We need content from within Steemit to go internet-viral.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This could be something a developer could work up a solution for.

We need to break out of this Steembubble we seem to be in. Things that go viral on Steemit don't seem to be cared about anywhere else. To me, it seems to be because that content rarely actually gets seen anywhere else.

We need articles from Steemit to go viral outside of Steemit.
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It feels like we've got this "home field" mentality about the things we post on Steemit, but if we can push the best content we have here out to the internet at large, we stand to bring a lot of attention here.

Not everbody understands cryptocurrency,
but everyone understands viral content.
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In my previous post, Better Steemit Promotion: Ask people what it is, don't tell them, I proposed an advertising campaign that simply asks "What is Steemit?" with intention to ignite public curiosity. One way to help feed that curiosity is for Steemit's members to share content on other platforms, such as Facebook, Reddit, or whatever your preferred social networks are.

Sometimes you'll hear around the Steemit community that this place is one big circle jerk. We could eliminate that problem if we help as much content here as possible go viral globally.

So, developers, I have a question for you...

How hard would it be to create something which people could voluntarily connect their Facebook/Reddit/Twitter/Other Social Media accounts to which would allow Steemit to share favored articles automatically to their pages?

I, for one, would be okay with something like this myself because I feel the outside world needs to see the content that gets posted here, and to see that - holy crap - they're making MONEY!!!

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When we tell people about Steemit, so far we've been telling them, "Here it is, here's what it does, and here's what you can do with it." What we haven't been doing (I don't feel) is showing them content that's already here. It's really, really good. If we can get people reading what's here, it might be enough to spark a fire in them to join up and post something of their own.


Attention goes where money flows and time is money. If people are willing to put time into this, then it WILL happen.

Couldn't agree more.

Don't worry about that... I'm on it!
Any day now, Oznog will be a household name.

Bring in an encrypted messenger for people to use on this instead of having to go to steemit.chat. Maybe a 'friends list' so we can check on our list of followed people more easily as well. Been thinking about profile pictures that can be upvoted too. Hmm

Right, there are clear needs here.

Yea, I'm keen on an encrypted messenger but the other suggestions are mostly to make this more user friendly

I agree with the idea, but I'm not sure about the development change. Rather than setting something up to automatically post, would it be better to just encourage users to use the built in share buttons?

I suppose encouragement couldn't hurt. As for myself, however, I rarely spend any time on my other platforms because I barely have enough time to do so given all the other aspects of life at the moment. I suppose it might be better than spamming one's Facebook timeline with nothing but Steemit links.

What about an affiliation between Steemit.com and IFTTT? I can't tell you how awesome it would be to be able to create IFTTT recipes using Steemit as the trigger.

IFTTT integration seems reasonable. I'll forward the suggestion on to the dev team, unless you would prefer to open a GitHub issue yourself.

Great article. Happy to upvote and follow. Steemit needs more leading and more sharing outside of the Steemit community. Where I see something of interest I share on Twitter✔ for my followers to read. More need to do this to other Social Media Platforms. Cheers. Stephen

I've shared quite a bit of Steemit stuff to Facebook. But I don't have many friends because I went on an unfriending spree! We all should try to share more though.

It's trivial to do. More a matter of time than anything.
The best candidate for this would be picokernal's plugin.

I agree completely! Just not sure how to do it...

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