A Day of Fasting (on votes) for the Whales! 9-9-16!

in #steemit8 years ago

What would the trending page look like if whales didn't influence things?

Let's have a day of fasting and find out!

Let's plan one day, say 9-9 ( for the 99%) for all 85 whales to not vote on anything. Their Steem power is so high any voting rocks the boat.

What will we find?

1. What will the Trending Page Look Like in the Future!

With whale votes gone, small Steem holders will have large influence on the authoring rewards. I imagine after whale votes are lapped, everyone's vote will be worth 10x as much. We can see what the payout distribution would look like in whale free world. ( I imagine it will be more belly distributed)

2. Are There any Adjustments we Should Make?

Without whales splashing around we may find some problems that could be easily fixed. It's worth a try.

3. It Will be a Great Reward for Minnows!

I imagine many minnows will have their highest rewards ever on the day of fasting. This will rewards the little guy who has persisted.

Let's Do it, Upvote This if you Want a Day of Whale Fasting on 9-9-16!


Yes! Whales blow things out of proportion!

I've heard somewhere this analogy to Reddit votes. Each account gets one vote, and the total dictates what trends or not. It would be ridiculous if an account got the equivalent of say 500 votes!

I like the formula but perhaps it should be Steem power to tribe 1.75 or the 1.5 instead of 2. But I think it would be interesting to see payouts one day with no whales.

I find it doubtful, this will happen. Fun thought though. The whales greatly value their opinions and seem to send a message that they are the only ones capable of providing and protecting "Good Content" whatever the hell that means. :) Happy Steeming.

Well I think one day is not a lot to ask. It would be a nice expiriment.

Haha will people even post if they know whales wont be around? I think it's a great idea just to see the impact they have on posts but in all reality what will this change in the long run?

The dollar sum of all the post each day is the same no matter who votes. It would make dolphins into whales but there are so many more Dolphins it would cause rewards to be more evenly distributed. I imagine there would be lots of 100 dollar post and no 1000 dollar post.

Hell, I'd be happy with making 100$ a post

I was ecstatic to have one over $10.

I like the 99 percent using 9-9. Nice

I think this would take a little too much collusion amongst the whales. Also tragedy of the Commons. If they all agree but one upvotes anyway his upvotes are going to be insane.

True but there are not that many of them and they all know each other so it could work for the top 25 or so.

This would be an interesting experiment actually!

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