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This needs some serious attention I have suffered from the steemit speech police. Who put them in charge how can a more open environment be created? Perhaps with catagory that allow choices to everything anyone would like to share or speak? ?

This is a interesting question. I held a give away when i hit 100 followers. After making the post the ethics of it popped into my head. To sooth my own conscience with the SP and SBD i chose to devide the authors payout by the number of votes and transfered direct from my SBD.

The math for this payout was
$0.66 Total post payout
$0.52 author
$0.14 curators
I used @randowhale to boost the payout to insure some kind of reward to the voters at a loss of $0.50 SBD. Since rando already received the $0.50 SBD plus the majority of the curator payout their accounts were removed from the reward pool.

I then took the $0.52 author payout and devided it by the voters. In this case it was only 4 votes. Meaning that each voter would receive $0.13.

I then made transfers directly from my SBD to the voters. In doing this i actually lost quite a bit more than i gained, but i believe in Steemit and i love my following.

As i was making the transfers i recorded my screen to prove to all the naysayers that i was serious. I hope this comment does not put my on the fag list.

My 100 follower giveaway post

Reward transfer video

Thank you for asking this. I didnt even know that posts were getting flagged because of things like this. Do you know if the ones getting flagged are spamming the blockchain?

I would like to continue this kind of benchmark giveaway every 100 Followers

i started doing the contests a few weeks ago, i got flagged im pretty sure because i was running the same contest multiple times a day without changing any of the content. i have been running them still by having original content with my posts, since ive been doing this i have not been having a problem, some people dont even relize they are contests untill they read it. im ok with that because i want them to read it and grow in my posts and help the community in the process... i hope this helps with what i have discovered so far thanks
@webcoop for asking the questions and i read every comment to so i could get a better understanding, i dont see anything wrong with these contest, i even boost some of the posts sometimes to give everyone a bigger share... have a good day

yes i have seen you posts ... that makes it great at least original works still getting posted and others will not miss it if if you keep putting thte "FREE SBD" on the end of the titles. Also the tag is the main thing to put in thats where people look for something free

Interesting information and questions. I do not have an answer but would also be interested to find out why they get flagged. I was thinking of doing a contest and the prize would only be a set SBD amount with not voting or resteeming requirements. Just an honest contest with a prize for the winner chosen. I wonder if that kind would be flagged as well. Hope you get your answers from someone that is better equipped to answer.

I think the problem with this is that people who are running this type of giveaways are minnows as well who don't have much voting power.

This can be helpful if the person running it is a dolphin or a whale, this way he/she upvotes that giveaway to give it more SBD worth. If that dolphin or whale voting weight is $10 then it is fair to say he/she is giving away $5 to whoever upvoted that post.

So I reckon your giveaway is probably OK and I don't see the reason for it to be flagged. Just my opinion anyway.

I just edited the post asking others to resteem this post if they are also seeking answers. Hopefully someone will notice it and will enlighten us.

You don't get to be a whale by running these things. You get muted by whales, or even downvoted.

So you are trying to say that this type of giveaways are flagged or downvoted by whales or muted? Is it because it is just plain unethical?

I think others are doing it just to gain a little SP not to become a whale or dolphin. It will probably take them 100 years doing it before they can accumulate that much SP running this type of giveaways.

The problem is there is no guidelines on what you can and can't do.

Is that lawlessness a problem though, or a feature?
Whales typically want to see valuable content here, to drive adoption, and make it a top quality site.
Spammy 'giveaways' where 'players' aren't required to contribute content in any way, doesn't add any value to the platform so whales and dolphins like myself usually leave them alone, or even downvote them to discourage the practice.

Now this is why I have asked this questions and thank you very much @mattclarke for a very good point.

Those kind of giveaways would be considered as spammy because they are just posting exactly the same post over and over. It would be like plagiarism cutting and pasting someones post/blog/article but with this it's their own article getting cut and pasted over and over which is spammy.

If that explanation could be added to the comments of the post that was flagged would be sweet. This guys probably don't know that what they are doing is really a spam or whatever they call it, and not generating a good quality post.

That's one down, how about the advertising of product/service within your post or end of your post? Any ideas?

Again, its all personal taste. Some people might hate it, others like my self, don't really mind.
If you are promoting an idea or business in a banner at the end of your post, it sort of indicates that you plan on sticking around and building a following here.

Not having hard and fast rules is kind of good.
It lets the observant, insightful and creative succeed. The automatons can have the rest of the world.

Are you saying if someone wanted to have an ongoing contest like weekly or biweekly, it would be considered spam?

I see partially what you are saying but what if it does add to the community. Let’s say the participant needs to make their own post of a particular type and then just add the url link in the contest comments. That way they add content and not just a comment with their entry. And the winner would be paid a specific amount of sbd not based on what the post generates. Yes it may not help whomever is holding the contest but it could help the winner and possibly encourage more original content posting.

I'm not sure about others, but I have no problem with it, if it generates new, original content.
I just entered one like you described, yesterday myself. and even hosted a long running chess match last year (I lost, but made $300 when steem was only worth 10c).

Thanks for your reply and personal opinion on my question as well as @webcoop.

I’ve seen others that were getting flagged for no reason or explanation.

From the Steemit FAQ Page:

What are the valid reasons for downvoting?

Users are allowed to downvote for any reason that they want. There are many users in the community who recommend only using the downvote on posts that are abusive. It is up to you if you want to follow this etiquette.

yes it is a feature or a tool to make sure steemit is clean and true... but also nothing is stopping it from being abused.

I just saw a spam on some else's post where that spammer commenting his own MLM advertisement totally unrelated to the post. Also got flagged by @cheetah. That spam does deserve a downvote

but also nothing is stopping it from being abused.

When one steps back and thinks about it, there is absolutely nothing that can be done about people abusing people. Action can be taken After the act, but nothing stops abuse. Well that is not quite right, people can stop abusing other people, but only people can do that as a group and a whole, and you can never get ALL the people to do something.

The dolphins and whales want to keep their power, so they flag things as spam to hurt minnows reputations.

I don't see how that help to keep their power. Maybe you can elaborate more on that.

First, notice how they always upvote themselves. That is NOT spreading the wealth. Second, by letting them determine what is spam, or copyrighted, or "good" blogging, they discourage others from continuing on Steemit.

The final result being only whales left on Steemit to upvote each other and only whales to share profit among themselves. That is the power I'm talking about.

hmmmnnn that's interesting.

I think this shows a misunderstanding of how whales actually behave. Yes, many of them upvote their own post as a way of securing an income, but I don't think many of them are flagging people just to keep the number of whales to a minimum.

It is pretty easy to see if someone downvoting, or upvoting and who for. just steemd their @ name and find out all you want. Even what their first post was.

That's not my point though. Statistics like that won't tell you why someone downvoted something. Any reasoning is purely speculation. Whales need minnows. They need minnows to grow. Without mass adoption, the platform won't last.

Whales need minnows

Yes they do, and minnow's need whales. Some people just have to have a reason for why. I think it stems from childhood when it was "why, because, because why, because your mother told you so now be quiet."

I personally don't agree with that kind of giveaway because I see no value in them. The least someone could do is require people to do anything. Simple "upvote this post for a share" giveaways are a pathetic attempt at boosting on's SP, reputation, and empty following by preying on minnows and redfish who see something like that as valuable. I don't flag those "giveaways", but I make my opinion known...

I think the problem with this is that people who are running this type of giveaways are minnows as well who don't have much voting power.

This can be helpful if the person running it is a dolphin or a whale, this way he/she upvotes that giveaway to give it more SBD worth. If that dolphin or whale voting weight is $10 then it is fair to say he/she is giving away $5 to whoever upvoted that post.

I just hope to see some substance in giveaways. I have a twice-weekly giveaway, but require people to suggest a Cryptocurrency for me to buy. Even small things like that can get people actually thinking instead of mindlessly upvoting a post just to try and earn some money.
Resteemed to over 4000 followers and 100% upvoted. Thank you for using my service!
Read here how the new bot from Berlin works.

Very Nice! Upvoted and followed! :-)
Thanks for sharing! :-)

Thank you very much for stopping by

You're welcome. :-)

Wishing you smiles and sunshine! :-)

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