiate conversation and appreciate the clarification they offered.

At @grumpycat’s request, we moved our dialogue to Steemit. That's when things really started to get interesting.

Screen Shot 2018-02-21 at 9.22.53 PM.png

Follow The Threads

The replies beneath GC's comment multiplied quickly, splintering off into several branches that each expanded steadily. Within the first few hours, it was already difficult to follow. Yesterday morning, I awoke to find it had further unraveled in some kind of insane, viral manner.

Attempting to trace the responses in anything close to chronological order is damn near impossible. As such, it's exceptionally difficult to read – harder still to hold some sense of how each comment relates to another.

Some folks offer level-headed reflections and pose valid questions. Others express their animosity shamelessly. Trying to follow along feels a bit like being in a tense courtroom as arguments are being presented – a long string of pragmatic exchanges punctuated by random outbursts from the angry crowd.

Tricky though it may be to follow, one thing is blatantly clear:

There's trouble brewin'.


Unwitting Emmisary

As I see it, there are much broader issues at play here, yet the conflict between GC (@grumpycat) and SN (@sneaky-ninja) can no longer be ignored.

While it's true GC's gripe is with the issue of bid-bot abuse in general, it's clear that @sneaky-ninja is the bot @grumpycat most loves to hate.

How very bizarre to have found myself dead center – smack dab in the middle of their escalating feud – engaged in private conversations with both of them.

As I was penning my initial, public reply to GC's comment a few days ago, I had a hair-brained/brilliant ideato bring them together for a live panel discussion – a good ole, healthy debate.

Feeling bold, I reached out to @aggroed to run it by him. I offered to moderate, as I believe I retain a decidedly neutral perspective, being that I'm still fairly new here and don't yet hold much stake. He gave me his blessing and agreed to help get it onto @mspwaves.

I then reached out to SN, whose instant response was, 'I'm in.'

When I nudged GC about it, however – I wasn't nearly so successful.

'Not interested.'

A less stubborn person might've dropped it then and there, yet I can't shake the feeling that I've found myself in this unlikely position for a reason. I feel I owe it to this community to do all I can.

In this case, I believe I'm surprisingly well-equipped.

z-fam-tucson1.jpg That's me up there in the pack, peeking over my lovely Mum's shoulder.

'Can't we all just get along?'

As the 5th of 6 kids, I'm inherently diplomatic. I love my siblings, yet each and every one of us is strong-willed, opinionated and emotional. Our house wasn't a quiet one.

Disagreements make me uncomfortable. More often than not, they appear to be misunderstandings – simply a breakdown of communication. As someone slightly removed, I can often see where the disconnect is occurring – where individual sensitivities are clouding the ability to hear each other. If I see a way, I can't help but try to facilitate the building of bridges between opposing forces.

This innate quality earned me the nickname 'The Ziplomat' at Burning Man 2008. It's been a while since I've thought of that, but – this weekI feel that monicker suits me more than ever.

We all agree there are significant issues that need attention

Our failure thus far has been our collective inability to reach consensus as to how best to address those issues. So we have at least a couple powerful, apparently fed-up whales throwing their considerable weight against their chosen battles, regardless how controversial their behavior. They insist on doing things their way and can't be bothered to openly discuss alternatives.

Meanwhile the masses are subjected to their unpredictable whims, becoming increasingly incensed, finally joining forces in dogged resistance to a perceived tyranny of elites.

Long term – this can't be good for Steemit. Somethin's gotta give.

Perhaps GC isn't interested – nor is @berniesanders (who also popped up in the midst of all this) whose response to my invitation to join the panel was an inspired 'meh' – yet there are many who're keen and agree that something of its kind is long overdue.

Until that actually happens, I'll continue extending friendly invitations as I believe all voices matter – even the unpopular ones.

In the interim – I'll be attempting to sort through the various threads, extract the most important exchanges, gather fragmented snippets of various conversations and comments from this week, and organize all of it for possible inclusion in a future post.

If I can't convince all parties to meet on air, I may at least try to share what I've learned as their unwitting emissary. Both GC and SN have indicated support for me doing so. Then again — I may choose to simply move past it.

Either way — this is only the beginning of my diplomatic efforts.

Until Next Time,
Zippy aka @theziplomat



This is SO IMPORTANT! Discussion, conversation, allowing all sides to be heard... to bring people together and try to find the middle ground between what might be seen as radical views... THIS isn't just what Steemit needs, this is what the world needs. And it's one reason I love Steemit, because I see this happening all over. People like you, stepping up to mediate, to find the middle way, with peace at heart, you inspire me so much! THANK YOU for doing this!

And THANK YOU, dear @katrina-ariel, for heeding the call and joining the effort. I appreciate the level-headed intelligence and humor you add to every space you visit. You’re clearly doing great things on this platform. ⭐️ Grateful to have you in my corner.

I think you have the makings of your very own soap opera, which could rival the likes of 'Days of Our Lives' and 'General Hospital.'

No more daytime drama!! 🙃 More nights like tonight — surreal, unexpected gatherings of stellar humans. ⭐️

I think the way you handled this was admirable to say the least, you managed to flip it on its head.

Regardless of you not being able to make the characters of the story sit down in the quest for a diplomatic solution, i don't believe you should stop your own quest to try to be the zipplomat as you have cleverly called yourself.

It might just be what this community needs.. who knows?



I appreciate your support. I have every intention of pursuing the Diplomacy initiative. I've already created the steemit account, as well as a Discord server (which I'm still setting up.)

Stay tuned...

@theziplomat that fits just perfect on you.


Glad you agree. ;)

lots of drama and chaos, but you have persevered and your strength shows in everything you do.

So happy that your confrontation and drive led to so many positive outcomes.

Believe in you always, @zipporah! and hope that @theziplomat brings a lot more peace and community to this platform.

Much appreciated @carmalain7! I'm absolutely sincere when I say this has been the greatest gift. I can only hope that I'll be able to give back to the community in kind.

I have no worries, this alone proves you have the resolve and emotional nous to engage with people of many backgrounds and motivations and pave the way for more conversation and greater mindfulness.

Rooting for you! would wish you luck, too, but you don't need any, @zipporah!

Your support is much appreciated. 💜

Well put together, thanks for your efforts :)

Of course – oh, @sneaky-ninja. Thanks for being so open and willing to share.

You're one of the good ones hun :)

Yes. Yes we all can get along.
Thank you for sharing your experience.
May I humbly leave these words,
"We are what we think about."

Appreciate yourself, give energy to what you appreciate and it will grow.

May you continue to grow and be blessed. And if you ever wish to visit a nice humble positive community, you can often find me, nice people, and chill tunes in #steemexperience as we also look to appreciate each other.

Stay Blessed.

I appreciate that reminder @jacobts. To that end, I'll just keep thinking about easy relations between humans. ;) I'll check out #steemexperience, for sure. Thanks for the invite!

Zippy, I am utterly clueless/oblivious regarding the issues you're discussing here, but I truly admire your approach and your candid, open pursuit of a solution to what sounds like a tangled web of misunderstandings and strong feelings. I wish you well - it sounds like you're the woman for the job! xx

Thank you @jaytaylor. 🙏🏼 I can tell already that it’s a rather thankless job, but — as I’ve found myself saying a lot this week — sometimes we choose our roles, sometimes our roles choose us.

Ain't THAT the truth! 😁

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