75K STEEMIT USERS & Growing!! Powered By Explosion of Minnows

in #steemit8 years ago


On my post Impact on STEEMIT by Jeff Berwick I showed how the membership of Jeff and others that followed Jeff such as Larken Rose @larkenrose , James Corbett @corbettreport , and Barry Cooper @barrycooper onto this platform affected the Steemit User Growth Rate. I also stated that STEEMIT.COM would hit 75,000 Steemit Users at the End of August, or possibly sooner. Well it will definitely be sooner.

2 Weeks ago, I also posted The Rise of the Newbies and demonstrated the explosive growth of the Minnow population. That Explosive Growth continues for the Minnows. Minnows now account for about 87.4% of the Steemit Population. On August 9 the Minnow numbers were approximately 46,008 and today are at 64,583. That is an increase of about 18,500 Minnows in 14 Days.


Total users for STEEMIT.COM as it stands are 73,866. By the time this Posts' 24 Hour Voting Period Expires, we will be at the 75,000 User mark. STEEMIT.COM is currently gaining about 1,200 - 1,300 New Subscribers every 24hrs. Steemit will have reached the 75k mark one week earlier than expected. At this rate, I expect to see STEEMIT.COM with 100,000 Total Users by September 13th or sooner.
So by Tomorrow this time we should be at 75K

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pic edit by @streetstyle


I got a prediction, 250,000 Users by Christmas 2016.

@venuspcs Those numbers seem far fetched but are actually quite achievable, especially with the user rate STEEMIT currently has going. Great prediction and should it come to fruition, that in itself will be a huge Christmas gift for many here on STEEMIT.
full $teem ahead!

Oh it will come true, even if I have to manually register 50,000 accounts to make it so! LOL!

That's a lot of people a lot of posts and a lot to read. .. I worry people will stop reading hoping they hit the big numbers quickly

@karen54 If anything it will increase. Look at Reddit, they have 40 million user and shrinking, but they are all still over there reading and posting making karma points which as far as I know, you can't spend or trade for anything.
full $teem ahead!
ps I like that you up voted your own comment, smart! and now a 2nd up vote for it.

I was told by someone on here to do it, it paid off pretty well once you never know it might again

@karenb54 You were guided well and you followed well. Therefore will will do well. I wish more users paid attention. Any how, there are some tips on My Blog for using STEEMIT as well as some other different "stuff."
Thanks for the support.
full $teem ahead!

I will go have a read, theres Always something to learn on here oh and I will follow cos I like your work :)

Thanks for the support again and the follow @karenb54 And I do have a variety of things I do in my life so It is never boring.

I am glad to hear it so plenty for you too write about

Woo hoo! 75k :) Upvoted and followed.

thank you and I can't wait for 100k @nonlinearone . I suspect that we might reach it sooner than what I predict. Stay tuned. And thanks for the support, much appreciated.
full $teem ahead!

Is someone working on increasing percent that are active. That should be main focus right now I think.

Where do you expect to see minnows reach as a %?

99.9% before sliding down slightly as the platform matures is my finger in the air guess!

Good post @streetstyle. I'm glad they are getting in now, as many more will surely follow.

Obviously, steemit is making a big splash!

It sure is @papa-pepper And Congrats on your Honorable Mention for the #steemitphotochallenge

I took second place in the #steemittalentcompetiton for this video on flying a bee too, so it's been a good week!

Thanks @streetstyle!

@papa-pepper Thanks but no thanks on that Super Hot Pepper contest, I know I couldn't handle that. I like spicy food, even what most consider spicy, but that there looks insane. So I will watch the videos when they come in. I am following so I will get to to see them, can't wait, if there are any takers. Have there been?

I've sent some out, but no videos have came back in yet. We will see. They certainly do not have to "succeed" in order to win. ;-)

Way to go @papa-pepper and wow that look like one hot spicy fire chile pepper! When I was a kid, my family would take us to go visit relatives in Mexico, and there they showed me how to fly this big green Beetle, called a Fig eater Beetle, on a string. It was fun, and your video brought back a whole lot of memories. Cool. Thanks for that.

You're welcome. Also, I'm running papa-peppers Super-Hot Pepper Challenge right now if you'd like to try a pepper. I'm shipping them free to anyone in the states who would like to enter by eating one and posting a video about it. Either way. glad I could bring back some great memories for you.

Cool post. Could you include the definitions of what makes a 'dust', 'minnow', etc?

@timcliff Dust accounts mostly start with 0 steem power. They probably don't have facebook or reddit, and have to be invited to join STEEMIT.COM. As for Minnows, I group all newbies and Users as Minnows, and Superusers and heroes as Dolphins. SuperHeroes and Legends are the Whales.
Full $teem Ahead!

And thank you for the support @doitvoluntarily
full $teem ahead!

Good to see a visual of the growth of steemit.

Thanks @velourex Any chance at an Up Vote for the Article?

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