Should we be worried about Active accounts vs Total accounts on Steemit?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

According to we just past 75,000 users on Steemit.. 

But where are they?

You will also notice that there are only about 5k of those that are active..

I look at the "New" page and even the "Trending" page, and I'm just seeing the same people..

In a video I just posted I stated that it's time to get excited about Steemit and we need to, because it seems like right now people are getting discouraged and slowing down either posting or even commenting/curating.

Now it might be the price of STEEM or even the fact that not a lot of posts are getting upvoted like they were before, but I think that is just temporary.

We are not out of beta mode yet, and an app has still not been released for Steemit, but I think after these 2 things come to pass we will start to see the masses come in..

So if you slowed down on posting or you left for a minute COME BACK!

We are just at the ground level on the next biggest thing when it comes to social networking so get involved now and be a part of helping Steemit grow :D


i personally am slowing down quite a bit... lost interest. nothing about the platform seems to make it worthwhile.

Most people arent interested in lame excuses. If you make a platform that only benefits whales and their sycophants, those two types of people are the only ones youre going to have left.

Most of the new users are having a hard time justifying spending their time on steemit, they just don't get any or much attention to encourage them to stay and continue working and contributing to steemit. This is a problem that needs some attention as even if a lot of new users are coming will not compensate for only the few of them that actually stay or the ones that left before them.

I must admit i almost gave up as a minnow but figured im still earning a bit and enjoy doing what i do. The platform is in its early stages, i believe things will get better in the furure when we diversify.

spot on!

it will take at least a few months for them to add enough features, as there's all kinds of stuff missing right now, but ... as a proof-of-concept I think it has succeeded!

it's great, I absolutely love it, and I can't wait for more features to be added, and of course more activity, but ... so far, I totally believe in it

let it be it might take years, rather than just months, but sooner or later there will be millions of people here ... and still people will complain ;-)

happy steeming everybody :)

Every website ever has many more lurkers and inactive accounts than active users. Reddit has supposedly had between 5 and 10 lurkers for each active user. The active user number is growing pretty quickly though just like the total accounts number.

I like to watch the New option in feeds to see new and interesting stories and peeps. I am seeing a lot more non English posts so I think other language groups are in the rise.

I don't know if we are anywhere near ready for "The Masses". I believe that Steemit is a niche blogging platform. I think if it gets to 5 or 10 million members it would be amazing but finding quality content among the growing piles of drivel will become a real issue and will lead many of the early adopters to move on.

I wonder how fast the New feed would fly by with millions of users? Good point, how do you not lose posts in all that? Even now my posts vanish after 5-10 mins lol.

If we get a good filter system everyone will be looking at their own interests and excluding what they don't like. That will cut down on the noise, and your post will be found by those who share an interest.

True, that'll have to happen if we don't want chaos.

Kind of like "Recommended" on Youtube.

Some people are just a little late to the party! A legit steem app would def help with more people posts getting seen I believe.

I think they need to find a way to balance voting power. It seems like whales are the only ones with really any power.

Perhaps making trending due to vote total rather than monetary reward would help.

Plus I think there should be a limit to how much one person's vote power counts. Someone else said in another comment that there should be some kind of threshold where 25 or so votes from minnows raises it to the next "tier" and the votes would count more.

I've seen some users where every single one of their posts has over $1k. Popular users I can understand, but really?

That's a really good idea!

Hello i hope this article on voting problem
We steemit have very clear problem and disagree between whales and just fishes.
Without solving that problem steemit could not go further


I think a lot of them open it to see what it's about, but then when they're post only earns .05 cents they get discouraged and they're freinds aren't on here either so they don't use it. Or some of them lost they're passwords to maybe.

I love my 5 cent posts, They might be worth a fortune in the future!

Unfortunately uou can only earn on your posts for 30 days. After 30 days you can't earn anything on your posts if people like it after that period.

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