Steemit Tips : 5 Reasons Why You Should Fill Out The Comments SectionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

It is widely known that at Steemit we can make money posting articles for which we earn

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author rewards or by voting for other people’s post for which we earn curator’s rewards. For every post, authors earn 75% of the payout while 25% goes to the curators. For this most Steemians write articles as well as curate but they don’t normally give any comments. It is quite common to see an article getting more than 100 votes but less than 5 comments.
As such I would like to share with you all, what are some of the benefits of posting comments on other people’s article.

1 Earn Author Rewards

Do you know that you can also earn author rewards from posting your comments? If your comments are up voted, you earn author rewards. In fact when I first started I earn more from my comments (though it is not much) than from my own articles. That’s when I make it a habit of posting my comments.

2 Encourage New Writers

I have found out that Steemit is a very supportive place and so far my experience here has been very positive. New writers have limited exposure and their articles are not widely read. The author rewards for new authors are meagre if any. Therefore I will to write positive and encouraging comments to encourage and motivate them. In this way, these new writers know that their articles have value and are appreciated even though it does not bring in much money.

3 Increase Your Followers

I have tried to track who my followers are and why they follow me. To my surprise, some of my followers are from those where I have posted my comments on their articles. Followers are great assets at Steemit, the more followers you have, the higher chance of your article being read. Therefore if you want more followers, start posting your comments.

4 Add Depth and Increase Engaged

The comments posted on any article are an invaluable source of feedback for the author. These comments let the author knows why readers like their post, any shortcomings of the post if any and the comments may even spark off ideas for other future posts. Comments also add depth to the articles and encourage more interaction and engagement among the authors and readers

5 Paying Back To Steemit

I consider posting comments as my way of paying back to Steemit. If my comments are able to encourage others, spur them on and add depth to their articles, then I am doing my small part in making Steemit a supportive and positive platform for all users. I hope that this will encourage existing users to stay on the platform and motivate more people to join Steemit.

I would like to say a big thank you for all those who have posted your comments for my articles. I appreciate the time and effort that you put in writing these comments. And that’s the reason I try to reply to these comments as soon as possible.

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Check out my other posts about Steemit.
Giving Steemit A Chance
Working Smart At Steemit: Sharing My Cheat Sheet
Of Minnows, Dolphins And Whales

Steemingly Yours

If you like my writing please up-vote, share, comment and follow me.


You make some KEY points here I agree with, incl. the encouragement line item! It is very true, and so is the one about people following those who take the time to comment....and vote the comments they make --- that is how I feel on those things also!!! TY for the post!!! Re-steemed and shared!!!!

It seems that we agree on a number of points. Hopefully more people will comments as commenting is very much under rated. Thanks for re-steeming.

First, I would like to thank you for the article. It brings insight into what I should do to help myself. Secondly, I would state that the second point in your article is absolutely true. I posted the first chapter of an original novel yesterday and only have five views on it so far. Lastly, I would like to say that this was a very helpful price of writing.

Thanks for dropping by. Keep on steeming, you will eventually build up a following but these things need time.

I like to receive comments on Steemit. I’ve been impressed with the high quality comments and it has been fun and inspirational to see that people are enjoying the material. Even that bot that rated the reading level was kind of fun to me, although in general I don’t like bot comments. (They can feel a bit like the, “You can make tons of money on the Internet - click here” type comments that some social networks and blogs attract - luckily we don’t seem to have this problem on Steemit.)

Some kind of feedback feels encouraging when you are just getting started – that second point is spot on. Thanks for writing the post.

Glad that you agree with me that comments do encourage the authors. We are here not only for the money.

This really is a great post with important tips! I've loved seeing your writing in general and your progression since you've been here!

Thanks for posting this :)

Thank you for your kind words @sykochica. I do enjoy reading your posts too. Do keep up your good work at steemprentince

Agreed!!! I replied w my own comments as such in this thread also!!

Thank you for your comments

The thing is only comments with real value make sense in the long term... maybe here in the begining, al kinds of comments giv attention, but the idea is to only write it when yo have something interesting to say,

That is true as well. Generic comments like good post or good work do not add much value. At least we can say what we like about the post/work.

I end up following people from comments they leave in places quite often. People get so caught up in trying to get author rewards and write good posts that they forget the reason why social media like this is fun in the first place. It's leaving comments that's the most fun!

Agreed 100%. In social media, it's the interaction and engagement that makes it fun

Thank you for this crisp overview!

I love reading and writing comments - it's just the best way of networking here.

This is social media, with more comments there will be more interaction and it will be more fun.

Up voted and up voting my blogs will be appreciated. Followed.
Go to my blog to help you to get more up votes:
Need you comment on my above post I wrote. Thanks

I have commented on your post.

One more reason for my case. Submit answer to my question to win a prize.:-)

Thank you fro dropping by and commenting

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