
If you think your image is an accurate representation of what Steemit is and what Steemians are engaged in, then yes, you are wrong.

Can I ask why you would not use an NSFW tag on this post? Isn't it a simple matter of courtesy?

As a woman I would like to state that I do not find this cartoon offensive, women are not even depicted in it. Women know what sex is, and they have a sense of humour. Surely NSFW is for images that woman might consider are degrading to the female in the image and might have a disturbing effect on the person viewing the image?
It might have been a matter of courtesy to have a discussion with Skeptic and have him add the tag before you flagged him.
Do you not think that 4 flags is overkill? Can you see how to the casual observer that it looks like you felt personally attacked by the content of this post and flagged out of hostility and revenge rather than to defend women? Can you see that your actions rather highlight what Skeptic is saying?
Edit: Someone below says that it means "not suitable for work", so half my comment isn't relevant if that's the case but I still think a warning before a flag is the grown-up approach to take as it avoids conflict, assuming that conflict wasn't the goal here.

I didn't flag his post and yes, given the content of the image, I think it would have been courteous to tag with NSFW. There is no censorship involved.

I apologise if you weren't one of those who flagged.
It's debatable whether or not he needed that tag and it's pointless you repeating yourself, the tag is not the issue, the behaviour of the, "tag police" is the issue. Even if the tag absolutely was needed, they should have asked him to add it first and asked in a polite way in fitting with the power that they wield on Steemit, otherwise they are just power-crazy bullies that hang around in packs, like jackals, but without the laughter.

Ideally flagging and down-voting should be separated.
A flag means a curator thinks the author did something wrong with the content. A down-vote means a curator thinks the content / author should get less visibility and/or reward. Perhaps we also need a "disagree" button and/or a "dislike" button, for non-curation purpose.
Currently they're combined. After some time they will be separated when development completed.
By the way, the flag I cast was intended, for both purpose, I don't think it's abuse.

It's not debatable that his courtesy would have avoided this ugly outcome. Flagging is presently a legitimate means of influencing rewards and post visibility. To characterise their use as abuse is ridiculous, especially in relation to a post which is childishly contentious for its own sake.

Anything legitimate can be abused, so that isn't an argument. The fact is that flagging upsets people and when people are upset they are rarely the best version of themselves.
The content of the post isn't relevant to the discussion when the flag was for the tag, so also, not worth discussing. Surely the point of this discussion is to avoid similar, unnecessary conflict in the future. So, maybe a little flag etiquette is in order.
The guy who started the flagging, Abit, explained to me that his first flag was low power and simply a warning and that's probably reasonable for many people but we are all different, so I think a verbal warning before would avoid all this aggro in the future, then if it becomes necessary to flag, the flaggers are above reproach.

if you look at how the whales are acting about it all, their actions, your actions of upvoting your own comment on this post and how they are attacking me over a carton meme that was given an ok my @ned with the tags it has while at the same time defending @neds pos that does not have the nsfw tag and has actual nude picts in it then you would understand it is exctally how the cartoon looks.

can I ask why im getting flagged for something that doesn't need to be in the nsfw tag and why I am getting dogpiled my whales? its not about the tag as 1. it has been cleared byned that it doesn't need snfw tag and 2. why aren't you all going after #ned and his postwith actual nude picts and no nsfw tag?

Its a simple matter of logic.

my post did not misuse or abuse the tags, I have not flagged or defended myself yet from the attacks and yet the whales continue to flag me to try to hide this ordeal.

I have not created this ordeal they have. when I defend myself in the only way I can (and they know how I will do that) all of a sudden they will play the victim. its pathetic really.

so yes I feel it is an accurate representation of what Steemit is and what Steemians are engaged in. its ok to disagree but when I get attacked because someone disagrees and the rest of steem trys to justifiy it because they don't agree with an opinion it only proves my point correct.

thanks for leaving a comment and not flagging me like the others are doing. well unless you did flag me as I have not checked my flaggin yet, just woke up. if you did flag me then you are aware that I will defend myself and how so, yeah.

I do find it ditrty how you whales leave negitve comments and upvote yourself so you get paid out on a post that has been flagged to the point of no payout. dirty scam and not a good look imo.

You make statements that are simply untrue and your tone is aggressive and judgemental. Does that 'look' not concern you? I upvoted my comment here in order to give it visibility, a perfectly legitimate use of my stake. It has absolutely nothing to do with getting paid. I wouldn't expect something like that to occur to you right now because you appear to be very busy being caught up in your confrontational mindset and the drama of the situation you have helped to create.

Your threats to use gay porn comments as a retaliatory gesture do not seem very well thought through and I doubt it would have the outcome you want should you make good on those threats.

The current flag mechanism is what it is, flawed or not, people can use it to moderate rewards and register disproval of posts and comments. My own view is that the flag should only be used for plagiarism, abuse and spam. This is still subjective. I think it would have been courteous of you to mark your joke, given its graphical sexual content, with an NSFW tag. I wouldn't be happy about a very young person seeing it, but that's just me and that's the point. Regardless of the fact that the flag mechanism may be adapted, the best outcome for all Steemians is to try to work together to get the best out of the platform. Many are making every attempt to do just that and if all you can see are whales and corruption, why are you here?

I didn't flag you because I'd rather try to discuss this with you reasonably....though I think I can understand why others have flagged your post.

Irrespective of the truth behind your statement about ned finding your image not worthy of an NSFW tag, there are many other Steemians who may have a view.

I hope you'll consider not retaliating regardless of whatever flags you're post has and also that you might tag similar content with NSFW in the future. Sincerely, Ben.


This should be tagged NSFW.

for cartoon drawings?

Not Safe for Work is what NSFW stands for. The meaning is pretty much literally so that you shouldn't open this if you happen to be at work and browsing media which might result in your position at your work to be jeopardized.

Imagine you are at work, someone might or might not be looking over your shoulders. Which post do you think personally would cause a bigger commotion if seen opened by you? One were there are 10 weird looking dwarfs performing a pretty clear sexual act, or one with 2 half-naked/censored pics with a title making it obvious the post is about the naked body?

Pathetic at best
trying to compare cartoons to real photos.

You really have not learned anything from this last election, im sure you can figure out what my next couple posts are going to be filled with right?

im talking about the social justice crap you are pulling and all the other Marxists brain washed fools.

What I said has nothing to do with what you are talking about.

My only concern is I don't want people fired from their job because they accidentally opened up a post that has a sexual nature. The reason some might open it accidentally is cause they read the title and see no NSFW tag and open it. Get it? They are not aware there will be nsfw content before opening it.

I can tell you chose your timing wisely with @ned's post, but his images are clearly not as graphic as yours.

and like you said, whatever I write here you will only take it as ammo to post more stuff in that nature, and you are right I can't stop you from doing that. Just wanted to give you some advice on using the NSFW tag, cause that's what its there for, not to get people fired or in trouble accidentally.

im talking about the social justice crap you are pulling and all the other Marxists brain washed fools.

What I said has nothing to do with what you are talking about.

yes it does, you are going out of your way trying to protect others buy throwing a fit about cartoon pictures but at the same time trying to defend nude pictures of actual people and by bringing gender into it when it has nothing to do with anything just shows the oppression/oppressor Marxist mindset you have. There is no better description for what you and all the other butthurt people are pulling over this post.

My only concern is I don't want people fired from their job because they accidentally opened up a post that has a sexual nature. The reason some might open it accidentally is cause they read the title and see no NSFW tag and open it. Get it? They are not aware there will be nsfw content before opening it.

see, your goin out of your way trying to "protect" other people and all this is doing is making me realize cartoon porn is the next big wave on steemit. maybe take it up with @ned, or do some work at work instead of playing on steemit.

I can tell you chose your timing wisely with @ned's post,

I did not choose my timing, ned just happened to post that before me and I happened to scroll down and see it. I was going to comment on it but thought fuck it, I like nekkid chicks. didn't up vote it but I looked at it. does not change a thin though. weather or not ned made his post or not does not change the fact that you are getting upset about a cartoon but defending the nude picts by ned that didn't have the nsfw tag.

but his images are clearly not as graphic as yours.

LMFAO! cartoon drawings are more graphic then actual nude picts!?!?!?!?!!?!?

and like you said, whatever I write here you will only take it as ammo to post more stuff in that nature, and you are right I can't stop you from doing that.

yup, and its not just u alone. its just a couple people have spoken up about it so I must have hit a nerve.

Just wanted to give you some advice on using the NSFW tag, cause that's what its there for, not to get people fired or in trouble accidentally.

Thanks for the advice. You do realize your going out of your way to complain about a cartoon drawing to protect other fictional characters that might get fired for playing on steemit while at fictional work? I cant think of one thing that would require someone to be on steemit on the clock. what posts on steemit would you say are stuff for work? should all of steemit be marked nsfw if its not about the porno excuse for trying to get someone to self censor?

For a free speech platform you sure are pushing hard to try to hide stuff that isn't even porn.

If you are going to link more videos that aren't playable on the platform I have nothing against that.

Also not everyone lives in the U.S. The elections have not changed the definition of NSFW in my eyes.

I did not say you lived in the us or that you were voting fr a certin side, im talking about the social justice crap you are pulling and all the other Marxists brain washed fools.
You have not learned that trying to tell me or others what to do is only going to make more of it pop up when people find out it bothers the regressives.
so keep up trying to white knight for steemit cause its giving me stuff to post about.

Also I don't think anyone else has problem with the videos I post, its on your side if u cant watch them. unless steemit is now blocking all of youtube and I know that isn't true.

its so pathetic all the whales comin over to complain then upvote their comments to get paid out on btchin.
you upvote your self complaining about my post on my post and you get 2 cents per complane filled comment.
Just more proof of how it works on steemit.

you upvote your self complaining about my post on my post and you get 2 cents per complane filled comment.
Just more proof of how it works on steemit.

You are wrong again, I usually never vote up my own comments.

I'm done replying in this thread.

Also, does it look like I am a whale to you?

my bad u wernt one of the people upvoting their own comments while complaining on my post.

as for a whale, y got some skin in the game, deffenitly not new

I'm not really going "out of my way" to complain about your post.

It was there, I viewed it (I know I wouldn't have had it been tagged appropriately) and that's why I felt the need to comment on it.

Considering which one is more graphic, I guess it depends on the eye of the beholder. Of course I find yours more graphic since its a sexual act where genitals are visible compared to two pictures of skin and the female nipple which are accessible and allowed on another social platform.

Now I've really gone out of my way to try and explain my opinion to you so I'm not going to waste more time on this.

For the record, ned's post could've used a NSFW tag as well, but the issue here in my opinion was the title. His gave way for the post probably being NSFW, yours didn't, so the surprise of it is what I didn't appreciate and I'm sure many others, no matter from where they are viewing or reading it would've appreciated a warning before they view a post with such nature.

It's like a common etiquette in my opinion, not just something I am trying to push onto this platform.

sorry but im triggered by trigger warnings so its not going to happen.
there is always the mute button to help insulate your echo chamber.

I thought it meant not suitable for women?

damn times have changed.
i thank you dearly looking back on the steemit past.
I dont think people realize how badass you are when fighting for free speech.
I owe you bigtime, you ever need anything you let me know! 90% of steemit has no clue what its like to have a friend like you on this platform. Even at my worst you were there, and even if i was in the wrong you would tell me. i am grateful for that.
Thank you sarah

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, well it's borderline so I'll let it go, cartoony stuff is harmless...

I just wanna say, you have ned posting stuff like this:
with actual photos

yet you're bothering me over a cartoon drawing that is critical of the steemit whale community.


Ok, you win. @ned has spoken. I'll no longer police NSFW. fuck it.

Both posts were pretty mild and not flag worthy. I reserve the right to flag really obvious untagged porn.

I don't think I won, mine is cartoons. I think ned won because his post is the one that should have been confronted and fixed.
whatevers tho I like the fact u can see the chicks nipple and the other nude picts.
notice how he tries to play it off on how its about the human body but only picts of chicks? lol
I don't see ant nekkid dudes in his post...............cause its about sxy hot chicks. lol
makes me laugh to think back to all the drama that went on a month ago or so.
thanx for not messin with my post over nsfw.

I'll no longer police NSFW. fuck it.

I see why now.

Not safe/suitable for work or NSFW is an Internet slang or shorthand tag used in e-mail, videos, and on interactive discussion areas (such as Internet forums, blogs, or community websites) to mark URLs or hyperlinks which contain nudity, intense sexuality, profanity or disturbing content, which the viewer may not wish to be seen accessing in a public or formal setting such as in a workplace.

From Wikipedia.

disturbing content is subjective and could be anything. wiki is written by asholes like myself and even you. anyone can go in and change it up regardless how much or little someone knows on a subject.

You realize your looking up internet slang in a dictionary (fictionary/wikinary) and trying to use it for a base of the code of conduct on a freespeech anti censorship platform? according to your deffination outa wiki most stuff political would follow under it. I don't think someone working in aantitrump office would want them seeing an opended pro would be

content, which the viewer may not wish to be seen accessing in a public or formal setting such as in a workplace.

Your post should have a NSFW tag attached, the image clearly shows genitals the other picture you're writing about has nothing potentially offensive shown. That is the difference between the two.

yep cartoon drawing and real stuff. you are complaining about cartoon drawings but defending acual nude photos.
also everything is potentially offensive, im offended by stupid but you don't see me flagging people for it.
Go take it up with @ned he said its ok.

So, on the picture of that woman, can you see her vagina or breasts? They are not visible whatsoever, so that makes all the difference. You posted something that shows a penis. That does make a difference, so your image if more offensive to some people than the other image.

So, on the picture of that woman, can you see her vagina or breasts? They are not visible whatsoever

Really stupid.

Cartoon drawing compared to real nude picts. this is pathetic and just plain out retarded.

your image if more offensive to some people than the other image

anything is offencive to some people, like you freaking out over a cartoon but act like a hipocrit over actual newd photos.

What is sad, and pathetic, is how you cannot just accept that pictures showing certain parts of the human body should be tagged. They're not telling you to take the picture off Steem but rather put the appropriate tag on it. It should not be a big deal, but clearly you're a moron who just wants the attention so I am muting you. I cannot be bothered trying to communicate with children during a tantrum....

I think he was flagged before he was asked to add a tag. If they had patiently explained the rules and given him a chance to change one of his tags, there would have been a totally different outcome.
Why are you even involved? Do you think the Dolphins/Whales that flagged him need you to defend them? Do you think that you can educate Skeptic in a way that they couldn't? Or are you just a sycophant trying to score points with the big boys?
I could call you a moron but then I'd be a hypocrite.

telling me to hide a cartoon in the shadows, fuck off with that noise.


It should not be a big deal, but clearly you're a moron who just wants the attention so I am muting you. I cannot be bothered trying to communicate with children during a tantrum....

LMFAO! I told you long ago to use the mute button like a big kid. you are a hipocrit trying to defend actual newd picts but throwing a fit over a cartoon drawing. you flip out and mute me but im the one throwing a tantrum? LMFAO!
then resorting to add hominim because you have nothing to bring to the argument besides we need to do what you say. lol
projection much?

That kind of thing demotivates many here .. I recently saw a post of a giant toad photo and had almost 200 upvote and almost $ 100. Crazy..

Its been like this sence I started steem.
whatever though, atleast we can laugh about it.

Can I use your image?

sure, do whatever I don't mind.

Did you draw it?

Funny how hard you are trying to find something to flag it over.

Don't like it when people are critical of the whales on steemit?

I don't flag. I asked since you gave others permission to use it, it sounded as if you are the owner of the image.

I was not aware someone needed permission to use a meme, you think im going to tell someone "no you cant use the meme"? I am not the meme police especially when the meme is using an aicent picture so old the artist isn't even known.


Really? Oh gosh, that's really demoralizing when I feel I can top a giant toad, but hardly get anything for it.
Publicity huh :-)

lol ohhh!! you live up to your name i swear you do. This cracked me up so much I literally spit out a little bit of my drink as I clicked on it. you prick!! upvote

Im glad people are enjoying it and not flagging it like I expected.
still early though.

I'll leave the flagging to the @assholes steem on in discontent my friend. lol

Skeptic, my old Steemit friend, this is the most entertainment I've had on Steemit in weeks! Never change, ever! You are the poster child for non-political correctness.
(Well maybe change when you are an old man but you know what I mean.)
Edit: I was flagged by asshole!
Edit: Mind you I think you can defend yourself the way you did last time, with up votes and support, rather than leaving gay porn cartoons in the comments of their posts! Just my observation.

asshole sux but asshole flags everyone so I don't see it like this but its ot gona be gay porn, its gona be interacial gay cartoon porn (no money shots). lol
or cartoon dicks. something mbe all of that mixed into meme with them in it or something.
this person is poking a gay porn commenting bearbecause he thinks the bear wont really do it. I have to shut that shit down and fast.
ima make a post when I do it and just update every step along the way with screen shots. should be kool watching this fubar guy ffreak out when I defend myself. then will be on to the next flaggot.
live postinor something.
thanks for the comment, the support is amazing!

I was an asshole virgin before tonight!

yeah it goes non stop for a day or something. I think people would rather ignore it then confront the flagging issue with steemit. it didn't flagg comments till today I don't think, that's new maybe.


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sweet, thank you.

lmao, about time someone posted some good honest news here.

Im sure the whales are saying its fake news.

You're not entirely wrong, no. This may be, as funny as it is, NSFW. I still can't stop laughing.

Cartoon drawings count as nsfw?
I wouldn't be surprised if someone used the nsfw angle to flag it.
If someone tries to claim its nsfw I have a stick figure version that's actually just as good if not better for next post.

All computing is based on sex anyway. The long one "I", and the round one "O".

damn I never looked at it that way, not text is going to turn me on.

This, I am convinced, is why computers are a natural at getting more people, more porn, faster.

when ai finally reaches self awareness and touches the internet its gona trip the fuck out.

When AI finally reaches self awareness and touches itself, its gonna trip the fuck out.

What would you do if you came home and your computer was looking at pictures of other computers?

without the case so u can see all the naughty wiring.
liquid cooled!!!!!! just look at the sexy fluid flowing around that processor.
does my plexiglass case make me a perve?

It already looks like a dickbutt necklace. Best laugh all day.

already got people bugging me about nsfw over cartoon drawings.
but realistic life like drawings of nude chicks are ok, or neds newes post with nekkid chicks in it is ok.

The Supreme Court said it's ok. It's only a drawing.

bro, is this real?
I think its fake but.............I cant tell now days. Could you check it out for me?

I think he's serious in that he's trying to make a point about everyone having rights. I'm not really sure if he's actually trying to frame all men as aggressors just because they have "male privilege" or something like that. I've seen a few pathologically suicidal altruistic anarchists make similar arguments about having borders. That somehow everyone can just come and live on your lawn, and you'd be violating their rights to not give them anything they want to take. There is something very missing from this mentality. I think it is an element of self preservation. If I come up with anything else, I'll let you know.

I cant tell whats real or fake all of a sudden.

@ned has spoken. lol
Im really glad @ned decieded to make a post with nude chicks in it 10min before I posted this. Think its the only reason I got a pass.

Hit the Nail ON the Head there.

You should see my last post. if u missed it, check it out.

thank you.
ill check it out now.

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