Welcome to Steemit Page Banner - Winner Selected!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

The winner for the "Welcome to Steemit" page banner image has been selected!

Congratulations to @son-of-satire :-)

Here is the winning entry:

This is a sample of what it could look like once the text is overlaid over the image:
(Note, the actual version will look different on the live site.)

Last month, we asked the community to submit entries for the banner image to go on top of the Welcome to Steemit landing page. A $30 SBD bounty was offered to the winner, plus @officialfuzzy added an additional $20 SBD to the bounty! The top 3 runner-ups will also receive $5 SBD.

After the entries were submitted, the community provided their feedback in this post.

Based on the feedback from the community, we selected @son-of-satire's image as the winner! We reviewed the image with Steemit, and @sneak approved! @rigaronib, @elewarne, @oceansoul13 were all runners up.

The bounties have been paid:

The next step is @bitcoiner and I will work on getting it up on live site. Note: there is no guarantee yet that it will make it to the live site. (There are still some technical hurdles to overcome.)

Also, a few 'housekeeping' items:

  • @son-of-satire - can you please add a comment below confirming that you own the rights to the image you submitted and authorize Steemit, Inc. to use/modify the image royalty-free.
  • @son-of-satire - you mentioned that you had a higher resolution version of the images. Could you please provide them?
  • @officialfuzzy - can you please transfer the $20 SBD bounty to @son-of-satire.

Thank you everybody for your participation and support!


Yes, these images are mine and I have no problem with you or anyone making use of them.

I added a couple of bluer ones in there which I also had saved.

I have retained the files. The road map suggested a new logo and color scheme for Steemit. Should that arrive soon, I will be able to match the new colour scheme easily upon request.

Thanks, @timcliff for the opportunity. More than the bounty, I am ecstatic about my work being a part of the website. I am truly honoured.

You did an excellent job - congratulations on being the winner :) Thank you for all your great submissions!!

Congratulations @son-of-satire - it's a lovely banner and of course I love the Steemit blue. :)

Yeees! Congrats, dude! One hell of a job. :)

Thanks so much for picking my banner as runner up, @timcliff! I am super honored! :)

Congratulations @son-of-satire I had a feeling they would go for your design. It has the feeling of organic growth. Great work all of you.

Thats awesome and really looks great ! Congratulations @son-of-satire ! 👍

Hi. I thank you and @officialfuzzy for the opportunity again, but I have a question.

Have you decided yet whether it will be on the live site, and if it is, do you have any timeline for how long it will take.

I find myself rather intrigued to see how it will look if it is implemented, and as a result of this curiosity, I have been checking the welcome page like a hundred times a day to see if it is there yet.

It would be very helpful to know what sort of time frame it is likely to take, as it will prevent me from constantly checking.

Or even if you intend to post an update once it is done, that will also be useful as I am a follower of yours.

@bitcoiner is working on the development. I don't have an exact timeline (or guarantee that it will be approved) but as a rough guess I would say another month. I will post on it as soon as there are any significant updates. Thanks for your patience :) I'm excited/hopeful to see it on the live site too!

If you talk to @bitcoiner he may be able to give you a sneak peek of what he has up on his test site.

Thanks a lot. I can give the refreshing a rest then lol.

Congratulations @son-of-satire really nice work!!

That looks really good!! Congrats @son-of-satire!
Will the claim 'Come for the rewards. Stay for the community' replace the current 'Your voice is worth something'?

Unfortunately no. This is just an update to the welcome page.

"Come for the rewards, stay for the community". This so much applies to me :)

Wow, these are stunning!

@timcliff Thank you so much for choosing my banner as runner up!

Welcome. It was a very cool entry :) Thanks for your submission!

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