Jerry Banfield, Down-Voting & Freedom of Speech

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

"I wholly disapprove of what you say—and will defend to the death your right to say it.” 


The Recent Whale-Meltdown

Recently, there was a Whale Melt-Down here on Steemit.  

It involved a video post, Is The Steem Price Too Low And How Do We Fix It, by Jerry Banfield, perhaps Steemit's most 'visible member' (and, until this incident, a Top 20 Witness), that got down-voted to zero by a goodly number of whales. In it, Banfield rails on about Down-Voting Abuse by whales and calls for not only an end to down-voting ... but for less wealthy Steemians to collectively crash the price of STEEM (by collectively selling their STEEM) in order to force the Whales and Witnesses to comply.  

The trigger for Banfield's post was an earlier video, the Ultimate Selfie, a stand-up comedy post that had received a substantial number of whale down-votes, raising Banfield's ire. The comedy post in question was, to put in mildly, disgusting.  

The Whale Melt-Down opened up Pandora's Box about a number of systemic problems here on Steemit, including Freedom of Speech and the use of down-voting as a form of censorship. As I thought about Steemit's myriad of systemic problems, I decided to publish a series of posts (including a number of solutions), of which this is the first. 

Personal Note to Jerry - Not Your Finest Hour 

Firstly, Banfield is not Seinfeld. Jerry, whatever talents you possess in life ... comedy is not one of them. Self-evidently, you don't possess the instinct for determining, "what's funny."

Secondly, think of a bullseye: The circle in the center ... that's your skull. It's for private things that you keep to yourself lest everyone else think you a lunatic. The concentric circle around the center ... that is filled with things you share with your wife, your kids and close personal friends. The outermost concentric circle is for things you share with the world ... the things you post on social media.  

Yes, I'm aware that there is a post-modern philosophy that argues that nothing is normal, and therefore nothing is abnormal - that nothing is right and therefore nothing is wrong. The over-whelming majority of people, however, would beg to differ. Of course, the rest of us could all be insane and you could be the revolutionary thought leader who's going to lead us all out of darkness and into the Promised Land of Enlightenment - but, as with most fantasies in which we cast ourselves as the hero, it's unlikely. 

I think you need a Perspective Rethink - to learn the difference between 'ideology' ... and 'ideas, ideals and insights.' 

Free Speech & Censorship 

I am a Free Speech purist. While I agree with certain traditional restraints on Free Speech (libel, slander, yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater), I'm vehemently opposed to stifling Offensive Speech of any kind, including so-called Hate Speech. Holocaust Deniers ... let them have their say. If you don't possess the verbal or historical acuity to humiliate them in public, DM me ... I do.  

The problem with restraining speech is where do you draw the line? What one person finds offensive, another finds enlightening. Who gets to make that discretionary call? This is something that has tormented philosophers and lawmakers for centuries. There is, of course, no answer that satisfies everyone. 

One need only visit any modern western university to see how Speech Suppression is employed. Far Left activists, of one kind or another, sitting cross-legged in their 'Safe Spaces,' rocking back and forth, weeping, because they feel 'threatened' due to the presence of a conservative speaker (anyone who disagrees with them) somewhere on campus. The motivation for such theatrics is self-evident to anyone with an IQ over 2 ... the Suppression of Speech. 'De-Platforming' they call it. If the other guy disagrees with your ideology, prevent him from speaking or, at least, make it all-but-impossible for his words to be heard. Trigger-Warnings, Speech Codes, euphimization ... and pulling fire alarms (and starting riots) during lectures. This lunacy is now endemic (I could easily hyperlink several hundred such incidents).         

Indeed, it's gotten so bad that 2,000+ of the nation's most prominent professors, almost none of whom are conservatives, have formed the Heterodox Academy in an effort to push back. Indeed, they're now ranking (poorly) the universities, with respect to Freedom of Speech, at which they themselves work. Universities can stand for Social Justice or they can stand for Truth .... but they can't stand for both. The former requires Feelings, the latter requires Facts. Incidentally, I wrote an article (and a follow-up essay here) about the subject a couple of months ago.   

Down-Voting On Steemit

Down-voting on Steemit can be used for two things: To suppress Offensive Speech; and, to suppress Offensive Behaviors. The latter is justifiable, the former is not.

Offensive Speech - Banfield's Comedic Post

Banfield's 'comedic post,' which triggered the whole incident, was vomit-worthy. Personally, I couldn't watch the whole thing. But ... it did not threaten anyone or untruthfully disparage anyone's reputation, the traditional justifications for restraining speech. 

Nor did his 2nd post. This one was filled with the utterly ridiculous assertion that Whale Down-Voting was causing the current low price of STEEM. Such assertion merits eye-rolling derision. More on this later.

But nothing in life is free and the price you pay for your right to speak as you would, is the granting to others the right to do the same - no matter how distasteful or ridiculous.

So were the Whale Down-Votes Speech Suppression - censorship? 

On Steemit, making money for publishing content is the blockchain's raison d'etre. So, when a dozen whales nullify the profit derived from hundreds of smaller upvoters, we've got a problem. But what if a $1,000 post is actually mostly self-upvotes obtained through bidbots? This was the case with Banfield's 'comedy video.'

'Live and Let Live' is based upon the premise that if you're not hurting someone else, you should be free to do whatever you want. But here on Steemit, self-bidbotting crap diminishes the payout to other authors, as the Reward Pool Payout is a fixed amount per period.    

If you disagree with the content of someone's post, then don't upvote them. And, make your disagreement known in the comments section. And, be verbose. Hire a poet if you like. But if you nullify the upvotes of others, you've just murdered the essence of Steemit, without which it has no purpose. This is de-platforming by any other name. 

That said, massively self-upvoting obnoxious content via bidbots is gaming the system, Raping the Reward Pool. In such circumstance, you forfeit your right to cry, "Thieves," when that which was stolen was itself obtained through theft. Banfield does not have clean hands and his allegations of moral turpitude on behalf of the Whales is fallacious at best.     

Offensive Behaviors ... Justifiable Down-Voting

Any organization, Steemit included, requires rules of conduct and down-voting is the only form of sanction available to Steemians. And so, there are legitimate reasons to downvote posts or comments.

Spam, scams and plagiarism are Offensive Behaviors that threaten the integrity of the blockchain. Posts that physically threaten someone's physical safety or untruthfully disparage someone's reputation are equally unacceptable. 

Notwithstanding the Banfield incident, 'Raping the Reward Pool' is more complicated so I'm going to address it in a later article.  

UnVoting Banfield As Witness

Banfield's assertion (in his second post) that Whale Down-Voting was causing the current low price of STEEM was ridiculous (I used to run a currency-trading hedge fund). Pull up a price chart of STEEM and BITCOIN. Notice a pattern? When BITCOIN goes up 10%, STEEM goes up 15% and vice versa. The same holds true for the entire world of cryptocurrencies with the exception of stablecoins (those fixed to the US Dollar or other real-world assets). 

This BITCOIN-centric dynamic will continue until the development of a functioning derivatives market (call and put options with deep-pocketed Market Makers and realistic bid-ask spreads) so as to allow for hedging, and thus, the participation by Institutional Investors (I will address this in a later article as well). 

Banfield's call to 'tank the price of STEEM,' so as to force the Whales and other Witnesses to comply with his wishes, was juvenile and merited the Whales reversing their Witness votes, causing him to lose his Top 20 Witness status. I withdrew my vote as well. 

As a Top 20 Witness, Banfield had been granted Command Authority and with such command came responsibility. Whatever one might expect from a Top 20 Witness, surely it precludes, irrespective of circumstances, calls to sabotage the very blockchain one has been charged to protect. While he was entitled to say what he said (and not be censored with downvoting), in saying it, he forfeited his right to command. The ends did not justify the means.

During the American Revolution, the Americans were fortunate to have an excellent general in their midst. Indeed, he was Washington's favorite. His name was Benedict Arnold. He was strategically and tactically brilliant and he looked after his troops. Nevertheless, the Continental Congress screwed him over mightily: Denying him the credit he deserved; blocking promotions he'd earned; and even refusing to reimburse him for personal funds he'd spent feeding and clothing his men. He had every right to be aggrieved and every right to voice his grievances. But his right to redress did not include disclosing to the British the defense plans and capabilities of the fortress he'd been charged to protect, West Point.

When to Pull The Trigger 

Since joining Steemit, I've had two occasions to downvote someone. One I took, the other I didn't.

My Downvote

My daughter's cat had just died. I wrote a poem in memorial and posted it on my blog. A number of people left heart-felt condolences. It was a sad and somber moment of grieving.

So imagine my surprise when this came in:

catfacts (50)  ·  5 months ago 
Grown cats have 30 teeth. Kittens have about 26 temporary teeth, which they lose when they are about 6 months old. 

My initial reply:

quillfire (48)  ·  5 months ago
@catfacts, Yours was the near-instant, and first, reply ... a bot I presume (or an asshole). And you wonder why people hate spam. 

I didn't downvote the comment immediately because I wasn't absolutely certain it was spam. As you can see in my comment, I held out the possibility that it could simply have been an asshole. But then, another comment came in:

catfacts (50)  ·  5 months ago
A cat’s eyesight is both better and worse than humans. It is better because cats can see in much dimmer light and they have a wider peripheral view. It’s worse because they don’t see color as well as humans do. Scientists believe grass appears red to cats. 

OK, spam. Downvoted. 

Make no mistake, I didn't want to wait for confirmation. This kind of BS is not what you want in your memorial to your deceased pet (and good friend) that, you hope, your brokenhearted daughter will be able to revisit for years to come. But your commitment to Free Speech only becomes relevant when the speech you're protecting is something you find obnoxious. 

My Non-Downvote

A bit of background. A buddy of mine, @derangedvisions (Wes), had produced an hour-long documentary about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, recounting the experiences of a Vietnam Vet, Lynn “Dobie” Gillies. 

Gillies, and a number of other helicopter pilots, were ordered to rescue a group of Marines who were in an intense firefight, surrounded and about to get slaughtered. The airspace above the battle was filled with bullets and so many of the other helicopter pilots used their discretion and turned back. Gillies made the decision to risk the gauntlet of steel ... and saved many of the embattled Marines. Gillies made it out unscathed. His flight crew, men who'd entrusted their lives to him (and his discretion), were all killed.

Wes sent me the trailer via DM and we discussed the full documentary at length. We're both ex-military and Wes, too, suffers from PTSD as a result of his time in Iraq. His motivation in making the documentary was to inspire vets with the condition to seek help as ... EVERY DAY - 22 veterans commit suicide. I was so inspired by Wes' documentary that I wrote a poem/article promoting the documentary and its upcoming release on his blog.  

When the documentary was aired, the comments started coming in. PTSD, and its consequences, have touched many lives and a lot of people had stories to share. It was cathartic. A lot of those people, of course, were vets ... and the whole Band of Brothers thing - it never goes away. This was Sacred Ground.

But someone always has to be an asshole:

krystal-paws (44)  ·  4 months ago

I received a DM from Wes. He was besides himself. This was ... sacrilege. (With grammatical errors to add insult to injury.) WHO would do such a thing? Freedom of Speech! Are you kidding me? But then I thought things through a bit and this was my reply:

quillfire (48)  ·  4 months ago


I presume what you meant to say was: 

Given the context of this post, an hour-long Documentary about a Vietnam Vet who suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), made by an Iraq Vet that is similarly afflicted, it’s hard to imagine the callousness required to leave such a Comment. The objective of the Documentary was to provide inspiration to vets in similar situations to seek help … so as to reduce the rather alarming statistic of 22 suicides per day amongst veterans. Irrespective of your political inclinations or views of the military, it’s hard to imagine your taking umbrage with such a noble ambition. 
My first instinct was to downvote and flag you, for I too am a veteran, and your comment inspires in me a deep sense of moral disgust. Upon further reflection, however, I have decided to do the opposite. Instead of trying to hide your comment, I would encourage, instead, that it be spotlighted. 
The men and women who serve in the military of the United States of America take an oath to defend the ideas and ideals for which this country stands. Central to such ideas and ideals is Freedom of Speech. You have spoken. And now too, have I. And now too … should others.

So here is what I propose:  
1. No one downvote or flag this Comment. Indeed, upvote it sufficiently that it remains as the TOP Comment so as to be seen by everyone.
2. If you have already downvoted it, remove your downvote.
3. No one downvote or flag any post by @krystal-paws. Such retribution is beneath the honor of the man who made this Documentary, and the men featured within it.
4. Comment on this thread. Let it become a mile long.
5. Upvote this Post. Making a documentary isn’t cheap. Ensure that @derangedvisions can continue making more.
6. ReSteem this Post. Ensure that an even wider audience sees this Documentary and is inspired to think about both it, and the reaction to it (by at least some portion of society) as exemplified by @krystal-paws.
Personally, I was so inspired by the Documentary’s Trailer, that I wrote a poem (and created a post) in its honor and did whatever I could to promote the Full Documentary’s release this past Saturday. If required, I shall write another. 
@derangedvisions, one soldier to another … this is your decision. It’s your Documentary. If you’d rather just downvote and flag it, just say the word and I shall join the others. But I remind you: You and I, and a great many others who stood shoulder-to-shoulder, are to live by a code that is meant to be exemplary. Think carefully about what it means to be an exemplar.  

What followed in the comment/reply thread, I think you ought to go and read ... it is, ennobling. If I'm being honest, it brought tears to my eyes. 


We Can't Have It Both Ways

Nothing in life is free. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Either you respect Freedom of Speech, and the obnoxious crap that it empowers, or you don't. But if you don't, understand that you are undoing the most hard-fought-for freedom in the history of humanity. For whomever controls speech, controls thought ... and when you curtail the former, you curtail the latter. And such thought-control has been the objective of every tyrant, terrorist and totalitarian in history.

That said, not every cry of victimhood has a victim ... sometimes, it's just an asshole getting what he deserves.  



I stopped by here because this post was resteemed by @blockurator who is also a member of #steemitbloggers and because the title hooked me. Particularly because I got "caught" by @jerrybanfield and I've had all my recent posts downvoted by the current crop of downvoting bots that have overrun steemit in the last few days. One of these had been written as a tribute to a young woman killed in a car accident a few days earlier. Another was a food picture and the third, which has had more than one downvote, was about our cats, one of which has recently had to be sent to cat heaven. It upset me because I couldn't understand what I'd done wrong. Stupidly I called them out in the comments. No reply. Anyhow, since then and having learned about the plague, I'm not taking it personally. That said, your points about human downvotes are well made and I think that more folk should pay attention to what you are saying (hence my re-steem to my meagre following).

I share your sentiments on freedom of speech (and today being the centenary of Mandela's birthday, apt to be commenting on these things) and your other sentiments of one man's meat being another's poison. That does no mean one has to be abusive and rude. One can agree to differ and do it with vehemence and politely and without being personal.

I do wish more people would be a bit more grown up and a bit less precious about themselves.

Again, well said and I look forward to reading more of your posts.
@fionasfavourites, South Africa


Dear @quillfire

I just read your old post. I dont think you will even check for any comments, but perhaps Im wrong.

I've noticed that Jerry isn't very active on Steemit any more. I didn't know he clashed with some whales. Im always worried to attract unwanted attention of someone who has power and will not like me.

opened up Pandora's Box about a number of systemic problems here on Steemit, including Freedom of Speech and the use of down-voting as a form of censorship

Funny enough, most people i know believe that there is no censorship and down-voting is also not part of the problem.

Im really glad to get to know you. You created so much valuable content and your engagement is just ... top of the game.



Yeah, the whales crucified him ... and I don't really blame them. He was coming unglued.


hi @quillfire

Do you mind telling me what did actually happened to him? I've noticed months ago that he just dissapeared and on youtube he claimed that he is done with Steemit and want to move on.



Well ... Jerry started off by making an long and detailed 'comedy post' about auto-fellation (I'll let you Google that) ... based upon, according to his auto-biographical account, decades of personal experience. I can't say I'm completely informed about the video as my vomit reflex prevented me from watching the whole thing. He then massively bidbotted it up to the top of Trending while calling out whales to come have a look ... just in case they might having any questions regarding technique. Apparently they did not share the 'value of his self-loving insights' ... and massively down-voted the post.

Jerry decided that he'd been unfairly 'censored' and, to teach the whales a lesson, made another post calling upon the masses to crash the price of STEEM in a coordinated sell-off. At the time, Jerry was a Top 20 Witness and some felt that advocating for 'blockchain suicide' violated the Oaths of Office and hence removed their Witness Votes.

He dropped out of the Top 20 and eventually 'resigned' from his Witness-ship. Delegations to his various 'projects,' all of which were forms of system game-rigging, dried up.

Donning the mantle of martyrdom, he began casting himself as a victim of institutional censorship, as if the Whales and Witnesses were the Illuminati Hell-bent on destroying his Heaven-sent testament. Oh how the Prophets are persecuted.

I just went to check to see if he's still posting. He is. Here's the first post I clicked on (it's 22 minutes long but I'd highly recommend watching it as a primer on mental illness):

Jerry needs some professional help because something is clearly not functioning properly.


Dear @quillfire

I appreciate your comment.

as my vomit reflex prevented me from watching the whole thing

Wow. Was it that bad?

Jerry was a Top 20 Witness and some felt that advocating for 'blockchain suicide' violated the Oaths of Office and hence removed their Witness Votes.

Omg. what an ... unique person (let's put it politely).

Jerry needs some professional help because something is clearly not functioning properly.

I also have similar impression. I wonder if he does realize that he may have some issues and may need help.


I wish I could upvote this but it's long past that. Good post. I think the time is already here when we must know ourselves or lose everything of real worth


Thanks mate. I went back and re-read the whole thing. I believe the article was actually very well argued and very well-written. And it received $0.59 in upvotes.

When I write similar-type articles, there's a pattern that always repeats itself: Very low upvotes; a modest number of comments ... and my DM explodes. Indeed, people even start sending me emails. The DM's and emails are ALWAYS highly supportive. You'd think I'd just been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

But people are TERRIFIED to be supportive in public (and that's no me drawing conclusions ... they state it in as many words). They tell me that they'll upvote one of my future posts, plus a bunch of comments, to compensate for their lack of support on the post in question. I find this utterly astonishing ... and extremely concerning. What kind of society are we living in when this kind of intimidation is so widespread? The Silent Majority is engaging in a massive amount of self-censorship. They're allowing a small number of activists and ideologues to blackmail them into silence. And, this is creating a huge distortion of cultural mores ... which are, alarmingly, being codified into laws and regulations.

If you follow my articles, you will soon discover that I am vehemently "anti-ideology." That is, I'm against the "kind of thinking" that underpins "being ideological." Logic, reason, rationale and the necessity to support assertions with evidence ... is poison to ideologues and must be suppressed by all means necessary.

It doesn't matter from whence the ideology emerges ... The Far Left or the Far Right ... it's ALWAYS the same game.

If you haven't read "1984" since High School, I highly recommend a re-read (I recently re-read it). Orwell was jaw-droppingly prophetic ... just a couple of decades early. Even a quick study of history demonstrates that things ALWAYS end poorly when ideologues gain the reins of power. It ought to be the objective of every thinking person to try to prevent this from occurring.


I hear what you are saying, but intelligence is a matter in brief...There are some that say we are what we say...and then there are others that say something else...I am of the opinion that makes no difference...I am only hear for a moment in time that lasts no longer than it can be experienced; and then it is gone, and no regret or howl can bring it back...good day sir; objectively yours...

I haven't been on this platform long enough to really feel that it's my place to rant about how one thing or another works, but I can't help but see some inherent problems with the vote bots.

Even ignoring the technical aspects of how it affects distribution, it makes it hard for someone who stumbles in to get an accurate idea of what kind of content they can expect here. Misrepresentation of public opinion isn't good for something inhabiting a social media sphere. The communities of different sites inevitably garner different reputations. Tumblr is social justice ground zero, facebook is for convincing your worried family that you haven't dropped off the face of the planet, Instagram is for tricking people into thinking filters reflect your actual face and that you eat like royalty every night. Perceived culture matters when attracting new users and most people aren't going to dig further than the trending page before making a decision. Honestly all the trending page tells you right now is that some people make money here. If it weren't for my friend insisting that the trending page was misleading and there were worthwhile creative communities here, I would have passed steemit by.

With that being said, I can't blame anyone for down voting content that would hurt the community as a whole if it stayed too long on the trending page. If the votes were earned that would be one thing, but if he was already more or less playing the system than I think people are well within their rights to intervene when he's gone too far. I think of it like any business firing an employee for making an ass of themselves on social media. You can say what you want, but anyone tied to you reserves the rights to break those ties to avoid going down with the ship. Him up voting himself and making his post appear popular... put whales with direct ties to this site's image at risk. So I get where the down voters were coming from.

Basically I think as long as vote bots are allowed, down votes need to be as well.

Universities can stand for Social Justice or they can stand for Truth .... but they can't stand for both.

I'll wait to argue with that until I've read the linked articles lol.

I really enjoyed reading your article. About to hit that follow button, thanks for getting me thinking . ;)


You are an excellent writer!

And, you bring up a very cogent point: Vote-bots. The problem with Steemit is the gulf (Grand Canyon sized) difference between the "theory" and the "reality." This Banfield incident, and Censorship Down-voting in general, is the least of the platform's problems. (Although I still thought it had to be addressed.)

I will definitely follow back. Well thought out and articulated comments are precious.


I would say Jerry has a right to post his drivel and folks have a right to vote their stake as a flag is they dislike it.


Hey Paul.

Jerry has a right to post his drivel and folks have a right to vote their stake as a flag is they dislike it.

Notwithstanding Banfield's circumstance, because it contains a number of complicating variables, what about downvoting a post simply because you disagree with the premise of the article? Isn't that Speech Suppression?

Let's say I write an article praising Trump ... or, for that matter, criticizing him. Should people downvote the article simply because they disagree with my premise? Even vehemently so? In such case, the only voice that gets to be heard is the voice with the largest amount of SteemPower. Is "bankrupting someone into submission" any different, in effect, than "burning the books?"

The whole point of Plato establishing the Academy was to submit ideas, ideals and insights to peer review ... something that his most famous student, Aristotle, did with abandon. It made both of them smarter.

All this "freedom stuff" ... this is NOT the default position of humanity. The default position of humanity is that the guy with the longest sword, wins. It has taken society thousands of years, through great trial and tribulation, (and God only knows how many failed attempts) to get to where we are today: You expressing your opinion, and me expressing mine. This is a manufactured reality held in place only by a willingness of everyone to subserve their instincts to a higher ideal. But sacred cows make good steak.

As you know, I am a poet and I only write in verse. @d-pend is also a poet and he writes almost exclusively in free-verse. And, the subject matter of our poetry is radically different. We are ... polar extremes. His wallet, though, is infinitely larger than mine. If he wanted to, he could silence me in a heartbeat. If he did, would that be OK? He is, after all, just "voting his stake."

At some point, if we're not careful, Steemit will become a platform where only meaningless drivel can be published lest it risk offending someone's sensibilities which, these days, seem to be on a hair trigger.


I am not passing judgement on whether it is right or wrong. I am saying it is what it is. Basically anachary or freedom. It can be messy. Dpend could nuke you, but he doesn't. Yet should he not be able to? We Steemers have to moderate the site. Flags are the only tool we have.


As I argued in my article and subsequent replies to comments, we need down-voting to police "Offensive Behaviors" (spam, scams, Raping the Reward Pool, etc.) ... but we should not, as a matter of principle, use them to police "Offensive Speech."

If you disagree with the content of a post, your remedy is to withhold your upvote and to voice a negative comment. Perhaps, you might go so far as creating a rebuttal post.

But when you downvote a post because you disapprove of the author's message, you're negating the upvote of another Steemian who approved. And, if you're large enough, you can negate the upvotes of hundreds of other Steemians. Hence, one person's disapproval, by virtue of their SteemPower, negates the approval of hundreds of others, due to their lack of it.

This violates even the most pedestrian sense of fairness. Just because you can do a thing, doesn't mean you should. My argument is not one of compulsion (changing the blockchain's code), it is one of moral persuasion. It is an attempt to elevate principle over prejudice.

Demonetization of content, on a blockchain whose entire raison d'etre is monetization of content, is a dangerous game to play. There's a reason why Pandora's Box had a lid.

Dude, how are you a 48? lol

Great post.

I don't know much about @jerrybanfield because I honestly tend to avoid the subject of reward-pool raping amongst whales for fear of catching one of their flags lol (That would bankrupt me unfortunately)

When you said,

If you disagree with someone's post, then don't upvote them. And, make your disagreement known in the comments section. And, be verbose. Hire a poet if you like. But if you nullify the upvotes of others, you've just murdered the essence of Steemit, without which it has no purpose. This is de-platforming by any other name.

I got a real good laugh out of the "hire a poet" part :D

I am definitely not a supporter of the military in any way, with that said, @krystalpaws made a ridiculous comment. Was there a good reason for the anger behind the comment? Probably. Understandably, the military industrial complex has affected the lives of many, it's not a big secret.

I'm glad you chose not to flag the poorly executed and grammatically obscene comment because it only serves to show that you're full of honor and integrity, also that you aren't willing to lower yourself into hypocritical retaliation.

I've been personally advocating for people NOT to join the military for about 8 years, there are many reasons, including but not limited to the same EVERY DAY - 22 veterans commit suicide aspect of it.

@derangedvisions you have my utmost respect and I wholeheartedly want to see your documentary as soon as it's available.

P.s. You've every right to flag those stupid bot comments on your cat post, sorry for your loss :( I know exactly what it's like.

Take care!


Dude, how are you a 48? lol

A sentiment I would appreciate you share with any dolphins and whales you might know! :-)

I got a real good laugh out of the "hire a poet" part :D

Let's be honest, it was a self-serving and shameless plug ... I'm a poet! You don't, by chance, need one, do you?

Thanks for your great comment. And, if you haven't seen Wes' documentary, you should. It is excellent.

Wes is also trying to climb the Witness ladder and he could undoubtedly use another vote. Wes creates extremely high-quality content, has a commitment to Steemit that is second-to-none and ... he's a really good guy. I promise you, the blockchain would be better if we had a few more Top 20 Witnesses like him.

If I ever find myself in the position where hiring a poet would be necessary, I will certainly keep you in mind. :)

Will be watching the documentary tonight as well.

I'll check and see if I have any dead witnesses I can remove my vote from ;)

This is an absolutely brilliant post (and I'm not just blowing smoke up your arse). The ironic thing about @jerrybanfield's rant(s) is that he makes them in the name of free speech, then when others exercise theirs by downvoting his posts, he accuses them of censorship. This is a common fallacy among many free speech purists who believe you have a right to say anything you want any place you want. While I agree with the first part of that premise, the second part is problematic.

Before the Internet, I used to attend a lot of public poetry readings (coffee houses, book stores, bars, churches, where ever), and I found it amusing that some of the bar poets should show up at book stores and read their Charles Bukowski knock-offs only to be run out of the stores. And, of course, on their way out they'd shout their proverbial rants "Now you see the violence inherent in the system!" (actually, it was "censorship ... blah blah blah."

The problem is, the definition of censorship. True censorship is an authoritarian political action that squelches the speech of others unjustifiably. When a person is told they can't say the eff word by a manager at a book store, that isn't censorship. That's a business manager running his business, and it's smart business because that business manager has the duty to protect the interests of all of his legitimate customers. If someone is offended by the eff word, which I also sometimes find amusing, then they ought not to be forced to hear it unexpectedly because some poet has a chip on his shoulder.

What you're describing here with the @jerrybanfield situation is similar. Steemit is a technology platform with a certain culture to it (like a book store). When that culture is violated, either by an individual or a group, then it's up to the community to stand up and say "we're not going to tolerate that." That isn't censorship. Downvoting is one of the few tools the community has to combat undesirable speech that contaminates the culture. The correct response isn't blah blah blah, but, rather, let me think first before I speak in order to preemptively head off such embarrassments.

Thanks for your thoughtful and well-written post on this subject. Very well done.


As usual, it's a pleasure to read ... anything that you write. You are a damnably fine wordsmith.

Of course, I agree with you completely. One of my missions in life is to push back against self-evident insanity, especially with respect to public discourse. Democracy's self-correcting system, the marketplace of ideas, requires peer review. The hyperbole and theatrics that activists are currently employing, in order to intimidate people into silence, is cheating. Words are the containers of ideas and you can't have a marketplace of ideas, without a marketplace for words.

You can retire from the military but the fighting never ends. Warrior-Poets, it's an expression for a reason. Thanks for being one too.

My first email address was [email protected]. :-)

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Down-voting on Steemit can be used for two things: To suppress Offensive Speech; and, to suppress Offensive Behaviors.

Even though you talk about them afterwards, you still must have the 3rd reason why the down-vote exists. When you disagree with the reward of the post for multiple reasons that may be excessive use of bidbots or when it is published very often (more than 3 times a day) content too bad for the reward you get for it, usually thanks to the vote of some whale friend.

There are some very good publications on why the down-vote was created and why it is necessary, written by @dantheman Dan, the creator of Steem.

About Censorship
Decentralized government
Why he was flagging when he did?

And this is not from Dan but is also very interesting about down-votes and flags

Too late, can not upvote this post anymore but will do with a new one.

Great post @quillfire ! wish my vote was worth more and I thank you for leaving me the link! I agree with all of this especially the self-upvoting bidbots into the hundreds of dollars really bothers me and its non stop here on steemit no wonder a lot of Dolphins have powered down and left, among a slew of other problems many of which you also mentioned here. I find that I dont even try very hard anymore on here because unless you do use bots the post payouts are very small, pennies! Maybe with more posts like this on Steemit hopefully changes happen to improve the platform before everyone leaves all together! just noticed how old the post is and cant resteem or upvote now. 👍👍👍


Thanks Karen.

just noticed how old the post is and cant resteem or upvote now.

It doesn't matter. The words are the words and the ideas they express don't become invalid past post-payout. Hyper-links still work. I'm going to be doing some additional haranguing ... I was a soldier long before I was a poet and my hand's on the hilt. Those posts will need some sunshine too.


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