INCREASE the value of STEEM EXPONENTIALLY? An App to Add STEEMIT features to Wordpress and other social platforms

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

social network

As a compassionate software engineer and designer I am always thinking of new ideas that can help evolve the web and our society towards balance and peace. For me, it is not enough to just sit and code or design when the end result is a creation that only serves the few, or worse - only does damage!

I have put a lot of time into creating and evolving a non-commercial social network called Ureka: Earth Heart Community which helps us come together in a space that specifically nurtures balance and where we can find solutions to problems on Earth. I am appreciating the value of STEEMIT more and more and I am now eager to enhance my project with the power of STEEM. This post is intended to build up a head of STEEM in that direction - I know many others want this for their projects too. :)

Many sites would benefit from an easy way to integrate with STEEMIT features.

The STEEM blockchain is intended to support multiple apps that can access it and make use of its features - which means there can be numerous apps that co-exist and all of which provide their own flavour of experience as we use STEEM. Is there a way to extend the features for use by the millions of websites that currently lack a monetised aspect, but for which STEEM would be a perfect partner for?

What's needed is an easily accessible system of commenting and posting that can be used by existing Wordpress sites and other platforms too.

I am envisioning something like Disqus, where a web admin can insert some code into their site - whether by a pre-coded plugin or directly into an existing page and can then choose to either:

  • Completely replace their existing comments for that page with the new STEEM based commenting system that utilises the STEEM chain and gets the commenter paid.
  • Intelligently integrate the STEEM features into the existing website's commenting system.

The second option is obviously the more advanced and may only be practical by the coding of specialist plugins for specific platforms such as WordPress and the platform I am using for my website - Elgg.

A creative group challenge? Find Links and information to help design this APP

I have read a post from Ned and others who have commented on their interest to create such an app, but so far I haven't found any more than that. So I am setting a challenge for you, dear reader, to collect and post here any data or code or links you can find which relate to this subject and which can be used by developers and designers to help with the process of creating a new app that can really revolutionise the web and also increase the value of STEEM EXPONENTIALLY!

Just post any relevant information into the comments in this thread and I will do what I can to pass it on to those who will use it and maybe we can collectively accelerate STEEMIT even more than it is moving already due to the hard work of so many!

Follow, Upvote, Resteem - @ura-soul


I'm very excited to see Steemit integrated with the tools people are currently using, making integration with steemit fairly common, across many domains.

Until this moment, I had not really visualized how that might happen exactly, and now it feels very much this will manifest.

The vision of its possibility and value will make it reality.

Great, yes - we are always really just harnessing the collective power of humanity by co-creating new community driven apps online. I value the way that Steemit respects that situation (mostly) instead of trying to exploit it like so many others who have disappeared already tried. I am happy to assist the process of evolution and expansion in that spirit :)

Expansion of spirit- music to my ears, thank you for posting this. An-all social media integration app is really in need. The question is, will steemit entertain that idea?

This is a project that has been announced by Steemit Inc. as part of the SMT (Smart Media Tokens) suite of features - so we should be seeing usable software for this early next year.

A Disqus-like steem base commenting system is such a great idea! Any means by which to embed steem on other platforms, and make use of it's social features would absolutely increase growth by a major factor. I'd love to see something like this happens, glad to hear that others like Ned are thinking similarly

Nice article. Good one. thanks for posting.

Hey buddy, may I request you to please check my new post and up vote it if you like the photographs. Thanks in advance.

This is great! I think this definitely works toward the goal of mainstream integration. Followed, resteemed, upvoted!

thanks - i followed back :)

Great idea and similar to things we are developing at the moment. Let me know if I can help in any way.

great, thanks! as far as i recall from our brief conversation on this subject in discord - the most optimal way to approach this might be to rethink what you are already doing to make sure it's fundamental mechanisms can be used in a generic way - but i really feel this would be best approached by or with the steemit core developers. at this point though i don't even know who they are!

The steem api is pretty straightforward to use, at least the Python library which is all I've used so far. Steemconnect has a service that allows you to add steem login to your site so it's a pretty simple matter to have it post to steem when they click the button to post on the other site.

ok, that's good to know. usually in this type of situation, where different systems are being interfaced, it is necessary to define the underlying structure of the generic interface and to then create plugins or extensions of some kind that work for each framework or platform that is going to be supported.
it is because of the need to create a generic layer that plays nicely with steem that it would be nice to have input or help from the core devs.. there is no way to know if the layer will be optimally designed without knowing their intentions. maybe opening a github ticket would be best.
i just looked through the steem api docs I found through a search, but don't see any mention of a command to perform a post:

Hi thanks! No really seriously thanks for posting this as I am getting into working with @wordpress and I was thinking about this type of connection for my future sites. Peace.

you are really welcome! :)
it will be interesting to see what we can bring to reality here.

I am a wordpress designer/developer and I think this would be an incredible idea. I would also be extremely interested in Working to BRING THIS PROJECT TO LIFE.

Let me know. I currently have my WordPress agency

Great OK - Let's see who else raises a hand. :)
Most of my experience of coding for the web is with PHP, MYSQL and Jquery - but i can learn other things if it helps.

Great initiative.
You want to join Steem Developers

thanks - i did already see that post and changed the keywords for my post here to include steemit-dev. i'm not really a steemit coder at the moment though, so have no place on that list. ;)
i followed you btw :)

You should change another time, #steem-dev !! There's a forum under this tag at chainbb
Let me know if your ambitions change ;)

As for Steemit vs Steem: Check my post There is more than steemit

ah, actually i did use steem-dev, not steemit-dev ;)
i am happy to help out with enhancements to steemit that serve a purpose, but i am already running a social network at and that is already more than enough work for one coder.
if i can help create a solution that helps me integrate steem into ureka, then i will help - but so far i have not had any comments at all from steem coders.

This is a brilliant idea and badly needed. As is the ability to login with your Steemit credentials, upvote content that are on non-Steemit websites alon g with being able to tip blog authors with Steem or SBD. The future is so bright. Keep up the awesome work.

There needs to be android/ios app ASAP, similar to reddit or tapatalk

there is an android app listed in the steem apps list already, but i haven't tested it

There's also eSteem, which is already functional (crashes from time to time, but they're working very hard on it !).

As far as I have read about Steemy, it is for now a dream. There's no Steemy listed in the App Store either.

Just to let you know.. Working on an app (prototype, iOS/Android): Insteem.
Inspired by a mix of twitter and instagram..

Looking for alpha tester soon ;)

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