How I started blogging within a community 14 years ago: 20six versus Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: How I started blogging within a community 14 years ago: 20six versus Steemit

Dear reader - Steem has been renamed to Hive since May 2020. My content therefore has moved with me to Hive, and I hope to see you there:


Wow!!!! What a cool trip through history. I had never heard of 20six but I remember when I was a kid and we got our first computer with "Internet". The dial-up took forever and sounded horrible. AOL was our way to connect to the outside world and I remember connecting with people through a computer for the first time as we discovered chat rooms. This turned into many a sleepless night for this teen as I stayed up till dawn sometimes sharing stories and meeting new people. It all seems so much simpler now. Thanks for sharing!!!

Oh MAN! There will be only one or two generations ever who knows how 'connecting to the internet' actually SOUNDS like! The older generations never used the internet (or began using it later), the younger ones will have no record of not having internet at their phones...

Glad I could make you enter your own chamber of memories of these amazing times! Lots of chatting, no sleeping, but SO much fun!

Great post…and one that really brings back memories for me. I started a blog about bikes in 2005 on a .blogspot domain (before Google bought Blogger). Back then, I was amazed that I could connect with people all around the world who shared the same passions and interests, and I absolutely loved the community that developed around my blog. Things changed with the advent of social media, monetization, and blog focused PR. As my blog grew bigger than I ever thought it would, I started to feel burned out. It felt more like a chore than a passion, so after 10 years of blogging, I ended it in 2015.

I really missed those early days of blogging though, and Steemit has come to fill that void for me. I should probably follow your lead, and elaborate more about that connection in a post of my own, but I really am grateful for the community that I have found here. To me, the “earnings” are just a bonus. That feeling of connecting with people who share similar interests is what it’s all about.

I'm SO SO glad you have found 'us' and Steemit! I can relate to your feelings of being burned-out too - it can weigh heavy upon you once you have readers, and maybe even ad income...

I've used blogspot too, I've had several 'side adventures', and then got totally absorbed in the twitter-facebook stream as well.

That period just ended and then there's Steemit. I'm more aware now of what I want to put in and where I have to lay some boundaries. I'm here for the long haul and don't want to be burned out in the future :-)

Please share your story if you feel like writing! If not: just keep doing what you are doing and enjoy the community here.

I appreciate your personal note to my blog!

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Oh wow, I love to read about how it was back than in 2004! I was 14 at that time, and if I would have known about blogging, I am sure I would have done it! But I spent more time with horses that at home, and home we had only one computer that everyone wanted to use to listen to music, lol;)

gives candy

How much STEEM can I get for that? :P

hey, it's super old candy! That must stand for something!!

They are very RARE at least! But do you still have access to them? :')

I printed them when I left...

Here is your 3 cent reward :P

you are way too generous! Let me give that back to you...

You'll never get rich this way :')

Wow, that is so cool . Glad I have gotten to know you on Steemit. I enjoy your posts.

Glad we've gotten to know each other too @sjarvie5! We live so far apart yet play the same 'games' here on Steemit :-)

Yes, I would say my favorite thing about Steemit and and #photogames in particular is connecting with people all over the world and seeing the world through their pictures and posts.

I enjoyed reading your first blogging story..I think you discovered blogging or let say a portal connecting people very early.. It should be a joyful hobby for that ages. That can make you more experienced in this Steemit community. You can be more experienced how to use Steemit, how to get more benefit from Steemit.

Yes, absolutely true @ellaironheart! I've found there are many things overlapping - and so maybe not much has changed in all those years! :-) I'm still enjoying myself as much as I did in the early 2000's - might be that I was born to do this ;-)

Great great post histioric..

Deze post werd vermeld in de Alldutch Recap #4

I was part of a close online community once, but it was centered on politics and after the elections, everyone sort of drifted apart. I often wonder how many steemit friendships would last if steemit ended.

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