Daily Steem Price Update 5/4/2021

in #steemit4 years ago

Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 5/4/2021.
I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of Steemit.com back in 2016 along with other content.
Many have came here to discuss the daily Steem price's and recent STEEM changes for now over 4 years.

If you tire of addictively looking at the charts every few minutes then instead just relax and look here for the average daily STEEM price for your daily plan or strategy.
And even if you are not planning to do anything with your STEEM I still recommend checking out these updates every so often.
So without further ado lets take a look at today's Daily Steem Price for 5/4/2021.

Should you be trading with STEEM today...?


(Images By: @simonjay)



Steem Daily Price MoonTemplate05042021.jpg


Here we are in April hope you are enjoying your Easter eggs, the weather had very suddenly changed out of nowhere we had summer type weather, it was like we had just skipped Spring and went straight into Summer. There were a few reports that things would turn frosty again and today that seems to of been the case but surprisingly during the late evening it warmed up, not only that but it's amazing how these last 2 days have stayed light for so long, which is making made feel a little disoriented with the time lol. Since my return to work I have not seen the lady who's workload I had to cover, which is understandable as I believe she recently lost a family member. I have been working mostly shifts that are around the middle of the day, I was wondering if after Easter they would return to being slightly more volatile but from what I can see that will not be the case. My boss once again complained about me not checking my work emails enough.. but gosh I only checked it not long ago and he was already on my case complaining again, anyway early the next day I quickly finished the remaining online tasks he wanted me to complete so that I could enjoy the rest of Easter in peace but wow I can't believe how quick the Easter weekend as passed. I'm finding it very stupid that at work we are now using a randomizer app for staff searching, but have experienced and witnessed that even if you get the "no search" option the superior will still search you..? And so what is the point of having a randomizer? We all think this idea is stupid and far more time consuming, and to take things further they have introduced now a bar code system. So now we all need bloody bar codes just to get our bags searched? Honestly why does everything need to be so over the top these days. Today there was more work than I expected as I thought certain sectors were to still be closed but nope it's all about the money so almost everything was running as normal. Still I hope you have all enjoyed your Easter as for me while I got the opportunity to spend time with family it was also kind of a hectic day as I wanted to catch up with some things, which one was organising and finding some old cloths, I also had some work I needed to get done on the computer and was also trying to sell a few things which took longer than I expected due to annoying buyers. I visited some friends who informed me they would be back to work next week, and regardless of them hating work I think it will at least do them some good "health wise" I mean. They disagreed with me and honestly I understand why they would but it's also no better than sitting around at home for days infront of the computer and now that they started they have said I was right lol. I visited another friend who started today I'm still to hear how they got on. With part 2 of my new curtains received I was going to also consider replacing the net curtains but I have checked over these today and they are ok not only that but I took the opportunity to finally but them up. On the other hand my hoover recently stopped working but unlike most other items these days I have to admit that the hoover actually lasted me a decent time. And so I ordered a new one which is almost identical to previous, I done this hoping that it will also last a good while. With this lockdown regardless of still working during it I noticed some weigh gain, and so I have been trying to shed some of the weight with small daily workouts. I will continue to do so until either work get's too hectic again which I'm expecting it to happen during the summer or when everything opens up, which unfortunately is around the same time of both those things.. well that is if we ever do open out of lockdown. So I missed a few days as I went to see my friend and yesterday there was just no time because of the annoying seller wasting my time, as for today no workout as I got a online call to attend to tonight as my friend will be leaving for about a week and a half due to work, he is just going up country, so that now makes day 4 no workout. So the guy from across the road to me struck again recently when he woke me at 5.30am in the morning with he's car, he was out there for 15 minutes running the car for no reason as always, it took me nearly 2 hours to fall back asleep again but obviously by that time my alarm started ringing Argh! I wonder if this will be a every other Wednesday thing? This past Wednesday he didn't wake me but like I said it could be a every other Wednesday thing. So I will keep tabs here to see if this Wednesday he wakes me up at 5 again, at least then I know to expect it and might have to invest in some ear plugs🙄. On Easter he did do some round about's in the neighbourhood because hey what else is there to do on Easter but drive around the neighbourhood in circles?

I had been diving more into Tron as I wanted to learn more of it's basics, I then looked into "Tron Stacking", even done a few votes with my frozen Tron. After a few days I then went back to check on how my votes had done and noticed that I had successfully earned a little Tron, well a whole $0.01 Tron lol. I have now tried again recently and made $0.04 worth of Tron, I think I got the little extra because of the price going up. But still even with that I'm curious of it's potential and so I might see if I can hunt some more Tron and do a some more votes to see if I can increase how much Tron I earn. But for the moment I will watch Steem as it's been going in the upward direction, even shockingly seen at $1.00+. Perhaps we wont see Steem fall back to $0.16 and so could this mean time is running out for the gathering of cheap Steem? Many thought Steem would hit $1.00 by June but actually on March 30th we hit $1.00 already. Also the Steemit Crypto Academy as really gained some momentum with many people joining in for weekly updates and doing all their "homework tasks" did you know you are actually allowed to follow as many of the courses as you want? Which you could be rewarded for by taking part with upvotes from the steemcurator01 or steemcurator02 accounts? While at the moment there is a break period for the Crypto Academy while they find more professors and mark homework but for now you can still go check it out and get familiar with it here Steemit Crypto Academy, it's basically one of the most educative programs running on Steemit with 5 professors with different topics within the cryptoverse. But all this as caused a strain within the fun as there are now many homework tasks being submitted, even the 5 professors just can't keep up with it all. Which is why steemcurator01 and steemcurator02 are looking into taking on new professors for the Crypto Academy, they are especially looking for professors in countries not being represented, there are only 5 currently and so there is a high chance you could get in for your country, check out all the details here Academy Professors Wanted.

💚We saw recently this March STEEM almost reached $1.40 but unfortunately even with these insane 💰$55000 Bitcoin prices STEEM as continued to not move much, which is a shame as people should be investing into this great coin as you can do so much more with it. But when was the last time you saw Steem at $1.00!? Well it was the downfall back in Sept 2018, yeah that's a long time to wait to see these heights again. Steem had been mostly holding around the $0.40 mark but now we finally see some movement and it looks to continue going upwards. The lowest Steem price this year as been $0.15 and the highest $1.38 which broke this years record on April 2th. It would be nice to see if this year Steem can atleast hold above $0.17 for most of 2021. Still this brings opportunity as it's a good price to "power-up" your account, I don't say this as a way to improve your financial situation but rather to enjoy the benefits of having Steem, like speeding up your account's Steem accumulation or how much Tron you gain plus other general tasks etc.


🏅 We reached "🐬TRIPLE DOLPHIN🐬" in November last year which means our collective STEEM POWER is now over 💪15000 SP!! There are around 616 Triple Dolphin accounts, and if you add all those up "it's ALOT of Steem Power" like nearly 10mil, you going to join us or what? We will of course continue to collect and lock-up even more STEEM! My goal 🌍 now is to reach 20.000 SP🏆, hopefully by June 2021. But due to the Steem price rise and if it holds I don't see this happening, unless we get a few more whale upvotes in these coming months, but we had a really good recent 2 weeks, thing's have slowed down abit now but let's keep going as best we can as we are now into the final big stretch. And so I want to thank everybody who does vote in, and for their kind support. I have now been on here for over 4 years and have never powered down✔️ not once!! 🚫, I also continue to invest into STEEM in small quantities✔️, your votes can help with this also, but essentially all of this means that your votes are safe with me and help to retain STEEM's value, since being a "Top 350 Steem-Power Holder" it's beginning to count, your votes may even help make it go higher in the future with plans for purchasing more STEEM. We totalled 7.841 SP at the end of 2019 and reached 15.000 on November 24th and so if you want to help me on this quest "locking away 20.000 Steem Power" with the intention to support and retain more of it's value 👉 then please consider leaving your best vote below.


✺ The covid19 madness continues with us in lockdown number 3 at level 5, the government continues with it's roadmap of 5 week gaps between opening up sectors, schools re-opened and children flood the streets, no social distancing of course but they will now for each week have two covid tests taken. My friends are now saying they are finally slowly returning back to work from mostly the 12th and some even earlier. The government often states that we are doing well listening to their rules for staying indoors but yet I saw people out everywhere, insane traffic and crowds, it made headlines in the papers several times I wondered if this will affect when we are to open FULLY in June so far they are saying it wont and we will open as planned. The government said that after this there will be no more lockdowns and that we must treat the covid like a common flu, which doesn't surprise me much as people who have had it "who I know personally" have said it was like having the flu. But yet the mass vaccination process must continue.. it's been said that half of all adults had the first jab. The government wants to give employers powers to sack staff who refuse to be vaccinated, which I don't see how that is giving people a choice..🤷‍♂️? There are many getting tired of all this covid nonsense and so many protests are arising. The most effective vaccine was said to be around %95 effective but it's also been reported to be far less and I have seen the government themselves often state that they "even after all this testing" don't know exactly how effective it is against the virus. ✺ Also the Oxford vaccine was paused in nearly 15 countries because apparently it's may of been causing blood clots for many people. But yet they keep pushing for people to take it and we might also have to take many more jabs for all the different variants and a yearly one also, so just how many needles is a person going to have to take? At the moment if you were one of the first people to get vaccinated I counted 5 jabs all together. How will our bodies react to so much of this stuff being pumped into us I wonder? These companies are rolling in our money👍. Remember they firstly said this was a "cure" then that it could possibly protect those who take it for up to 9 months, well later they said it's only for 5 months "maybe" as they simply don't know. Scientists have told us even with the vaccine you can still catch covid and you can still pass it on to others and I have been told by friends who's parents had their jab that even nurses after giving you the shot will tell you that this doesn't mean your fully protected. At the end of the day we simply don't know that much about the jab, it did seem very rushed and why aren't we doing this for all the other thing's that are killing even more people? Did anybody catch the death count graph for covid? It shows us which age group was dying the most from covid.. big shocker but it was those who are over 70, as for everybody else the death count is low. I also saw another graph that for once actually showed the number of people who recovered from the covid. It indicated there is mostly a %97 chance of survival in most places, and as for the deaths if you took the number of people who normally die from other things, the covid numbers are strangely similar to those, and so I guess it could indeed be possible that they are replacing the cause of death from other things to covid. There is a guy in government who wanted people to take the vaccine or get shut out from society by not giving them access to any businesses, meaning you wouldn't be able to buy food, attend a school, watch movies at the cinema or travel anywhere, to which I then don't see how exactly this would be giving the public the choice?🤷‍♂️ He changed his mind about that statement but basically news came out in April that they were doing this but it seems because of the severe backlash from the idea it might only be a temporary thing and only used at bigger events. So perhaps still in the pipeworks as Mr Bill Gates is said to be working on the technological system for a vaccination type passport, plus Gates continues to warn us that the next pandemic 😈 is going to be far worse.?? ✺ I have worked all during this crisis as our company used a loophole within the system to keep us all working despite our government stating that all non-essential work places must shut-down, it was either work or be fired kind of attitude. The food 🍔🍒 shortage problems don't seem to be doing much better either, I'm still going into shops and seeing many empty shelves, something isn't right. ✺ Not only that but I noticed other things are becoming difficult to obtain, like ovens, microwaves, printers, laptops, gaming accessories, and I'm sure there are other things, but while it's got a little better lately it will hopefully be corrected once lockdown rules continue to ease, if that ever happens.

Always do your own due diligence the above is only a opinion.

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1Up Or Down Today 05042021.gif

Source: picgifs.com

Our Ship Is Now Triple Dolphin Powered 🏆

Source: giphy.com

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So if you like this page I need you guys to do me 2 easy things.

1.First please upvote this page.
2.And secondly dont forget to follow me below.

Also since votes don't always = $ and you if want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me along with the value of the STEEM currency as I have not powered-down once in 4 years.

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


Steem will go up.

Oh my good, I can’t believe myself! Thank you very much.

Your welcome tangera congrts on being the winner.

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Steem will go up

Steem will go up

steem will go up

Steem will go up

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