The Power of Steemit Post

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Hello fellow Steemians. Today I want to share with you the many reasons why I have kept on believing in this platform since day one. I must admit that my early days were hard on steemit. It was hard because I am a newbie. I don’t even know how to put my profile picture LOL. The rewards were not there most of time but I still toiled on. Do you think the value of Steem is low now? It was even lower back then. Just imagine the time of older Steemians they had no bid bots, flags were easily given and no community to hold on to. In a sense relatively we have it easy. But still I know that a lot of people find it difficult to stay in the platform for the simple fact that they have nothing to write about or have not met the expectation they thought they will achieve in the platform.


To be honest, early on I viewed steemit as another earning opportunity. Well it is, come to think of it but it offers much, much more. I wasn’t much of a writer before joining steemit. I suck in writing essays when I was in high school and I hate it when I need to put my thoughts into words as I am not a good typist. The only advantage I have, if you can it as an advantage, is I love cryptocurrencies, new stuff and I love sharing it to other people most especially those that are not inclined in to these kinds of stuff. I just love it when I’d be able to simplify complicated topics like bitcoin, Blockchains, consensus protocols and other geeky stuff. Doing so helps me understand these subjects which, I kid you not, also makes my head ache and nosebleed LOL. Some people think that these things comes easy but it takes a whole lot of effort to be able to understand most of these topics and getting the inspiration to do all the learning is in itself a challenge already.

Indeed keeping oneself inspired to keep on Steeming gets hard exponentially especially when I see my best efforts are not being rewarded properly. It is but natural to feel disappointed and lose some confidence and think that maybe your work really does not have value. It is okay, it is natural. But you see even though at times we complain to ourselves and sulk ourselves in pity because of not being rewarded properly. I don’t give up so easily or go around telling everyone that the system is broken or the reward pool is being raped and etc. I just keep on doing what I love to do, share opportunities and the knowledge that I have learned from doing what I do most especially about cryptocurrencies.

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I am a crypto enthusiast and I find it interesting to engage people here through sharing with them cryptocurrency opportunities. One of the greatest cryptocurrency opportunities that I have stumbled upon is Steemit. Yup, the platform where I share most of my know-how in cryptocurrency. This is one of the primary reasons why I stayed in the platform. One can say that I really have a genuine passion to learn about cryptocurrencies and share the little knowledge I know. Who I am to horde the knowledge that I basically learned from another steemit post or someone online who has taken the time and effort to put into words the knowledge they knew. I am no expert on the field that I think I am good at and the more I learn about this stuff the more I realize what little knowledge I have. What I write in my steem blog-post is just my little contribution in an effort to add value to this “knowledge bank.”

Ideally, I would always want to share things that I think would add value to this platform. Things that will strengthen the Steemit community’s resolve to continuously succeed, not only the platform but every constituent in the platform. Well, except for those who wittingly or unwittingly tries to put down the platform. It has been my experience that in any social platform there will also be bad actors that will add a little spice in the environment. Believe it or not they too give value to Steemit albeit negative value LOL. Typically, people with the same mindset will stick together and try to support each other. Therefore when a bad actor post and you can easily identify Steemians of the same mindset as they upvote the post or leave a supporting comment on the commentary. Eventually these bad actors will be weeded out or be forced to behave properly to gain support from steem community.


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I am glad that the founder and CEO of steemit @ned have empowered people in steemit that incessantly have been helping fellow minnows like me. If my memory served me right , they were about 5 lucky Steemians that was entrusted with awesome delegated steem power before but the only one left (please correct me if I am wrong) is my mentor and idol Sir Terry or @surassinggoogle. Sir terry might be doing something great for being able to get and retain such awesome power. Yes he really is doing something great as his projects and initiatives have always been a constant and consistent effort for Steem’s mass adaptation, create new and innovative use cases and bringing in more people in the platform. A total opposite of those people who presents themselves as false messiahs that will save the platform which they claim has gone to the dogs. No wonder people thousands of people from around the world love him.

Yes I am a @surpassinggoogle fan, follower and supporter. I believe in what he says and take into heart every single utterance he makes. I look up to him as someone that should be admired and emulated. If ever I would have to choose a role model of what a Steemian should be that would be him: intelligent, kind, respectful and above all humble. He is the type of person that should be accorded respect not because of fear or because of the awesome power he welds but because of his impeccable character. Again a total opposite of those who thinks that they are superior or elite compared to others just because they provide what they think is better content. Even a murderer, rapist or thief can make great content.

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Some people may think the wrong way when people start admiring and praising @surpassinggoogle. They try to put poison on other people’s efforts in showing their gratitude, love and admiration to such a beautiful and wonderful person. To the point of labeling them has naive and stupid. Some even suggest that @surpassinggoogle is taking advantage of Filipinos for being so gullible which I think is preposterous and a product of a “little mind.” Maybe they are just worried of rewards pool running dry leaving them without rewards of what they think is exclusively theirs. Obviously, no matter how hard they hide behind a seemingly gallant effort of protecting the platform for being overrun by what they call low quality blog-post, the stench of ENVY and GREED just feels the air when they complain. Why not disable their own rewards if they all they do is Rant and B****

I may not have the same awesome powers as sir Terry has but I make most out what I can offer : my time, my effort and my knowledge. Sometimes the best of your effort does not bear fruit, from the rewards point of view but may still hold value beyond steemit. I have said before that most of my blog-post are not only targeted for Steemians alone but something that I can really share in other social networking platform: twitter, facebook, google+, linkedin, reddit and the like. Take for example this ulog that I have posted 9 days ago:

That blog-post only earned me measly $1.72 rewards. A typical blog post like this in utopian would usually net me around $20-$35 due to the fact that it takes a couple of hours to make such a guide. I chose not to use utopian steem-based app because I will not be able to use steemgigs condenser if I did which I currently support. So whatever reward I get in the upvotes there is inconsequential as its primary purpose is to share the said opportunity. It turns out I got a WHOLE LOT MORE than I bargained for. A week later I saw my named mentioned in a twitter and apparently my Steemgigs post earned me $2700 USD which roughly translated to having a reward in steemit of $1000.

This is just to show you the POWER of our steemit post. The tweet is shown below as proof


The link is located here:

And have confirmed receipt in my Binance Substratum wallet here:


This made me realize about the true value and power of our steemit post a lesson that @surpassinggoogle has been saying all along through his project in @steemsecrets particularly in this @steemsecrets post below:

On steemit, apart from outright "steem or steem dollar rewards", there are "opportunities"…. your very next post can be the attracter of “breakthrough opportunities, straight from the search engines

This goes to show you that the rewards and value of a steemit blog-post goes beyond the rewards and perceive value of steemians in our post. Again as I have said earlier I make sure that the value of the contents I share in the steem platform go beyond the platform itself. If we limit the value of my post within steemit is only $1.72 rewards which is less than 1 SBD and about .33 SP but according to the founders of Substratum the value of the post is about 5000 SUB or $2700 USD. Amazing isn’t it?

The value of a steemit post was again reiterated last talk show with surpassinggoogle which I read in other steem –blogs these past few days. In the talk show sir terry said again that:

Steemit gives you a million dollars opportunity; people pay several dollars to get visible on internet. Steemit gives you that privilege to rank high for free!!! @surpassinggoogle

I believe him and every word he speaks. If this is my reward for doing so then I suggest those who doubt what he is saying should start thinking twice. With that I wish you all success in this platform, keep on believing, dreaming and Steeming; This platform is truly a dream builder.

If you blog about your dream on steemit, you can have it in dreambit until it is fully achieved. @surpassinggoggle

To @surpassinggoogle please always remember that I will always be here for you as you have been to all of us and as you said that " "Our Success" is your "compensation" therefore I will make sure that I will be successful.

  • Future CEO


Just beautiful Ankarlie and indeed our steemit posts are powerful, what others may feel is a waste of the blockchain space or not worth the time to read may change the life of the author or even someone else.

To have someone see value on it, to spot the spottables and be an inspiration for another person to become the most awesome version of themselves.

You are someone that people look up to in this platform you are some who has the abundance gene and is closest to #beliketerry

That is why I have always believed in the platform with all its imperfections (which we try to fix little by little). I guess we have to learn how to truly leverage the platform and the best way to do it is learn from sir @surpassinggoogle

Steemit is really powerful, thank God for this community. This is a great post, indeed. Keep it up @ankarlie

Yes indeed it is. We just learn how to leverage it.

wow sis! congratulations on that.

I also salute you for this post, it is very encouraging, especially to those who feel like they are not growing in this platform. keep it up and more power!

Yes it really takes time grow in this platform. slowly but surely :)

Woow congrats sis @ankarlie =)

Thank you so much :)

Awww. I think am having quite the experiences you had when you started steeming newly now. I too was not quite passionate about writing essays in school,so putting my thoughts together and creating a blog post here on steemit takes me quite sometime and I feel really bad when my efforts are not rewarded.

But one thing that has kept me here is the motivation from people that have succeeded here, so I wont give up, I would keep on steeming and I have also grown to love what I do here.

As for @surpassinggoogle, he is everyone's fan. I admire him a lot for all the value he has added to the steem blockchain and his support to minnows.

Yes we need to motivate each other and positive reinforcement in my opinion is the best way to go about it. Yes it takes time to write upvote worthy blog-posts especially if you want to get the attention of big curation groups here but over time as we continue to improve and discover the best version of ourselves It will get easier.

Your words are very encouraging @ankarlie! We felt exactly the same way though hahahahha those struggling phases are really worth the experience for it made us more attached to this platform.

Yaaaay I saw your recent post about how you won. Congrats! you deserve it very well :D Road to cryptonaire indeed :D

Sometimes we need concrete examples to demonstrate what we are trying to say. :)

Hey there future CEO! I enjoyed reading your post and i have to read it twice just to "digest" all your words. You do have a very powerful way of saying things. So i disagree with what you said that you suck in writing. But I do agree about @surpassinggoogle, like you, i do believe in his words too. Being a Steemian, I believe in the success of my dream.

I will...

keep on believing, dreaming and Steeming; This platform is truly a dream builder

Yes I sometimes do that. Maybe I should tone down a bit :)

You are really one of the great enthusiast crypto girl I've known @ankarlie.. Steemit is the only platform I do hope will last and grow even bigger.

Yes it will last so long as we are here it will and it will be successful.

You deserve all of these blessings @ankarlie... There's more to come. Wanna say thank you din for everything.. God bless always.❤😘

Thank you ate. everyone can do this it just takes time for some. focus on the strength of the platform and leverage it. Make use of it. Do airdrops bounties and articles that really interest you. If rewards are not there just be patient darating din ang grasya.

As one of the newbie in this community, we need to have some inputs from you @ankarlie for us to know deeper what is this community all about, how does it works, what are the techniques to be succeesful in the platform, how to earn more, etc. At first, I was so dissappointed that I cannot make a good posts and has a lot of doubts if do I need to continue or stop. With those encouraging insights from @surpassingooglge which I read from the feeds, I am now more inclined to continue. Thank you for sharing it @ankarlie! Hope to see more of your posts soon.

What works for me might not work for you that is the reality. However if you need to know what is my strategy I will reveal them to you now. First, I post about what I like and what I like doing: Cryptocurrencies. Sometimes I experiment with different kind of post (about crypto, about computers, about myself, about current events) and check out the different Steem-powered applications that is available here. Since I like geekly stuff and I want to learn more about them I used to always post using which is one of the Steem applications. It is for an open-source contributions. I got bored with it and found it a lot tougher now and very restrictive that is why I stop. The very high rewards given out by is actually very tempting if you get approved. Second, If you look closely in most of my post it delves about how wonderful steem is and all the its steem applications. I don't waste my time on things that will make this platform fail I just want to focus on the positive. It just does not feel right and natural to keep on ranting in platform that I am a part of. If I join any organization or social network that I think has fundamental flaws I don't stick around and be part of the problem I leave. Third, find a group or community that resonate with you want to accomplish here in steemit. I tend to stick to groups that are outward looking not inwards (those who sees the bigger picture) because I always believe that this platform should be inclusive not exclusive. Fourth find someone that can mentor you that has the same ideals and mindset; this I found following and learning from @surpassiggoogle I try to be like him and try as much as I could to follow his example with my limited resource and knowledge. Prior to coming to steemit I already have this trait of sharing with other people what I know in the hope that they will freely share theirs also. I always believe that the wisdom of the crowd is better than knowledge emanating from oneself because I don't have the monopoly of knowledge. Lastly, I always try to do my best in every post I make. It takes a lot of effort but when you get used to sharing your best then it becomes natural.. I do share perceived low quality or low effort post here and there just because I want to share it quickly or just engage the community, just for fun basically. Steeming should be fun.

Please note though that with what I know about the platform and the knowledge I have garnered have brought some success relatively to other minnows it does not mean that this is the best way to do it. I just found it working for me and will continue to do so in my steem it journey.

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