My Steemit Fueled Trans-Mongolia Adventure

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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My Trans-Mongolia Adventure is different my previous holidays in a number of ways. Firstly, this is the first time that I went backpacking together with my wife. That means we experienced lots of discomfort and that we had to plan most of the trip ourselves. On the plus side, we had tailored the holidays according to our wishes, something which you cannot do if you were joining a tour. Secondly, the primary mode of our transport will be by train. From Beijing to St Petersberg, we traveled a distance of over 6,000 km by rail. This is something of a novelty to us as rail transportation is non-existence in Sarawak. Thirdly and most important of all is that this is my first trip where I had actively shared Steemit with my fellow travelers and the locals that I met during my holidays. For this purpose, I had printed a Steemit business card which I had distributed to those whom I have met and shared about Steemit.

My Steemit business card.

Here are some photos of the people that I met on my trip where I promoted Steemit to them and I shared about my experience of blogging at Steemit.

I joined a day tour to the Great Wall. During lunch I shared Steemit with this group of tourists who are mainly from the United States.

This could perhaps the first time that Steemit is being shared in a Mongolian Ger. From right to left, the first guy is our driver, Mei is from Hong Kong, my wife Roselind, yours truly, Manuel is from Italy and the last guy is our guide.

We met Diane in the train during our journey from Ulanbator to Irkutsk. She and her husband had recently retired and I suggested since now they are more free, they should consider blogging at Steemit.

We shared the same compartment with these two girls from South Korea during our train journey from Ulanbator to Irkutsk. I informed the girls that there is an active South Korean community at Steemit.

I was in the same army jeep with these two guys from China during my visit to Lake Baikal. I informed them that @sweetsssj who is also from China is a top blogger at Steemit.

These friendly guys are from Spain. I informed them that Spanish is widely used at Steemit.

Due to language barrier I was unable to explain the concept of Steemit to the 2 Russian men. I gave them my Steemit business card and told them I will upload the photo at Steemit. Hopefully they will explore the website and find out more about Steemit.

Alex from Moscow Greeters can speak excellent English and so I had no problem at all explaining to him about Steemit.

I am basically an introvert by nature and therefore it was not easy to open up to people and start sharing about Steemit. Anyway I had done my part, the rest is up to those people that I have shared whether they will grab this big opportunity that has been presented to them.

Do check out my previous posts.

Positive Reflections: Taking Responsibility For My Choices And Actions, A Lesson From My Autistic Son
Color Challenge ThursdayGreen: The Garden Of Peterhof, St Petersberg
I Need Your Help: Please Vote For My Nomination For @jerrybanfield Upvotable Contest
The Value Of My Post Is Not Determined By Its Earnings
God Is Love
Hidden Gems Of Magnificent Moscow: Canteen 57

Spreading positivity one post at a time.

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What an awesome Steemit trip ^^ Mongolia is definitely on my bucket list =)
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Thank you so much. Hope you will get the chance to visit Mongolia which is just amazing.

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Thank you so much. Glad to see this community is growing.

Amazing post. You have the talent to articulate :) upvoted and followed u. Regards Nainaz

Thank you so much. I am writing from my heart.

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Thank you very much.

you are welcome :)

What an amazing experience meeting all those people ☺

When we are overseas, part of the fun is meeting with people. I tend to be a bit more reserved as I am an introvert but Steemit is helping me to open up more.

I can relate to that because I am an introvert too :)

Nice photography dude :)

Thank dude. Have a great day. Following you now.

Thanks dude :) same here :)

Looks like a superb journey, and you did very well to promote steemit to so many people.

In the process of promoting Steemit, I made a lot of friends and this made my journey more enjoyable.

fantastic, well done on spreading the word about Steemit, and a great mongolian adventure by the looks of it! :)

Thank you @sweetsssj I am so honored. I had a great time and also by promoting Steemit, I also made new friends as well.

This Post was resteemed by @resteemitnow


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Wow! I love that business card.

You can print your own and start distributing to friends and family. Following you now.

Great idea :) Thank you!

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