
I share Steemit articles once in a while. A lot of great stuff has already been written.
I think we do get a lot of foreigners on here desperate to make money so they copy and paste since their English is not very good.

Actually there is no need for anybody to speak much English here. Posts can be made in any other language and if somebody has original text and/or photos to publish, he or she can do it in their own native language.

What a superb article, very well orated my friend, and yes short sightedness seems to afflict some people on here, sadly it is part of the game, though with people like you on the lookout plus many others, the game is short lived.

Thank you my friend.

on the lookout plus many others, the game is short lived.

Indeed. In fact, this post is something of an experiment. I am watching people reveal themselves as they comment and vote (or not vote). So far on the extremes I have seen nonvotes that offer engaging comments, and another whose comment would appear at first glance to be spam but is not. In the latter case, I went and saw one who is not voting that much (so am honored I got a vote) and actually has a rich posting history with high involvement in his community. Just goes to show things are not always what they appear a first glance.

Now that the Donald Marshall rush is over I am almost ready to throw out some posts on the rabbit hole that led me down. It is so far off that topic though, yet I feel it is connected. Speaking of which, it was interesting watching how many were trying to take advantage of FTG when he was rewarding for it. Some of the posts tagged with his name as well as Donaldmarshall had absolutely nothing to do with it, lol. Guess they were hoping he was rewarding without actually reading. Shrugs.

I will always be thankful for him running that. I found you and a couple of others who have excellent research/presentation skills.

Honestly I cant wait to see what you have, I may not always comment, and I may not always vote, as I like to upvote comments for a few days then upvote posts for a few, and if I am not voting, I tend not to comment also, just the way I roll, I did notice people trying to take the proverbial piss out of ftg, and he is a superb gent, and sees through it. Steem on my friend, onwards and upwards we go. Thank you for the kind words also.

and if I am not voting, I tend not to comment also, just the way I roll,

I am also the same way and miss many posts I want to weigh in on. Please know that as I said to you before on another post, I value your contributions more than monetarily and hope that with me you will relax that standard somewhat. While I won't lie and say the upvotes and monetary compensation aren't awesome, if lack of voting power is keeping you from commenting it is stealing quality from the post. I have noticed on many posts I come across that often there is as much or more quality in the comment sections than the post itself. I know your character and would never categorize you as a taker my friend.

It's really great that you have brought up this issue. I wonder if steemit could be refined in a way, where they would be able to automatically scan steemit as well as the internet etc. for identical writings. Such programs exist, and I wonder if it could be somehow implemented (?).

There is a bot that looks for it called Cheetah. But evidently it does miss things, although you would think it would catch it if it is on Wikipedia.

I think the Steeminc people are leaving it on us to police the community to maintain their appearance of decentralization. I have noticed in my short time in the world of crypto that many diehard believers feel it is blasphemy if there is any sign of control, as evidenced when Ethereum was hacked and the brains behind it went in and reversed the transactions. I am glad they did it as theft isn't cool, but there are still people mad about it to this day.

Thanks for reading and sharing your ideas.

Oh, that's a great point, thanks for sharing! Totally agree that such control policies could be abused too...

Greed & Fear are two of the most powerful motivators in the world. With greed people's morals and ethics tend to go out the window. With fear people are willing to do just about anything to make that fear go away.

That said it's no excuse and nobody needs to feel sorry for these plagiarizers.

All we can do is keep plugging away doing the right thing building our own little community. In the end we will have success and those who only care about themselves will continue to live empty shallow lives.

Personally I'd rather try to touch as many people in a positive way as possible. It makes me sleep better at night and allows me to look my kids in the eye and tell them right from wrong.

BTW, thanks for the mention about the contest!

That said it's no excuse


Personally I'd rather try to touch as many people in a positive way as possible. It makes me sleep better at night and allows me to look my kids in the eye and tell them right from wrong.

Me too. BTW, thank you for the SBI. I am hopeful sometime soon to find a good post on it (that is newer and open for comments) regarding the math behind it. You have given me many ideas to work with on helping others, such as the bounty on this post. I was unaware of it before seeing you use it, same with the SBI. The bounty is absolutely amazing. Instead of burning Steem with promotion, or paying whales for votes you give the money to those engaging with you directly. It's genius. Hopefully it will come to replace the vote bots.

Oh, and saw your brother in law went after I did to the plagiarizers account. I had never really envisioned myself flagging a post before, and hoping it won't be necessary again. I must have went there five or six times last night after flagging trying to find anything redeemable that would convince me to lift the flag.

Excelente articulo mi buen amigo, me gusto mucho lee este contenido...saludos desde VENEZUELA @practicalthought

Because you are new here, I am going to steer you right on this instead of silently categorizing you. What you did here on this post could be considered the actions of a taker. You didn't upvote this post, yet upvoted yourself. Sadly, your upvote is worth about as much of a crumb as one can have so there was no upside to this action for you. Only downside, as it reveals your idea of a community is one where it is centered towards only you.

I have said it many times now, if there is no room for us in your community you will not grow a community and perhaps will be left paying bots to be your friends. I am unsure if you read my post through translation as it is ironic you would perform this action on this post given its nature. Perhaps it was to claim your share of the bounty I put on this post.

Editing to add: I appreciate that you took ownership without excuse. Thank you for joining in the community.

What a bummer!! It is sad how many people are on this platform who are just trying to use someone else's work. But I think there are a good many which do not understand the principal of plagiarism and what it takes to be successful.
Their English might be bad or someone told them that this is the way to go.
Anyhow, are you familiar with the MAP project? I think you should apply and be part of it. I am happy to tell you more about it if you don't know what it is. But check the tag #mapsters to see some of the people who are part of the project.

Now, on to more personal stuff :)

I nominated you for the positive vibes challenge - like I said I would 😄

here we go

Thanks for weighing in. I agree, I think many are so used to the idea they don't measure up that they either don't try or worse, steal others content. I know when I was writing I was asked to join several writers groups where they critique work. Of course, I never joined any of them for fear they would realize I was a pretender daring to be in their ranks. It wasn't until my last year I had grown close to a few writers enough I let them look at my work to point out some of my flaws once I realized that I didn't understand more than half the flaws the ProWritingAid software was showing me, lol. I did manage to see my overuse of sticky words though and realized I was shifting tense a lot.

Regarding the MAP project. Is that something one has to use Discord to be a part of? I ask as I don't use Discord and despite knowing it in some ways slows my progress here down do not foresee using it. If it doesn't, is there a post on it that explains more on it? I searched the tag and wasn't clear from the posts I saw what it entails.

I nominated you for the positive vibes challenge - like I said I would 😄

Hahaha, I thought I had gotten off of this one when I didn't see myself nominated. A quick question on it please (I know, I am full of them). Do I jump in with where you are at tomorrow with day 3, or do I start at day 1?

You start at your day 1 and go for 7 days. And you don't have to make huge posts and it is not necessarily a gratitude challenge. You can just write about something good in the world...
I find you a nomination post.
I learned about discord from Map and it helped me a lot. there is a discord and it is not active at all right now. But I am almost sure that the voting for the nominated posts is going on in discord.

One of the main things is that people get 200 SP delegations for winning the contest - which is basically a post you consider good. But to participate, one has to be a member.

here is more info

Thank you for giving a forward-looking view on why plagarism is so damaging for long term Steemit success. It is posts like this that push me to try and make better and better content. Cheers!

It is posts like this that push me to try and make batter and better content.

Thank you. Looking over your posts it seems you have maintained a level of excellence that is to be applauded.

I think that is the best thing anyone has ever said to me on Steemit. Sincerely appreciated : )

Frustrating to think that people need to resort to this kind of thing. I liken it to when Milli Vanilli got busted for lip-synching in the late 80s or early 90s (I can't quite remember exactly when it was).

Do they take responsibility for their actions, or just Blame it on the Rain?

Frustrating to think that people need to resort to this kind of thing.

Yeah, I was torn over whether to remain upset with this guy or feel sad for him. I have to imagine his repeated stabs at it meeting with almost no return suggests he is desperate and can't se there is a better way.

Milli Vanilli, lol. I remember how much the girls were nuts over them till they got caught.

I agree completely, I'm glad you did the research to find the plagiarist. There is a lot of content here with spelling errors and broken English, but the beauty is that if they just keep posting they can improve a little each time. Thanks for another thoughtful post, and take care.

I'm glad you did the research to find the plagiarist

Actually, I am lucky that @thedarkhorse discovered it. I am still not that savvy unfortunately. It caught me by surprise, and my first reaction was anger that I had vouched for this thief. But as I calmed down a little I realized it was a combination of embarrassment and hurt.

There is a lot of content here with spelling errors and broken English, but the beauty is that if they just keep posting they can improve a little each time.

There was another submission where the person featured is working long grueling days in construction. I think he is in Africa. His English is off (although how impressive he speaks a second language) but his heart came through just fine as he described how hard his life was. He also shared a house by the site he was working admiring its beauty. He was real and it came through so strongly. In response to my comment his humility and thanks for being acknowledged was priceless. You can't even attach money to that. I look forward to watching him grow here, especially as I imagine the value of Steem will impact his life much quicker than here in the U.S.

Thanks for the kind words.

I agree with you. Cheetah bot should be improved to find any type of copy-paste material from whole internet world. So that could be good. Because stealing anyone's work and monetizing it on steemit is bad it down the quality of this great social media platform. Thanks for this curious work.

Yeah, I was really shocked as it seems to do a great job at finding obscure websites. I appreciate Cheetah for the work it does (although at times it seems to not recognize someone quoting for a larger picture) but hopefully the owner of it can figure out how to get it to recognize work from Wikipedia.

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