Did FACEBOOK just CENSOR me for linking to STEEMIT - like they did with TSU? Anyone seen that?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I just posted to Facebook about how I had been making money on steemit and particularly how I was running a series of successful posts here about identifying mind control (and also one on healing). I posted to Facebook as usual and then shared it with about 8 groups who I regularly share my posts to in exactly the same way. I started getting an unusually good response and then after about 1 minute I got a notification from Facebook's system saying that the post has been removed because 'it looks like spam'. I have never seen that before in my life and I have been posting on Facebook for a long time. Check out the screenshot below.

The link I posted was this one to my heart healing series - hardly a candidate for spam under normal circumstances.

Is this an attempt to stop people leaving Facebook for Steemit? Or am I just coming up against a common anti-spam feature that I've never triggered before due to me not normally mentioning money values in my posts on Facebook?

UPDATE: I just found the VICE news piece that covers how they and the Guardian got hold of Facebook's internal training manuals for moderators. FB has 4500 moderators checking content.

I also just found this old story to how Facebook has previously been found to sensor links to another social network called Tsu (now deceased) that used to pay you to post. Looks like Facebook has previous form for this form of 'protection'. :/

Have any spammers on here seen this before on facebook? ;)

Follow, Upvote, Resteem - @ura-soul


Jeff Berwick couldn't post Steemit article on Fb also

I see, ok. Actually, I sent Jeff a message a couple of weeks ago and never got a reply.. but not sure if that's just because he ignored it or not.

Just busy and to many people send him messages. Don't take it personaly.

sure, i'm not ;)

they censor everything its call fake book

i actually bought the domain name a while ago fakebooc.com - intending to make t-shirts - but decided not to risk a court case. lol

$censor = keywords['slave','mind-control','steemit';]

wow - good hacking skills ;)

thanks a lot I'm just learning!

i am impressed you got passed facebook's security and took their source code ;)
obviously there is something to be said for 'beginner mind' ;)

hai Sensei!


followed - btw ;)

i think ... your intuition is correct !!

very possibly - it would be good to know if others experience the same; there's already one commenter here who may have experienced something similar.

They could have tought it was spam. But your suspicion is also very likely. I would not be surprised one bit if facebook has also started censoring people that are using or going over to the competition.

they are well known to limit the reach of posts for various reasons that you and i probably wouldn't agree with.. neutrality is not their strong point!

Oh snap! I wrote a pretty long post over on FB yesterday about steemit. I usually reach hundred of people with my posts, as I have a huge following there and tons of friends and family who ALWAYS react. But the steemit post fell on deaf ears. Or was it suppressed? Now you've got me thinking...

good call - maybe you can ask your friends offline if they can find your post in their newsfeed?

I got one PM asking about it. From my single most avid follower/friend. Otherwise, crickets. In a world where I normally get 60-100 likes if I frigging sneeze near my keyboard.

ok, i was just wondering about asking the ones you didn't hear from, if they can even see the post.

Yeah, you know, I'm so done with that place after being one of it's most prolific users for a decade. I dunno if I even care. I'm here now, and on a roll like a "steem" engine going 90 down the main line.

hehe - i left for about 4 years after they shut me down for not providing them my passport to prove i was using a 'real name'. in the in the end i came back just to talk to some people who only use facebook - hence my 'legal fiction' birth certificate name is on my FB account. I actually run my own social network partly in response to FBs BS.. I will be glad when everyone has left!

Last one out, turn off the lights!

i just read your personal profile here - i am a software engineer and part way to moving to live off the grid - good to connect with you. followed!

I don't know. Next time I go over there to clear ignored notifications, I'll ask around.

It is possible that someone who read it reported it as spam. My sense from a group I admin, is that they don't always put "eyes" on something that has been reported. Just another theory.

I have seen news reports about how Facebook hires 1000 people to check everything that is reported - but I have never been into their office, so it's speculation to an extent.

I completely agree.

I just found the link to the recent news story on vice on this topic - they got hold of facebook's training manuals for moderators. fyi, i saved the video on ureka, my own social network: https://www.ureka.org/videos/watch/100284/how-facebook-decides-if-you-see-nudity-or-death-hbo

I wouldn't doubt that it is happening. I wonder what the numbers look like for those that have already migrated to steemit. Facebook may in the end get desperate and we see ddos wars between social media platforms.

lol - maybe they are more likely to release the army of zuckerberg terminator robots onto the face of the earth! its a good job their skynet satellite exploded on the launchpad :)

Didn't happend to me steemit yet. But it did with Tsu social network that was paying users also until broke down. Fb censor tsu links and private message containing tsu links.

i see - ok - thanks for the info, i never used tsu. do you have any links to news pieces or evidence regarding their censorship of tsu?

That happend more than year ago. Tsu don't exist any more.

yeah, i know - but i just thought maybe you kept a link about it in your bookmarks. i store things like that, but that's because i run a social network and like to keep the evidence of facebook's malfeasance to show others.

Don't have anything

ok, no probs - i will look in a bit

i found this story on boingboing about it, thanks for the tip: http://boingboing.net/2015/11/06/facebook-is-censoring-links-to.html

Do your network pays?

no - it was intended to be a non-commercial site from the beginning - so no adverts. since using steemit though i have been looking into how to integrate steemit into my site, so you can get paid posting on my site too. it will take a while to get that working.

I reposted an article that someone had done on Steemit that was similar to Fakebook. After an hour I checked my page and it was still there. I'm not active on FB (once a week or so). They may not have thought it a "threat", who knows.

It may be that me sharing it to several large groups triggered a control program.

FB is full of them! They have monitors that watch people's activity (if you're "suspicious"). I had 25 of them watching me at one time... you could check by going to "security" and where you block them, right click and it shows who's monitoring. I think they're hip that people are on to them now and have changed the alogrithm.

i have heard people say something similar to that before, but when i look in the blocked users list i can't see anything that fits that description - if i right click i just get the standard browser right click menu.

They must have fixed it... I went to my page and tried as well with the same results.

ok, quite an interesting bug then!

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