The whole concept of ADHD/ADD is wrong ! And this is why.
ADD has been officially accepted as a disorder in our current social state. It stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. People think that when a person can't focus on a specific subject he has an attention deficit but that actually isn't the case. People with ADD actually have way much more attention than any other "NORMAL" person would have and I will explain why in this article.
It is actually an Overactive

People with "ADD" actually have an over active attention, it is so over active that the attention can't be allocated to one specific subject. I personally have "ADHD" and through self-exploration and refinement, I've noticed that my attention simply can't stay focused on one specific thing if it does then Hyperactivity kicks in.
The Energy behind the mechanism
When we look at the attention we are looking at consciousness in play or in other words the energy behind consciousness. Not being able to focus on one simple task is due to an over active energy flow, which triggers multiple viewing positions in our consciousness. People with ADD don't work in a linear fashion towards a given subject, when they are given a task they have the ability to see it from multiple viewing angles, for example how it will impact them, the benefits of it, how it will impact others, the negatives, or in other words the ability to see all the outcomes of one given thing. It isn't about the deficit, it's about how well one given thing will work for them and does the cost of time and energy overweight the struggles of achievement.
The only way for people with ADD/ADHD to work properly towards something is if that something is in sync with their souls calling or utmost good. Or in other words, Balancing Emotion/Action/Logic
My ADHD experience

Having ADHD is like having an overly amped emotional struggle with yourself. For example, when I have to go to work I know what I'm working for and how it benefits me. I put in X amount of effort, X amount of time, X amount of emotional energy into doing something repetitive for someone else so he may enjoy life better. This gives me in return X amount of paper that decides how my life will go. Hence when I have to work I know at my core that my life is restricted, I can't be truly free and live the way I want to. At the core, ADD is not a Deficit it's the ability to see how things make an impact on all levels of your overall structure not only physical suffering. People with ADD/ADHD have a great self-feel and feel for others (Active sympathetic nerve system) which means that they have the ability to not only comprehend words as simple sounds and a means of logical interpretation but can actually see beyond that and decode them at an emotional and mental level. Also this happens because the things have a great reversal Impact on the individuals.
A normal or in other words a person without ADHD can hate his job and tell himself (Ok I need the money) the struggle will be over but if someone with ADHD does that, the struggle will be over only in the logical perception, the emotional and mental feedback will continue due to the feedback from the subconscious mind.
A Person without ADHD will hate something due to seeing the impact that it does to him. A person with ADHD will know the impact that it will happen and hate that something before it happens.
When I write Articles on steemit it takes me a total of 30/50 minutes to write an article. This is because there aren't any negatives that make an emotional/mental/physical impact on me, I see only positives, hence there are no blocks that can stop my attention from curving towards negative impacts. This aligns my emotions and mental position towards a refined focus on the subject, allowing me to write without having any inner thoughts.
Now I must say that those are the reasons why I have ADD, there can be different reasons for others.
When I'm writing I write with my emotions and my energy not with logic. I write about what I've been through and how I see everything through my eyes.
The Hyperactivity
People think that the Hyper Activity comes from some chemical imbalances on a body level, which is to some extent correct, but that's a by product of the actual mental mechanics that are in play. When you think with emotions/mentality and Logic it requires a vast amount of energy.
Example: Writing I see what stands behind my words on an emotional level, following the same flow, looking at the emotional impact that my writing will leave and also look at the mental feedback it will create in peoples minds. Oh and finally the logic and synergy.
Doing all of these things simultaneously requires a Huge amount of energy. So let's say I'm stuck doing some hard labor that doesn't stimulate all of the aforementioned, that will lead to an Energetic build up and sooner or later reach a level where it will be affecting the body as Energy is stored in the cells. This will lead to an over active nervous system and hyperactivity.
This might sound like " I got more energy than others", but in fact it means " My nervous system is overloading and I can't think consciously about things that need to be done".
Simply Put
Let me describe this with the following pictures.
The arrows that are facing the (YOU) Mean that there is feedback that impacts the "Self Construct" from sources different than plain Logical perception. The mental Repercussion perception means that the individual has the ability to see how that specific action will have a long term impact on the "Self" Construct, creating more blockages that prevent the ability to perform it. But this is due to the overall way that the Individual works and won't change even if the given person decided to cut the feedback from these sources. If that is done the energy will be allocated towards out the body, creating hyperactivity.
The lack of arrows means facing the (YOU) means less impact to the "Self" Construct, hence less friction/weight and more ability to focus on logical action. This might seem as an advantage but has long term effects.
Not having ADHD Allows us to function more towards a given action with less emotional and mental strain, but cuts out some vantage points that the Emotional and Mental thinking/processing/perception allows us to see.
The main point here is that ADD/ADHD ISN'T a disorder ! It is a way of being that has it's own benefits. Finding how to benefit from it and how to function with it is the key towards an extremely happy and fulfilling life.

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Good and interesting article. It's a very important issue. I find it so sad whenever I hear of children being diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed mind altering drugs as a treatment, for what is basically an inability to concentrate in school or keep still.
There is also the stigma of being told that you have a 'disorder', which some people carry throughout their whole life. It can take many years for them to come to realise that there was really nothing wrong with them at all, but the system itself was the problem. It just doesn't suit everyone.
I also find it difficult to hold attention on one thing at a time as I have a very active imagination and a busy mind. Learning to make guitars has helped me to focus my attention and develop the patience and discipline it takes to finish what I started.
Most creative processes are about getting into the 'flow'. A child who is in the 'flow' should not be interrupted or distracted. It can be harmful. This is another problem with the school system, when everything is governed by time-slots.
I grew up treated like damaged goods, meanwhile I was constantly told by everyone how smart and talented I was. "Just start applying yourself". I just couldn't wrap my head around why more students and teachers weren't asking things like " what the hell are we doing all this work for? Is this working? They say the environment is fucked, we still have poverty and war, and half of what we learn in school contradicts itself, why don't we address that directly instead of pretending we are doing everything right here?"
Very well said brother! I presume making guitars uses all aspects of your consciousness + imagination :) The greatest thing in life is when we learn to work on what we love, then the whole universe helps us reach our end results ❤︎
Thanks for the great reply and I wish you all the best in the future 🙏
Totally true! Give an adhd child a two drumsticks or a guitar, or a brushes and paint and let him free for a day! They need timeless moments so they can explore their talents and flow in creation.
Following you @stillgideon.
I really enjoyed reading your article, it's great to hear your views on this as someone who has some of the 'symptoms' but doesn't want the label.
There is too much labelling going on of children and wanting to put them in boxes and drug them up. As you say, we are all Free Spirits, or should be and how we each express our uniqueness will be different and Free Spirits don't fit in boxes or schooling systems!
I hope you article helps those not wanting to be labeled or take drugs and to find their inner soul and spirit and live in harmony with it.
I've had this page open on my browser to get in and make a comment. Alas a couple of weeks have gone by and I haven't responded because I have so much to say on this subject and wanted to make a proper response. But, I'll just keep it short and say I agree with this post. I believe that one of the reasons for children with "ADHD" is to let us know that children are not meant to sit in a chair, locked in a room under artificial lights, disconnected from nature, controlled by the ideas of others, judged, coerced and manipulated. When we start tuning in and taking heed of the potent prophetic information they bring us, we will all greatly benefit from their wisdom instead of trying to dumb it down and keep them slow and uninspired like most of humanity is right now. May we embrace their blessing and breathe in the opportunities for transformation for us all. Thanks bringers of the light!!
Thanks for the amazing reply !
You said all that I tried to sugar coat exactly how it is <3
Much love !
I likely would have said something waaaay longer had I written when I read it. Thanks for being you and for shining a light on this subject. These are things that affect many of us and I feel it is super wise to share. Glad to be following you.
You write an article like this within an hour. That's amazing. Writing this comment will take me 5 minutes. I agree there's not such thing as ADHD. My niece is diagnosed with it. BS! She's so happy and fun and really talented. She's super energetic for sure but it's all about adjusting to the system nowadays. Thanks for sharing this information.
Thanks for the great feedback ^^ People with ADHD can manage to rip through everything which is expression based, but not that good with following one specific routine. Encourage your niece to expand her talents and one day she can have a great life by using them :)
I agree, this article would take me twice as long!
Hi, I found pretty interesting you're article. My son has ADHD and I've never seen it like a disorder, he has a different way to process and analyze things. I REALLY liked your article, I'm following you right now.
Thank you friend :) Happy to see you liked my writings ^^ Gave you a follow back <3
Woah, this was great. I was planning on writing my own article on this eventually but you touched on so,e things that I hadn't thought of, I love the diagram and explanation at the end, I hadn't thought about that much but it made sense immediately.
I've always thought that they should have diagnosed us with "sensitivity" rather than any disorder as we all seem to have a knack for empathy and are a bit more at risk for being overwhelmed by too many stimuli or by what we perceive as negative.
I often find myself easily able to predict outcomes as I can see the different possibilities as well as their likelihood. It always kind of baffles me how others around me seem fixated on one or two extreme and unlikely possibilities without considering all the possibilities in between, I face this even when talking about the future of steemit.
I do think that this "ADHD/ADD"/sensitive state is something that everyone or almost everyone has access to to some extent but some of us seem to have it as our factory default setting.
Great comment @whatamidoing! Great screen name too. Following you!
Thanks :-) I would like to tell my ADD story to the steemit community sometime
That would likely be beneficial to a lot of people. I imagine there are many who can relate on certain aspects of an ADD story, as the diagnosis of the "disorder" is wide-spread these days!! It feels like prime time to broach the subject!! Give it to us @whatamidoing!!
this is a very interesting perspective on ADHD you have here Vangelov. I've studied it a little bit, but haven't looked at it this way. I always have the idea that the reason whythings work for ADHD people thay they do is:
a. Because they probably come from a different planet or at least have different soul purpose the non ADHD people
b. They often had a youth experience which strongly took them away from their inner core, which is then blocked by traumatic information. So it seems that the available energy of an ADHD person goes round and round and round and hardly ever touches down at the still point, thereby triggering the emotions and mental repercussions more then happens with other people. The way out would be working through the trauma so that the still point can be reached again.
I realise this seems to be looking at DHD as a problem. That is not necessarily so. I don't think things happen to people for no reason and I think challenges always bring extra talents about. Likewise I have been brought up always thinking for other people and having my attention focussed outwards, this has made me more sensitive to signals from outside and is probably partially the reason why I am a high sensitive person.
I don't have ADHD so I am really interested to hear what you think about my ADHD theory.
I think that trauma comes from sensitivity. For me, the whole process of growing up was traumatic because I could see through all the holes. I could see what was going on on a deeper level and it was horrifying. I saw the indoctrination before I even knew that word. I saw the inconsistencies and I was being forced to play along. Like imagine telling your classmates and teachers and parents the sky is blue for your whole life and the whole time they say you are crazy because "the sky is green" and they medicate you and for a few years you pretend to the sky is green but it hurts so bad to have been broken like that......
I know not everyone with ADD has that experience but I believe many do. I really believe it's unfocused sensitivity and it's unfocused because it's generally not allowed to focus on anything but what the teachers and parents say.
So, do you feel you can go back to your core now?
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I agree x100 that there is no such thing as Attention deficit, we just have our attention switching between on/off states aka hypofocus and hyperfocus. When we're not implied emotionally and mentally, we can't concentrate our energy on the needed task, and we gather external stimuli instead. However, when we do something we're passionate about, distractions disappear completely and we're super effective on the actual task. There is no such deficiency here, the issue here is more about modulating our attention.
But I would be lying if I said I have no disorder at all. I constantly struggle with keeping a job, paying bills and planning to do things or see friends. I need constant change in my life to stay motivated and happy, so I have no stability in my life. And the biggest issue is my type 1 diabetes. It needs discipline and routine to control such a thing and even with the best intention, i cant respect the minimial requirements to get a refund on my medical devices. And the medical team make me feel guilty about it.
I've been fighting against taking adhd meds, but this is the best tool I have right now to make my brain work in a way that's effective and that helps me getting closer to my aspirations. Yes it might shut down the great assets of adhd, but at times, we need more organization and less dreamy visions.
But I still agree with your article. The whole concept, the way normal people and society look at us is wrong and makes us think we are a problem. ADHD people are essential in a society. They have this awesome global approach to life, they can have awesome ideas by making links between different things most people wouldn't see. They are visionaries, they are believers, they inspire, they give energy and will power to the people!
If we understand and accept our flaws, we can stick on our assets and believe in ouserlves and our capacities.
I try to shape myself a lifestyle that can support me and that lets me the freedom to exploit my strengths. I believe that minimalism is a good way to declutter a foggy brain. I believe nomadism is a good way to galvanize our attention. I believe nature is a pain reliever and a great tranquilizer.
Oh, you see. I didn't take my meds today, I drifted off your subject.. But great post and I'm looking forward to your articles! Thank you :)
I loved your vulnerable and authentic comment @underthetree. This is a subject close to my heart. Following you.
ADHD children are very intelligent, find what interests them and they will excel, they need stimulation not being held back :)
Exactly :)
@jlou new posr will interest you :)
Will definitely have a look :)
Thank you :)