Nudity and censorship

in #censorship8 years ago (edited)

In my opinion, the human body is a beautiful thing.

So why do we censor it .... why do we censor it with the the most minimal covering ... why do we mark certain items of the human body as something to be censored .. why have women's nipples become less censorship prone ... why are they censorable versus a man's ... does this make us feel better ... is it strictly cultural ... is it to promote some sense of curiosity ... is the sense of censorship valuable ... what other questions are important with respect to censorship of the human body ... how do you feel others should feel about human body censorship in social mediums?


I say give people what they want!!! if you love the human body in all its nude glory embrace and cherish my friend. ;)

Amazing how the body can handle such extreme conditions. Still beautiful!!

I agree with you, James. We should appreciate ourselves without any connection to how our body looks.

Your comment is deep. We all know what you said to be true but you put it in a way that really made me snap out of some automated mind set and it's not that I usually judge people harshly anyway.

Lol .. I hope he figures out how to lose weight!

Maybe he likes it this way. I hope he finds truth.

No, I've changed my mind. Cover it up! Cover it up!

I agree with this so much @soundlegion.
Guys always want to uncensor "sexy" ladies bodies, but not any other bodies.

Why censor beauty? The fat man may be more beutiful in mind than he is in body, but it still doesn't change the fact.

Besides, it's far from censorship by state power or even in most private organisations. It's still 100% on the blockchain.

Alls fair, right? Thanks for this. I was thinking the same thing.

She's just a little curvy guys, chilll

Solution: software should automatically detect sensitive human parts and repaint relevant pixels with the exact same thing. Oh wait..

It doesn't make sense to me either. Society is stuck on unnatural, Puritan concepts. What is 10-year-old Junior going to do if he sees a nipple? Will that flip a switch and turn him into a serial rapist? I'm guessing the opposite might be true. I think I remember reading that there's less alcoholism in countries where parents give their kids a taste of wine early. If we were looser about nudity and not so deathly afraid of all things related to sex, then maybe there would be less apprehension, frustration, and violence.

I think the root of this trend is found in practices established thousands of years ago where woman was deliberately set as a servant to man; the alpha male wants his female for himself. Established position through religion and dna it is hard to dismiss guilt around sex and a woman's body just yet. Disclaimer: I am not a feminist just observing trends!

That may be true. Control certainly has been a factor in the past.

Being a feminist just means you support equal rights in employment, education, suffrage, etc and want to defend women from rape and abuse. Without feminism women wouldn't be able to vote or own property or choose who they marry.
It's okay to be a feminist; it just means you support equal rights.

To that extent I agree. But I support equal right for all men and women, wouldn't differentiate between sexes in that aspect. But feminism movement has changed in the past years.

I'm the furthest from a feminist (still respect women, just as I do men) and I agree with you. I think it has to do both with the fact that men tend to get more obvious arousals and with the keeping of women as "property" of their husbands. A man simply didn't want others to get curious in and possibly lust over his "rightful property". It was a monopoly that simply wasn't to be tested, even in thought.

(which as a supporter of property rights, I of course consider an insane system, yet for its time still understandable)

I think you have a good point, and I have the same opinion; Prohibiting something will not result in less use and abuse (alcohol, marihuana, abortion, euthanasia etc). In my country (The Netherlands) we are very liberal on these topics, however we do not have excessive usage and problems in our society with these things and freedom.

However, I do see examples in which the culture changes because of presenting more or less single messages. For instance: in Asia a lot of advertisement includes western (white) models which apparently contributes to the strong wish of a growing number of Asian people to be as white as possible (little to no sun bathing, wearing longs sleeves even when it sunny and 35/40+ degrees Celcius).

Another example is the increasing amount of teenager in the Netherlands (and accros the western world) with eating disorders such as anorexia; Apparently the numbers are increasing because of the so many bloggers/vloggers of teenagers with absolutely great bodies; bodies a lot of us are never able to get even if we would train 10 hours a day.

But said that: only proper research can give us an indication if one effects the other.

Some good reads on Internet, Blogging, Vlogging and resulted Eating Disorders:

You make far too much sense!

I have just been reading the chapter about Scarcity in Robert B Cialdini's book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.

This chapter is all about "buy now" psychology. However it includes a section on Censorship - a few quotes

Both sides in the struggle seem to be well intentioned, and the issues are not simple, since they involve such matters as morality, art, parental controls over the schools, and First Amendment freedoms

He quotes research at Purdue University where students were asked in a controlled experiment their attitudes to a book which had an age restriction warning about adult content. Those who saw the warning were more inclined to want to read the book and were more favourably disposed to the content of the book (even before they read it) than the group for whom there was no warning. The research is categoric - censorship creates scarcity and people want it because of the scarcity.

if we are to believe the implications of the research, then the censorship is likely to increase the desire of students for sexual material and, consequently, to cause them to view themselves as the kind of individuals who like such material

The second part of this quote carries the rub for me. Scarcity increases the possibility o someone liking something before they even get it. .

I grew up in a country (South Africa pre-1994) which had strict censorship of adult material (and political material). Now I like to think I am a law abiding citizen but I certainly did smuggle and possess banned adult material, because it was banned material. And I certainly read a fair amount of banned political material - it was my job as a trainee lawyer to understand that stuff too.

Yep, a book worth reading. And interesting personal story. Thanks for the share.

How does one feel or what does one think? Perhaps the query is well said since the human body revealed does elicit feeling. However rather than answer your query regarding feeling.....emotion given voice....bleujay will express thought.

First definition of nudity...having no clothing..naked..unclothed.

It would be easy to just cite several posts from Steemit when this subject was discussed at length a month or so ago and certainly the approach taken by was novel where he requestesd a rhyme. He received three replies....this was bleujays...

Freedom demands responsibility

Catagorically porn is for horns
so lets get an app for all that

Children our charges
lacking discernment
need not be bombarded
with this or that kitty-kat.

However with @ned asking a query requesting our feeling regarding realises the problem is deeper that just applying catagorical thinking to the matter. It is a matter of depraved thinking.

Look at any society in history....who would you rather emulate...that of primitive societies who have nothing better to think about than being aroused and being sexually gratifited or societies that actually could think, invent, discover and developed their thinking beyond the base of self gratification.

Principle. I recognize human depravity exists but I do not agree.

Is this about money...

If you are taught nudity=sex is bad and then you are bombarded by nudity and sexual innuendos, there will be a lot of confusion/cognitive dissonance, this mindset makes the subject very open to manipulation.

I think nudity is all about context and cultural conditioning. Nudity and art go way back, I can go to a museum and see all sorts of nudity. I can go to different parts of the world and nudity in all it's degrees is either accepted or totally banned to the point if a woman shows her bare head she will be beaten and thrown in jail.

I can't be on a site that has porn freely shown because of the children I care for might get access to my digital divice or a background check on my social life might cause legal problems for my daughter and her custody battle. Something all caretakers need to think about here in America.

Not all nudity is pornographic but could be deemed inappropriate by legal authorities. Nudity sells consumerism and ideology as well. I don't like porn but I don't mind Sir Peter Paul Rubens<==Dutch, 28 June 1577 – 30 May 1640

My husband is from the Nederland and what I call porn is everywhere on their tv uncensored and his family is very modest, no one cares.

I really don't want to see nipples, penises, butts all over everything because it's not done in a natural way. Nudity is used by our media as a tool to manipulate the population.

  1. Kids: there is a time for everything. Sexualizing kids at a young age promote rabbit-like sexuality which has very negative impact on society.

  2. Promote lust and adultery: "You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to desire her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

This is why, i dont want it in my newsfeed.

That's basically what society has been telling us and I'm open to the idea. But I have strong doubts about whether there is any evidence to support that view. Where are the studies showing that looking at nudity turns us into lustful beasts? I don't believe it until I see some support for that view.

Breasts don't sexualize kids anymore than hanging out with the opposite sex sexualizes kids. 1. Breasts aren't sexual by default. Lot's of women go for topless bike rides or do plenty of non sexual activities topless. You don't HAVE to be using your boobs in a sexual manner. 2. You're more likely to sexualize kids by feeding them artificial estrogen in all that processed crap food from the store and having them listen to hypersexualized song lyrics than you are having them be exposed to honest to god breasts. In fact if kids see breasts in a non sexual setting they'll end up being desensitized to them. 3. Your attitudes are far too puritan but if that's what you believe that doesn't mean everyone in the world needs to adopt your beliefs. Even so having the right to go topless isn't the same as promoting lust and infidelity. Many women go topless with the specific intent to desexualize their breasts and have them viewed in a non sexual setting. I'm a bit iffy about the practicality of that but then again does every girl go all insanely horny every time they see a guy at the beach with his shirt off? No after awhile they'd start blending together. Furthermore just because a girl was topless doesn't mean she'd want to have sex with anyone or be unfaithful to her boyfriend or husband (or girlfriend as the case may be) much the same way as a guy who had his shirt off wouldn't be implying he is interested in sex either. He might just be hot or want to go for a swim or something. Hell he might just enjoy being naked. Being naked does not mean you want to have sex.

It's a pretty artificial thing. I've written about it and other taboos. Some places people run around topless all the time and people are used to it. Go far enough into the past and the big dresses and such and when a woman showed her ANKLE it was sexual exciting. Then go to places like the outback or tribes in Africa and south america and guys might only wear a Penis Sheathe.

Taboos occur the same way as laws. Someone decides people should behave in a certain way. If they have enough people backing them they make it enFORCEable.

We could do away with all of this censorship, and taboo concerns, but it'd likely require a serious awakening of the minds of the populace, and it might require some religions to go away, or seriously change.

I say we should find more important things to direct our outrage at then the human body. When we spend time trying to censor the body then we take time away from trying to fix other problems like hate against people.

We as people only have so much time and mental energy each day, let's worry less about nudity and more about issues with much bigger impacts on people's day to day lives.

I don't think a full naked picture of me would be a beautiful thing, to be honest it is a bit disturbing :D
and I generally think keeping private parts of the body private(as their names imply) is a smart move. we shouldn't be ashamed of our body for sure but we don't need to brag about it too, do we?

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