
Cartoon drawings count as nsfw?
I wouldn't be surprised if someone used the nsfw angle to flag it.
If someone tries to claim its nsfw I have a stick figure version that's actually just as good if not better for next post.

All computing is based on sex anyway. The long one "I", and the round one "O".

damn I never looked at it that way, not text is going to turn me on.

This, I am convinced, is why computers are a natural at getting more people, more porn, faster.

when ai finally reaches self awareness and touches the internet its gona trip the fuck out.

When AI finally reaches self awareness and touches itself, its gonna trip the fuck out.

What would you do if you came home and your computer was looking at pictures of other computers?

without the case so u can see all the naughty wiring.
liquid cooled!!!!!! just look at the sexy fluid flowing around that processor.
does my plexiglass case make me a perve?

It already looks like a dickbutt necklace. Best laugh all day.

already got people bugging me about nsfw over cartoon drawings.
but realistic life like drawings of nude chicks are ok, or neds newes post with nekkid chicks in it is ok.

The Supreme Court said it's ok. It's only a drawing.

bro, is this real?
I think its fake but.............I cant tell now days. Could you check it out for me?

I think he's serious in that he's trying to make a point about everyone having rights. I'm not really sure if he's actually trying to frame all men as aggressors just because they have "male privilege" or something like that. I've seen a few pathologically suicidal altruistic anarchists make similar arguments about having borders. That somehow everyone can just come and live on your lawn, and you'd be violating their rights to not give them anything they want to take. There is something very missing from this mentality. I think it is an element of self preservation. If I come up with anything else, I'll let you know.

I cant tell whats real or fake all of a sudden.

@ned has spoken. lol
Im really glad @ned decieded to make a post with nude chicks in it 10min before I posted this. Think its the only reason I got a pass.

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