3 Things That Would Immediately Help Steemit.com

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

This is the 7th day of @dragosroua's May 30 days writing Challenge. So far, I've written a post on every single topic. Some of them, I didn't really manage to create in time, but I still think they are worth reading. You can check them out at the end of this article.

My Top 3 Things That Must Be Done Immediately To Make Steemit.com A Better Experience

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1. Desktop App with Wallet

As you may know, you can access the Steem blockchain from various different frontends. Mainly Steemit.com and Busy.org. Both of them have their pros and cons. Both of them approach things differently, yet none of them does them all. For example, Steemit.com will show you list of all the tags, which Busy.org won't. On the other hand, Busy.org is able to store your drafts, so you can be sure your writing progress is saved. I personally use both of them.

Having a dedicated App that would reside on your computer would enable us to have articles written in advance and schedule them easily. I know that there are services enabling such functionality, but it is very inconvenient to be constantly switching between websites. As such, an App that would do all the things would be very much appreciated. Although this is no easy feat to accomplish, I consider this my #1.

2. Fiat to Steem

Okay, so this one is not directly related to Steemit.com but I figured that this is the best way to expand the user base. I mean, do you think there can be anything better than this? The best would obviously be if some of the most known exchanges listed Steem and started trading STEEM/FIAT trading pairs. Coinbase, for example. That would be huge. In my opinion, this would help massive adoption the most, by far. It would also bring more developers to Steemit.com, so I guess that in a sense, this still should count.

3. Self-voting / vote buying adjustments

Oh, the controversial topics of self-voting and vote buying. I'm currently in the process of conducting an experiment on vote buying, you can check it out here. I do understand both sides of the argument. People are just not always so polite that they follow rules that are not enforced.

The Trending page is not really newcomer friendly as of now. I've been through it myself, where I got really excited about this crazy new platform that pays people for their content but got quickly demotivated when I found out how hard it actually is to make only a few cents. Because of this, I really like whales who are supportive of minnows and plankton who create quality content.

I've said it before and I will say it again:

"Manual curation is the only way of achieving long-term sustainability."


Because if Steem becomes this bot-rotten place, people will slowly leave the platform because it will be full of unwanted, low-quality content and commercials. Whales will have the reign and we will be just where we started in the first place.

So, here you go. These are my top 3 things that I think would help Steemit. Do you have other ideas or an opinion about mine? Let me know in the comments below, I will be happy to talk to you.

My previous posts in the challenge


I think all three of your points are valid. It would be nice to have an app that did everything. At this point I'm using Steemit to browse and vote, Busy to post, and SteemAuto for voting on some people. I also use Steemworld to keep track of voting power (seriously, how is that not built into Steemit?) and Steemd occasionally to check stuff. IDK, I just like it. For a while it was the only one that showed bandwidth. (Also, how does Steemit not have this?!)

Would be great to have Steem/Fiat pairs, but Steem has to show itself to be a legitimate player. Yes, it handles a lot of transactions, but it has to prove there's value in Steem, and not just the technology behind it. (Maybe that's too harsh as there are lots of projects out there that have made a ton of money while not producing much of anything. Hopefully you know what I mean though.)

I use all of the services you listed as well. It is just so inconvenient to constantly be switching between them. Steemit has to make sure it delivers the proper guidance out of the box with an enjoyeable user experience, otherwise your average Joe won't use it.

You are very much right regarding the legitimacy here. If it happens that companies find out that there are hundreds of thousands or in the future milions of users onto whom they can just force their advertisement by buying upvotes only to make the money back straight away, Steem will be doomed.

I'm scared, man. I'm remaining positive, but I don't know what's going to happen. I would really miss the lack of distraction if they start letting advertisements in. That would be a sad day for the platform. Let's hope the increased viability and activity by Ned mean that Steemit is actively working on making things better.

I'm just hoping it won't come like a lightning from the blue sky. It would be very bad if it crashed fast, as we wouldn't have time to power down and cash out.

Hopefully it won't flash crash. Then again, if it does maybe we can buy more or we can get higher rewards while the price is low. As long as it comes back up, we're good.

Precisely. Provided we can sell it somewhere. Look at BitConnect. People couldn't even sell it because the trading activity was non-existent. I'm not saying that STEEM is anything like BitConnect, but it gives you an idea of how badly things can go.

Yes, if we're in a BitConnect situation then we're in big trouble. I think there's genuine stuff behind the curtain, but we need to have the stuff in front of the curtain worked on. Let's hope it doesn't all go belly up.

Exactly. I feel like I'm repeating myself too much, but what gives. I think that whichever frontend manages to make the user experience a breeze from top to bottom will be the one which wins in the end.

Nice post Tim. I have to say although I really want STEEM to do well, and use it everyday l can't help feel it's doomed to fail unless the voting/payment system is sorted out. People playing the system and getting paid $400 every post for content that isn't that informative, whereas content such as this earns pennies, is ruining the platform

It's not that I was jealous of their payouts, I'm not. I am a fairly selfless guy, but this really is milking the platform. The fact that people can just share their posting key to a bot is just bad design.

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