If some whales could just upvote themselves all day and get away with it, would they?

in #scam8 years ago

Hey everybody - our old friend MSGIVINGS is back!! She never really went away

Take a look at @ozchartart and how much success they've had from the very beginning and make your own judgements.

Steemed is right. It is a scam. (@steemed = @itsascam)


Ozchartart is a unique person and has a long term identity established on bitcointalk. He is a huge community builder and would be an asset to steem if he weren't under constant attack by jealous little people.

The reason he gets a lot of whale votes is that he is a popular guy and has a lot of whale friends. How did this happen for him and not the jealous little people?

He has directly contributed, through analysis and community building, to the whaledom of many people, a few of whom established excellent positions in steem, making them "whales". We established these positions as a result of our networking which is in very large part due to the community building efforts of @ozchartart.

I literally chat for hours with Oz every week, if not every day, where we dissect charts and identify highs to sell and lows to buy, and discuss coin markets in general. I can easily say that his intellectual and social contributions have been indispensible in the building of my portfolio.

Yes, I am a whale, but I started as a minnow, and if I were to identify the moment that my "luck" started to turn, it was when I met Oz and became acquainted with his social network.

In terms of my votes, though, I actually treat him the same as many people. He sends me links and I vote on them. You will see others for whom I have this arrangement, like steemizen, ericvancewalton, macksby, etc. Like Oz, these people are most prominent in my "favorite users chart" only because they post very frequently.

In short, I think that it is a huge waste of time to go on witch hunts and downvoting campaigns. Instead, why not put yourself on a path to whaledom? Get on steem and make friends, find yourself a network of intelligent contributors like I have done. Take risks and trust your own intelligence and the collective intelligence of your network and watch yourself become a whale.

Or you can be a resentful minnow your whole life. It is up to you.

You people still don't get it! People can do what they want with their money! I don't see a problem that they vote what they vote! I like your post but I think is irrelevant!

you are absolutely correct. but the community should be organizing to downvote these sock puppet accounts.

I understand you and I know there will be a way after all!Cheers man!

Well then why are you here? Your vote doesn't count for shit buddy. The only way to get theirs is to play by their rules. This is worse than facebook. On facebook there's only a few rules - don't post porn or shit people don't wanna see or know about like fake news. Here it's more like come for the money, stay for the whale dicks. Have you noticed the website is being deserted???

This is relevant to the problem! WAKE UP ! Why would I invest in a place infested with scam artists?!

Nobody tells you to invest! Stay on facebook if you enjoy it! You must do what you like with your life! I stay here because I like it just​ like you like facebook! I really don't care if a whale upvotes my post or not. Anyway, I'm happy if when they do it, but, if they don't do it is because my posts are not interesting! This is very simple! I respect your​ point of view, and like I said, you must do what you like.Don't lose you time complaining in a place you don't like and find your place.That's more important. Cheers!

I don't like facebook! I don't like being taken for an idiot! If you like being taken for an idiot then enjoy your little hobby here. It's a waste of time and energy because people like you pretend like this is the way it was supposed to be! No, it wasn't! We were supposed to prevent these scams! Like we used to but now nobody cares because everybody is either left or turned to sucking whale cock!

I'm not wasting my time complaining. My complaints are productive! What's not productive is sitting around pretending everythings gonna be great while the pump and dumpers gain the most power over your beloved blockchain! Fucking cheers mate!

The point is that nobody forces nobody to do something. I just find this better than facebook or any other social media. If someone will come to you and tells you that you are being taken for an idiot doing you little hobby what then? Or what your hobbies are more important or better than others because are your hobbies? Have a great day or evening!

You don't get it. @ozchartart is plagiarizing content and getting upvoted for it while everyone else is being flagged for plagiarism by the same people who upvote ozchartart.

Downvoted for abuse of English vocabulary. Whatever you say about his charts, you can not say they are "plagiarized". The word does not have a meaning appropriate for the way you use it.

Newb questions from me, but what site has that data? I've seen those types of charts before but I don't know where they come form. Thanks.


It's for checking how many whales are active but it has a fitting name don't you think?

LOL, yes the name is appropriate. Thanks. Bookmarked. Good site to have for getting info.

i think the script has not run for a while. the current data displayed looks strange.

oh also also, im incorrectly listed as being upvoted by steemd/itsascam on your list..... he misclick-upvoted me but meant to downvote me. Sadly, he discovered the error and reversed the vote.

also, whoever wrote this (it wasn't me, btw) there are still some connections youve missed. I have a chart and its really awesome.

By all accounts @ozchartart does not deserve its rewards. That account is most likely run by more than one person and those people are highly involved in guilds and trails. It is certainly part of a group.

There was a guy here months ago named * edit @masteryoda who did pretty much the same thing but, in my opinion at least, better. And he got flagged by Dan and other whales saying he made too much rewards for what he did.

He disappeared. Then a month later @ozchartart starts doing same thing banking rewards for screenshots.

That is not fair.

I am not saying that big rewards for little effort is not fair. It is actually. But what is not fair is pushing out one users with a good following simply to allow the next guy.

Steemit is not a scam.

Like anything worth having it takes effort and or luck. If steemit was "fair" what ever that is, no one i know has ever actually experienced in real life; than no one would strive to be whale.

If no one strives to be a whale the value of steem token would be worthless.

I was the primary (if not only; I'm not sure) whale voting for @masteryoda. That I did so had nothing to do with @ozchartart (who I generally never voted for until Dan started acting like being the lead developer gives him some legitimate authority to pick winners and losers by "expressing himself more firmly", which it does not). You are engaging in witch hunting, trolling, and making false accusations. Flagged.

Yes, That is who i mean.

Opps. missed the master part. I will edit that in. Don't want yoda to be mistaken.

@masteryoda is the guy

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