If Steem Posts Paid Out Till Eternity, Will It Really Make Steemit Flourish Better?

in #steemit6 years ago

One selling point that some newly emanating blockchain-based blockchain platform may like to present as "an opportunity" in comparison to what steemit offers, is "posts that keep paying forever". 

Aside that "bloggers" etc appear to seek that feature here on steem and solutions have started to emanate to this effect lately. 

When i arrived on steem though, did i seek that? 

Well, i knew the a similar feature exists on places like wordpress or blogspot, where posts can keep generating Ad revenue endlessly and i have blogged on both those regions but upon arriving on steem, i didn't seek it. 

I saw many other beautiful aspects of steem from the get-go

I love beautiful disruptions really. I like the testimonial harder route. I seek real human growth and for that, i don't need an incentive in general, to create content or mine the mind. 

I want to grow, i want to be great and "great involves stories and histories". 

I saw the beauty in the fact that posts on steem didn't pay out till eternity. The truth is, it never occurred to me, that that is a need. It wasn't my need.

When it comes to blogging, ulogging, vlogging etc, i chose to be my very own apprentice, my first marveller, my first audience. My posts constitutes bigger things than money to me and yes, in my case, even though i am dime-less, money is the smaller things.

My posts contain my words, my substance and rare words, for which i have had to breakdown to pop out. "Priceless". 

That i can play out my dreams or keep these dreams alive in dream-bits constituted more testimonial use of a post to me. 

I had many gianter uses for posts. I have discussed this in various conversations.

At the onset on steem, posts paid out for a month. This was the case before a fork happened that changed payout to a "flat 7 days". One more thing, posts paid out on the same day i.e the main payout of the post happened after 24 hours, then, the post can continue to accrue rewards, past the first day, for a total of 30 days.

At the time, there was also a limit to how many times we could post a day. My memory is short these days and i can't remember what the consequence was for posting more than 4 times but at the time, i used to try to max out these 4 posts. 

Hahaha, i had one sole post created with the core potential of an external audience from the search engines and the steemit audience. Then, i would use one post, to save my drafts and another to play out a dream into fruition or keep it alive in dream-bits and i may use one to stay present in the mind of others, draw and sift out exact like-minded people my way or to draw unadulterated feedback from the community in relation to an innovation etc that i have encoded into my posts. I could also use my post to dent my ulogacy into the steem blockchain; this and many, many other uses cases.

A post was never just a post to me. Words still rule the world; "let there be light and there was light" and my words are weightier to me than is moolah. My mind's eye is my own beauty and within my posts, i explore and re-explored its colors and spanlessness.

Well, in this post, i wanted to relate some comments i made days ago, in response to a user on steem, who appeared discouraged that posts didn't pay out forever. While discomfort may be easily seen as discomforting, it may also avails us to a fun opportunity, to find extra use for "great or good" in the face of discomfort, tapping into "real human growth".

While the blockchain is a tool that we may expect to bring about comfort, blockchain will never find its own real beauty, till humans apply the beauty of blockchain (and in this case, "the steem blockchain") to use, in attaining their own beauty.

Well, this aside, below i will highlight my comments:

 now if you got one viral post that kept paying, will you put effort in creating more? serving the search engines here is very organically key and perhaps blockchain is better a tool if used to attain real human growth. 
as much as we want an audience etc real personal growth by mining the mind incessantly is key. in the past, posts paid out for 30 days so perhaps, there will be changes in the future. your older posts dont get lost and can still bring rewards and even opportunities. they stay reachable in the search engines and yes steem posts do a lot better  in terms of ranking in search engines. 
I would love that too (referring to "posts paying out forever"). Overall, i just try to seek out out good from even the not-so-good or at least testimonial use for good. this post is one in the right direction and this is among what stirs change. many  have requested this. I am commenting this way though, also paint light on options, so one doesn't lose out on the other beauty steem possess. 
these are stuff  developers can integrate but not necessarily on steemit currently,  though that can happen and is why I mentioned that in the past it was 30 days long for payout and now seven, evidence that change can happen again in the near future. 
in the near term though I see this happening on smt level, where coin creators can create their own parameters for coin distribution. I know there are developers seeking ways to implement just these. I can't remember them currently, but if you explore steemprojects.com and say utopian.rocks you will see things in work and perhaps a pull request comment especially for the open source projects related to this, can help. 
my token is  called the @teardrops smt and I do plan on rewarding past deeds too. my creation is ulogs.org and it is still in works to play some of these things out. the other one is steemgigs.org and the last is macrohard. I started out in similar fashion as content creator. I also have a witness called "steemgigs". 
the direction I came in with in this comment is simply to highlight other facets of steem as well, while indicating that it is possible what is being asked can indeed happen. 
while a major step is discussion, exploring other facets of steem, will add to our effectivity in bringing about this change. I am not exactly sure why rewards aren't endless but in general, I do  think it is sustainable with the same reward pool as not many people end up on older post compared to active ones 
you can also add a donation option underneath your posts. I am also sure apps can evolve on the steem blockchain to bring this about. note that  there almost 500 apps already built on steem, so explore other  interfaces to see what they offer. there are apps dedicated especially to your passion, that look to reward the content you make. you may find some on steemprojects.com some of these apps already offer tokens called smt. 
smt capability  will happen mar 2019, where everyone can create tokens and communities with its own dynamics. 
explore some of these other apps as well. some reward tokens for extra activities, some just for having steem power etc 

Well, those were my sentiments. I do think that an advantage of a 7-day post payout etc is an incentive to post more often, which favors steem's organic growth especially by virtue of continuous interaction, community growth and via organic search linking to steem from the search engines.

It is important to note that steemit isn't a blogging hub. It is a hub for all forms of content. What is rewarded overall is "value", content being one type of value and speaking of content, these can be zaps, ulogs, blogs, snaps, vlogs, podcasts etc as steem is more of a blockchain of Dapps and steemit being the first UI to this blockchain hubs content from every Dapp.

When it comes to content creation, i do see content as a way to grow. It is rewarding on its own and i feel that, so should it be. Even if no one paid us, we would decorate the rooms in our house. Well, the public may not even see these rooms.

Steem has us as owners and i feel at the very least, we can use our posts to shape up our portion of steem, influencing the blockchain, with out beauty.

Yes, steeming per day can be as difficult as 1, 2, 3. On days, when content-idea is hard to come by, simple try ulogging and if doing an entire ulog to recount your day is hard to fulfill, explore a ulog-subtag or create one and begin to shine in "fresh" dimensions.

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Your Boy Terry



In the meantime, our core focus is to grow our "number of certified uloggers globally". I implore you to kindly join in, in becoming "certified uloggers". 

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Special Note

We implore to kindly use ulogs.org in the art of ulogging. We truly want you to love ulogs.org and what it represents. We want you to be an active part of ups-&-downs and its stories and histories.  We want to create a world of "true celebrities" in the form of certified uloggers. Together, we want to emanate "great men and women", each of which can empower generations. These things and more! We would also love you to do your #untalented &   #teardrops posts, using these ulogs.org editors:  

Your boy Terry  


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Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

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Thank you for sharing your words I really like this
(My posts contain my words, my substance and rare words, for which i have had to breakdown to pop out. "Priceless") . I learn something new and interesting thank you

sir you wrote your truth and true talks seriously i was in no reading mode but when i start reading i didn't stop me.

If Steem Posts Paid Out Till Eternity, Will It Really Make Steemit Flourish Better?

I will reply to the initial question by saying that i don't know or it depends? I don't actually have a solution but i think our older posts should give us a something because they hold value.

I don't know if eternity is the answer but something aside the 7 day period would be great. I remember the old after 30 days system, i don't know if it was viable but i liked it.

When we write a post it takes time, sometimes a lot of time and many of our posts:

  1. don't actually earn much because the majority actually do everything with automation so the chances for a new person to see and upvote your post are highly unlikely.
  2. they still hold value posts like reviews, tutorials, tips can hold the same value forever. Also, scientific posts, pieces of art or comedy type posts can add something to anyone, any time he/she reads it.

After the seven day period and give the interface that makes everything harder it's like our posts worth absolutely nothing something that definitely don't get me or anyone motivated. I had actually people read and reply to posts i did half a year ago. I just felt amazing that someone actually read an old post of mine showing me that it isn't dead but at the same time bad cause i didn't earn anything other than a quick moment of happiness.

If this continues and i have seen it happening already people won't care about making quality posts but something to pass the day especially if they already have an audience cause they will know that their hard work don't mean anything

i have numerous examples of people that 1+ years in the platform and back then wrote extremely quality posts and now just bored and make simplistic even one-image post that know that will give them the exact same amount of money with 0 effort. I don't know everyone to end up like this but i think the bloggers will end up this way or simply delegate everything and earn passive income-tokens

I can't speak for anyone else but the nature of my content would change dramatically if I thought it could be paying out forever.

I would use it in the way an inventor would use a patent office in some cases. As a means to put out interesting new ideas. I would also have no limit to the amount of technical details I could provide.

But when the maximum I can make is $10 no matter what then there is no incentive to put months of years of research into a post. I might provide glimpses or put out bits and pieces but the incentive to put out a full novel or a full idea would only be there if people would know it's got potential to pay out for as long as it's useful to society.

@dana-edwards, I see your perspective and it's true. We deliberately break some posts because we are unsure whether it will have a good engagement. We only hope sharing the remainder later will make sense.

If posts paid out forever here everyone would just upvote their oldest post nobody sees over and over again every day. At least that's what I'd do.

Hello Sir Terry.I really liked your post.Keep up the good work and have a nice day.:)

It would be awesome if we get paid for our old posts. Sometimes people like your old post, but they cannot reward your post because it is older than 7 days. Thank you @surpassinggoogle for sharing your thoughts!

Exactly. People would post different types of content, some for the immediate instant attention and some to be viewed for years.

If it's a news or something like that, it will not be relevant for a period of time and it's ok.

But when you make any content, you do your research and put a lot of effort. It is relevant for years, unfortunately you get reward only for 7 days. That's not fair, I think.

What a nice and interesting post sir Terry....

About the thing you wrote about,I think it will be better if the rewards on our post till eternity,it will definitely inspire some of our so called blogger but as it seems to be blockchain and I have little knowledge about it and I'm still learning,lemme kindly wait for the pros to intervene in this discussion

Posted using Partiko Android

The problem with post more often is that yeah we post more often now but the quality of each post isn't as good either. To post only our best stuff we would need the potential that it can provide residual income.

This is the same in any industry. In music people produce a song which generates revenue for the lifetime of the musician (royalties). Inventors invent something and get paid for their lifetime. Actors and all sorts of people in sports get sponsorship which pay out for decades.

On Steem we have none of that. This is a problem because it makes retention hard. I think if someone could post on Steem something innocent and find out it went viral and that they are getting residuals for years from it then I do think we would see a massive increase in quality content and easier retention too.

Sure people will still try to game the system with crap content but at least this would make the problem a little less bad because people could still be successful with quality content over time. If a person believes that Steem will be here in 10 years then the person will want to create content which will last over 10 years.

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