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RE: Update: On Bringing the Nude Models, Cam Girls and Adult Performers on to Steemit...

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

People should only come on here if they understand how the economics work.

The total reward fund right now is only several thousand dollars due to the Steem price.

The whole point of coming on early is to build up a following and earn Steem that may be worth a lot more in the future. Promising people huge rewards right now is only likely to lead to disappointment.

People who mined bitcoin in 2010 did it even though it was basically worthless at the time - they were speculating that it would be worth a lot more in the future.

These kind of posts come across as being extremely ungrateful and to be frank they are not productive.

If you really believe in Steem/Steemit you should be promoting it anyway. You have been here for several weeks and expect to be at the top of the trending page already.

Sorry but life doesn't work that way.

I have been a big supporter of your work because it is fantastic, however, I will not support anyone that I feel does not have the best interests of the community at heart.

Steemit is not yet at the level where it can support multiple people as a sole revenue stream.

I'm not a whale but I suspect that they would tell you the same.

You should think of using Steemit like a future investment - like mining or buying bitcoin in 2009 or 2010.

Making these kinds of posts will not endear you to the community. If anything it will likely turn them against you.


Totally agreed. I support @nspart bringing other communities to steemit, however it's an attention economy; new posters need to build their traction by genuinely interacting with the community. Posts with hostile tone like O.P.'s are a great way to lose attention. It's fine to be a critic but don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Posts with hostile tone like O.P.'s are a great way to lose attention. It's fine to be a critic but don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Exactly, this is more than just being a critic. This is biting the hand that feeds you and then threatening to leave if your not fed even more. The food will be saved for later, others will eat it!

People should only come on here if they understand how the economics work.

Without taking a stance on the original post...

Yes, that's absolutely how you build a huge userbase.

Without taking a stance on the original post...

It might take balls and some degree of mental effort to do that.

Yes, that's absolutely how you build a huge userbase.

Yes you take things out of context and then make a flippant response with a meme. Such genius. In the early stages of a platform it is only common sense to learn everything you can about what you are investing in but I suspect you are just trolling.

It might take balls and some degree of mental effort to do that.

LOL. So you're a small minded judgemental asshole, got it. Sorry, no... I'm just ambivalent on the subject. I can see lots of pros and cons to bringing porn stars to Steemit.

Yes you take things out of context and then make a flippant response with a meme. Such genius. In the early stages of a platform it is only common sense to learn everything you can about what you are investing in but I suspect you are just trolling.

"Out of context. " The last refuge of the guy who said something idiotic.

Nice touch going straight to the troll argument though, it really proves your inability to think.

Have fun, we're done here.

Lol you're right you are too pathetic to even qualify for troll level.

Then it's not worth my time to go out of my way. So I have my answer. With the same energy put in recruiting, mentoring (all of which does not benefit me unless I'm making bank on posts) and posting here hoping things take off I can build profitable recurring income stream in business in less than a year if I really work at it. I have done it before.

And on here you only get paid for two pay periods. If I or the girls create and sell photosets on other sites that become's perpetual recurring income.

So that's it I'll just do as I have been doing. And use this as another way to monitize my content and also suggest that to the models I bring on rather than pitch Steemit as the next best thing to sliced bread.

Sorry but I have to think of what's best for me this year and where I'll get the most return on time invested. Mining bitcoin was automated so it's not a good comparison time wise. If I want to cash in on Steem it's better to for me to put my time where I will get the most money returned and then just buy some Steem at .15 not work for $.25 an hour.

As far as people turning against me for offering to do this and put the time, energy into to it and point out the issues I see and ask for support in turn. If that turns people against me and they don't like or support my work I'll just stop posting altogether.

Have a nice weekend everyone.

Sorry but I have to think of what's best for me this year and where I'll get the most return on time invested.

Nobody is going to be annoyed at you for doing that. Maybe further down the line the situation will be different but it is virtually impossible for a photographer in particular to get by on Steemit alone.

man. just keep posting the naked chicks and get whatever rewards you can get, and never complain, that's how you can WIN with steemit, if some of your posts don't earn good money, then oh well whatever, it's just copy paste using your finger tips to earn money with content you already have.

this link will put it all in perspective for you @

By never complaining?!! You've been groomed!

and tucked in with bedtime stories

it's just copy paste using your finger tips to earn money with content you already have.

Exactly! how much time can that actually waste, not much at all IMO?

People should only come on here if they understand how the economics work.

I completely agree, or at the very least, be willing to admit they don't fully understand the system yet.

If you really believe in Steem/Steemit you should be promoting it anyway. You have been here for several weeks and expect to be at the top of the trending page already.

Exactly, this isn't some sort of business transaction here. Other just bring people to the platform, they don't make excuses why they can't!

In the beginning I knew nothing about the economics and received very little support but just kept on persisting and learning until I figured it out! It took some time but no I feel like I have a decent amount of knowledge!

Yes I think most people are the same! When you don't know how it works it can be disappointing. That was why I have been trying to make guides like on steemithelp to make it easier for new users to understand.

Yeah, that is good of you; It really does help! For the first month I hardly posted at all becuse I was confused about how everything worked. Then I was confused when one of my only comments was this "steemcleaners" that I felt was attacking me. then I stopped posting as much for the rest of the month.

When I tried again I go lucky and made a post that connected with people. Then Luckily, other users encouraged me and I continued more. Then finally reached the place were I am at now.

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