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RE: Did FACEBOOK just CENSOR me for linking to STEEMIT - like they did with TSU? Anyone seen that?

in #steemit7 years ago

Didn't happend to me steemit yet. But it did with Tsu social network that was paying users also until broke down. Fb censor tsu links and private message containing tsu links.


i see - ok - thanks for the info, i never used tsu. do you have any links to news pieces or evidence regarding their censorship of tsu?

That happend more than year ago. Tsu don't exist any more.

yeah, i know - but i just thought maybe you kept a link about it in your bookmarks. i store things like that, but that's because i run a social network and like to keep the evidence of facebook's malfeasance to show others.

Don't have anything

ok, no probs - i will look in a bit

i found this story on boingboing about it, thanks for the tip:

Do your network pays?

no - it was intended to be a non-commercial site from the beginning - so no adverts. since using steemit though i have been looking into how to integrate steemit into my site, so you can get paid posting on my site too. it will take a while to get that working.

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