May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Eight: What’s Your Most Consistent Hobby For The Last 5 Years?

in #steemit6 years ago

This is the eight day of @dragosroua's May 30 days writing challenge. If you don't know anything about it, I encourage you to go and read about it here. I've already had success in the challenge and also have posted about every single topic. I can already notice progress in my writing style as well as community engagement.

Growing up, I've constantly been switching my hobbies. I could never hold onto just one. As soon as I got quite familiar with one, more interesing one appeared. I just like trying new stuff and making friends in the process. That's also one of the reasons I'm staying here. We will see how far this hobby goes.

My most consistent hobby in the last 5 years

Even though there have always been new experiences to have and new stuff to try out, I've always had this one hobby that I've always stuck with. Ever since elementary school, I've loved playing videogames. There were times I played 6-10 hours a day. At no point in time, however, did I consider it an addiction. My parents were not so happy about it, though. They always thought that I would become addicted to it and ruin my life. I guess that's what parents do, they worry about us. And that's okay.

Here are a few statistics on some of my accounts. It's really nothing crazy, as I've jumped back and forth between games. Also, not all of my progress has been tracked. I would say that I am a fairly hardcore gamer when it comes to time and effort. Well, at least I used to be. Nowadays I don't really have that much free time, or I choose to spend it differently. If I do have time for a game, however, I always try my best as I'm very competetive.

Steem stats

The most played game is Counter Strike: Global Offensive. I really like the game, as I've been playing Counter Strike since CS 1.6.

Heroes of the Storm stats

Again, nothing really special here. I am a fairly average player.

To close this off, here is a video I had made at the time I was playing World of Warcraft. It's really nothing special, the video quality is quite poor in fact. I have very fond memmories of those times, so I figured I might share it.


I'm going to guess that video games will be a pretty popular pastime among a lot of Steemians, though not necessarily everyone participating in the challenge.

It's been quite a few years now since the last time I played. Mostly Halo multi-player, with some other things mixed in here and there. Every once in a while I'll dust a game off and play, but generally I'm finding something else to do.

Congratulations on keeping up with the writing challenge every day. You're doing better than me. :)

Well, you have more than compensated for not writing in this challenge by writing elsewhere.

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