Distribution of Steem Power via "Gifting" to create a more level playing field - My 2 Cents!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I have been thinking a lot, lately, about the Voting System, Rewards System and especially the distribution of Steem Power. @dan (@dantheman) has done several posts on the subject and the devs and whales like @steemit, @itsascam, @berniesanders, @ned, @val are working feverishly on trying to distribute SP to more people so that more people have Power behind their votes.

It is a crucial element to Steemit's long-term viability that more people have Steem Power so that more quality content from a larger source of author's reaches the masses (front page). So the fastest way I can think of to distribute Steem Power is to allow it to be Gifted (from one user to another).

Q. Why would Steemit allow "gifting"?
A. It would allow rapid distribution of Steem Power!

Q. Why would anyone "gift" their hard earned and valuable Steem Power?
A. Because having 1,000 Dolphins that can upvote content instead of a few dozen whales will increase the value of Steemit.com, increase the attraction for new members, raise the value of Steemit's Market Share as well as the value of Steem Power, Steem and Steem Dollars.

Q. How would Steemit implement such a feature?
A. That is easy, add a "Transfer" feature to Steem Power just like Steem and Steem Dollars currently have. Shouldn't be more than a few lines of code to enable such a feature.

Q. How should whales distribute their Steem Power.
A. Ideally they would take the Total SP in their wallets, divide it in half (keeping half for themselves) and then distribute the remaining half equally to 100 Users - checking to make sure no one else has "Gifted" a large amount of SP to those 100 users.

Q. What advantages would this have?
A. Well if the top 50 whales "Gifted" half their SP to 100 unique users you would now gain a whopping 5,000 Dolphins that could upvote content and actually make a difference in the visibility of the content as well as the financial reward to the Author of the content.

The Math:

Top 50 Whales
Whale Name Total SP Distributed SP Amount per Giftee
ned 3,927,621 1,963,811 19638.105
dan 3,054,029 1,527,015 15270.145
blocktrades 2,522,910 1,261,455 12614.55
jamesc 2,179,259 1,089,630 10896.295
ben 2,078,349 1,039,175 10391.745
berniesanders 2,057,367 1,028,684 10286.835
smooth 1,977,346 988,673 9886.73
dantheman 1,740,951 870,476 8704.755
Val-a 1,903,527 951,764 9517.635
poloniex 1,354 677 6.77
mottler 1,420,165 710,083 7100.825
tombstone 1,271,734 635,867 6358.67
steemed 1,096,136 548,068 5480.68
itsascam 1,050,181 525,091 5250.905
rainman 1,035,842 517,921 5179.21
Val-b 960,001 480,001 4800.005
Michael-b 944,929 472,465 4724.645
Michael-a 881,328 440,664 4406.64
summon 887,524 443,762 4437.62
blackjack 681,964 340,982 3409.82
bittrex 1,354 677 6.77
pharesim 587,654 293,827 2938.27
cloop1 546,368 273,184 2731.84
steempty 464,706 232,353 2323.53
abit 419,986 209,993 2099.93
wang 452,230 226,115 2261.15
firstclass 450,216 225,108 2251.08
riverhead 451,282 225,641 2256.41
complexring 452,273 226,137 2261.365
skywalker 430,918 215,459 2154.59
roadscape 426,906 213,453 2134.53
arhag 402,017 201,009 2010.085
xeldal 423,736 211,868 2118.68
wackou 410,406 205,203 2052.03
fuzzyvest 405,767 202,884 2028.835
batel 403,067 201,534 2015.335
steemit200 390,846 195,423 1954.23
clayop 372,539 186,270 1862.695
enki 364,515 182,258 1822.575
witness.svk 356,688 178,344 1783.44
freedom 360,650 180,325 1803.25
nextgencrypto 348,894 174,447 1744.47
proskynneo 355,692 177,846 1778.46
smooth.witness 351,442 175,721 1757.21
kushed 345,657 172,829 1728.285
bob 331,481 165,741 1657.405
silversteem 301,094 150,547 1505.47
alice 293,468 146,734 1467.34
au1nethyb1 289,084 144,542 1445.42
bitcoin2016 287,227 143,614 1436.135

Average(s) 863,014 431,507 4315.068

That works out to "Gifting" 4300+ SP to 5,000 Fellow Steemians and that is with only the top 50 whales gifting half their Steem Power. If the whales are generous there could be even more Dolphins swimming around in the Steemit Ocean.

Updated Ideas concerning this:

A. Allow only Whales (over 100,000 SP) to "Gift" their SP
B. Require the "gifted SP" be 1/2 their total SP
C. Require the "gifted SP" to be equally distributed amongst 100 Minnows (could be randomly picked by the system or hand picked by the whale)
D. Require that no "gifted SP" goes to someone with 10k SP or higher. (Should prevent multiple whales Gifting the same minnows)
E. Make the "Gifted SP" part of the giftee's total SP: non-transferable or withdrawable (power down) EVER!

PS - Feel free to gift me Steem or Steem Dollars and I will use all of it to "Power Up" further so my little 4-5 cent votes get bigger.


This proposal won't work. You call the proposed operation a "gift", but really it is a transfer. The whole point of even having SP in the first place is that it's not conveniently transferrable or fractionable, and therefore hard to sell [1].

If you make Steem Power transferrable, then you're setting up the conditions for there to be an open market for Steem Power, which will basically make Steem useless (why transfer Steem when you can just transfer an equivalent amount of Steem Power) and make it so Steem Power is no longer a long-term commitment (because you can just "gift" your Steem Power to someone paying you bitcoins).

If you want to spend your own STEEM to power up another account, the command line wallet already supports a transfer_to_vesting operation. I'm not sure if this feature exists in the web user interface, and I'm not sure if it should exist in the web interface because it might be confusing.

[1] It's technically possible to sell your entire account by changing your keys, or even to support dividing large SP balances by making some off-blockchain arrangement allowing parties to exchange ownership of fractions of some large account's SP. I've seen surprisingly little such activity to date, nor am I aware of any exchanges / brokers offering these kinds of activities -- all such activity I've seen was posts here or on Bitcointalk.


I don't think he's suggesting gifting in a way that would globally make SP transferable. He is simply suggesting that whales gift the same way they vote--occasionally, selectively, and with gusto. It would be great, I think.

Exactly, I repeated said "Gifting" by "Whales" not for everyone. Only people with an 100,000 + SP would have the feature enabled. But a second option could be put in as well so they cant gift to any account with over 10,000 SP. That would pretty muture ensure the Gifts are valid and going to help minnows.

It is available in the steemit wallet. In the dropdown you see when you click on your steem balance, select the Power Up option. In the dialog it opens, choose "Advanced."

Good ideas. Maybe not 1/2, but it's a good start to generate thinking and exchange of the idea.

I purchased my first bitcoin ever, $150 worth to invest as SP, after my first day on Steemit and making a post that was high quality but got me $0.00 LOL. I say immediately that SP was important to upvote and create recognition and visibility , and I didn't get much. I have invested another $150 of bitcoin to buy STEEM and power up last week. I value high quality content and am working my way, slowly, to be able to bring more content recognition and visibility in the community.

Take care. Peace. Upvoted.

Hey you doing a great job !

Sometimes it's best to stay away from a gifting system due to bias decisions. There isn't a clear and universal guideline that can be followed to determine who's worthy and who's not, who is a good Steemian and who is a bad Steemian to receive these gifts. We've had some devious catfishes that tricked us all. And even if there was such a guideline, it would be heavily under fire from the ones that are below the bar.

There was a story about a young man who received a hefty allowance from his father (say 2,000$). While on a trip with his friends he dropped his wallet (with those money) into a campfire by accident but the boy didn't fuss too much about it as it was a big fire they built that night. He couldn't do anything to save it.
Flash forward 5 years when he gets his first job and the first salary. The paycheck was 1/4 of what his father gave him 5 years ago but he was uber-hyped about earning it.
Funnily enough, he's camping with his friends again and drops his wallet into the campfire. This time he rushed to get it with his bare hands, burns his hands a bit but saves the money.
The conclusion is that you value tenfold more what you earn than what is gifted to you.

PS. What are poloniex and bittrex doing in the TOP 50 table?

Repeated whale votes to the same authors are a little like gifting but slower. I think they need to power down and send the Steem to valued posters. That would help. but a Steem power transfer doesn't seem like it would be an issue at all.

I've been thinking something very similar, which is why I made a post about it as well;
and @stellabelle upvoted it

and I feel really strong about, so I made a post trying to come up with a solution as well;
and @ned voted for it

but ... although they should maybe consider doing something like you and me are suggesting, by simply giving a lot of people some extra steem power, a short, 1 time action, just to speed up the process

but at the same time ... it's happening, never fast enough to any of our liking's, but it's happening ... we just need to give it some time, in another 3 to 6 months a lot will have happened already

I think a few days of whale vote fasting might lift all the 10c post on the network and build everyone's Steem equally. What we really need is whale fasting not whale voting.

Great idea, but, to make things easier, would be enough to transfer Steem Dollars and then to move them to Steem Power (which is already possible).

something needs to be done to increase activity but not sure how to make that happen .

Users can do this today without Steemit making a change.

  1. Power down Steem Power to Steem
  2. Power up to another users account

It would require them to wait one week for their first week's payment to get converted, but any whale should be able to get more than enough Steem to do this within one week of a power down. They can also cancel the power down after the first week, to stop it from powering down more than they need to make the gift.

But in my proposal they would be able to gift 0.005% of their SP (half their total SP) to 100 users almost instantly. Where as via the Power Down they would only get .0096% of their steem each week. So they would only be able to Gift to 2 Minnows a week (using my example in the original post)

I doubt that any whale is going to be that generous and give that much SP away for free 😀

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