The Steemit Battle Between the Whales and Minnows

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I love Steemit, but ...

Is there a problem with distribution? Or are those minnows just butthurt?

Let's assume that those people that are complaining are just sore losers, people that are just not realistic, their posts are just no good, their comments are crap and they keep upvoting the wrong posts ...

is @stellabelle one of those people? No, obviously not ... she has the highest reputation score of everybody!

yet ... she's complaining too; from this post

and this is the post she's refering to; Steemocracy: Jeff Berwick Interviews Dan & Ned and yes, those cartoons are hilarious!

By now the post got 212 votes and $29.76 SD

And whether or not that's fair is not really the issue ... a lot of people perceive it as unfair, and that's an issue!

More and more people are getting demotivated, they feel left on their own ... they keep hearing they need to get better at making posts, but there's not even a faq-page, let alone a proper video tutorial ...

OW, no wait! There's actually a really great faq-page;

FAQ page ~ editable version

There's a direct link to the public word doc, so anybody can edit it ...

@shenanigator made a massive effort there, and she didn't do it alone, there's really a large group of people behind it, all contributing the best they can ...

lets' see; 77 votes and $157 SD

that's just sad ...

And then we see this;

Steemit Tutorial 1: Creating An Account on Steemit ~ 28 votes and $0.25 SD
Steemit Tutorial 2: Steemit Account Dashboard Overview ~ 17 votes and $0.15 SD
Steemit Tutorial 3: Creating Our First Ever Basic Post ~ 14 votes and $0.33 SD
Steemit Tutorial 4: Reading, Writing and Voting On Comments ~ 26 votes and $0.38 SD

That are very basic, simple little tutorials video, which is exactly what people need. ... but ... they're impossible to be found!

But then this happens;
Steemit Tutorial 5: Voting, Power, Weighting, Spying and Managing
66 votes and $581 SD (Dan voted for this!)

So ... tutorial 1-2-3-4 are worthless crap, but tutorial 5 is solid gold ?!?

How does that work?

Just butthurt, right?

I don't care about the price of $SD going down, but the amount of posts and replies going down ... that's not good!

We need more dolphins, thousands of them! And FAST!

I'm not complaining about the rewards for my own posts, I've been here for exactly 14 days and so far I think I'm doing really good; my rewards and followers, all going up, up and up ... I'm happy :)

Don't worry about my wallet, but do worry about my user experience, because right now ... it could be better!

A little note to each and every one of my 66 followers. You're precious to me, you're the best followers, I always have the best followers, nobody has followers like me ... this is going to be Yuge and I love you all !!

We're going to make Steemit great again!

Now listen to me ... you have to go to this post;

First of ... it's hilarious, I promise, you will laugh your ass of, believe me!

but ... it's not getting any attention of the whales, so we're going to use this post to revolt!

Go to the post, laugh, upvote and leave a comment ... we need to make that post rank to show our power ... #minnowsunite!

ok, that's it ... don't forget to upvote and happy steeming!

so we're going to use this post to revolt!

lulz, I appreciate the thought and the props. :)

I figured, if I try to promote my own posts, that's fishy, but by promoting your post ... we might actually succeed, you know ...

Luckily, I am not a Whale nor a minnow,
Just the Little Plankton.

nobody making any remarks about my trump imitation? I thought that was funny ... no?
not obvious or not funny?

It was obvious to me,and quite amusing.

for a second I imagined myself; laughing at my own joke ... all alone ... that just looked so sad

so, thanks, I feel a lot better now!

Steemit Needs You

To Become A Dolphin

easier said than done ...

Easier now than when I did.

There is definitely a major inbalance in voting power on Steemit right now. I'm hoping though that as more dolphins and whales are created in the months ahead that things will change. I've had plenty of articles get a lot of votes but almost no money. It really stinks when that happens.

time will tell, but right now it's skewed ...

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