A “seen by” feature. ‘Who’s Viewed Your Profile’ ¡The Omniscient Feature! Looking for feedback. Please, read & comment.

in #steemit7 years ago

¿Who'd like to know who has read your posts? Get all their user names, referrals, links, etc. in your view counter?

Very very soon...

You would see how many people in the steemit community have viewed your content, who those people are, and what time it was that they viewed your stuff. And that information will not be exclusive just to the poster, either, others already in your followers/following profile indistinctly could also see who viewed a particular post or even a comment in them.

‘Who’s Viewed Your Profile’ hopefully will be a core feature, with the site notifying you whenever a fellow user visits your page, and vice versa.

It will keeps track of the followers and friends who have viewed your updates, gathering their names in a list that (for now) only you can see and keeps track of the ones who have viewed your updates, gathering their names in a list that only you can see.

A feature that will makes it easier for you to work out which of your followers and friends tend to stalk the most your updates on steemit.

Allowing you to heavily customise your posts with a selection of filters, text, drawings, stickers, frames and masks to increase your snooping powers beyond omniscience.

Oops! ¡YES! here comes another one!! :)


Whatever your opinion might be on it, these functions serves a purpose for the site. By seeing that people were interested in checking your profile, it potentially will provides an excuse to get in touch or start a dialogue with them. Since networking is already difficult enough in real-life, it can be a welcome relief approach them when people come to you instead of the other way around.

Sometimes this can be a good thing; that people checking your account are those who you would like to connect with and also could potentially help you out to increase your reputation, authority, influence and Vest numbers throughout the steemit platform. Other times, certainly you could also be left scratching your head as to why certain people looked at your profile in the first place.

With a growing generation that slowly but steadily has become very savvy regarding how cryptocurrency, altcoins, blockchain, exchange platforms and the web in general works, one of the obsessions we have is with how people interact with our updates, articles and posts. It's understandable really. Humans are designed to seek acknowledgement from others and as sad as it sounds, people upvoting, commenting and resteeming our content validates our ideas and thoughts. It's completely narcissistic but it's something that's ingrained into our psyche.

In a practical sense, as long as everyone seems to fight for attention about their endeavors online. And especially, if the opportunity to earn some good money to solve a bunch of financial things is also included in that equation.. such as in the new trend and dynamic of blooming Social Networks as Steemit is doing it so good right now.

I will try that you know and be aware when someone stopped by to see what’s up with your stuff right when it happens.
This app was created to enable people to find out who is viewing their steemit profiles & articles and how frequent is it happening.
This tool is pretty simple and it was developed for everyone to use. It can show you who viewed and read your articles and the time when it happened.
a peanut.jpg

For the time being, you just will need go to the online tool and get started.

  • Enter your steemit username and click all visitor activity track box.
  • You will receive a list of all users who visited your profile and has been reading your articles entirely top to bottom.

This is as simple as it gets, but the app also has a bunch of interesting features like:

  • You can find out who checked your profile, as well as which posts they viewed.
  • The tool gives you the exact time your profile was visited.
  • You get a list of people that visited your profile that day
  • You will know which visitors are your friends and which ones are strangers.

This app will arrange the people you interact most frequently with at the top of that list. People you don’t know or don’t interact with much will likely be all the way at the bottom.
You’ll see a complete list of who has viewed and read entirely your article, typically in order of who you interact with the most.

At this stage of development, the updates & statistics of this feature will exist only for 24 hours though, so you'd need to be sure to check this count either frequently, or closer to the end of the 24 hour mark. There’s a hard deadline though due some issues dealing with the steem blockchain so far, and you won’t be able to check your viewer count after 24 hours of posting your article.

Although it may well look a little bit creepy to lurk around someone else’s articles, posts & comments and reading them all entirely without leave any trace of interaction, with at the very least; leaving some comments or upvotes or resteems as a signal of some kind of appreciation....

I'm afraid, that with my app you will master the basics of stalking your stalkers very soon.

However, I'm still not totally sure if everyone would want people to know whether you viewed their profile and read their articles or not, especially if someone is expecting or hoping you to weigh in on a topic or article of them. Or if after you've becoming a follower of someone, you find that they immediately looked through the entirety of your content also without say a single shit either.

Therefore, I am looking for some feedback about if you think and find that this tool/feature would be useful, helpful or of any interest for you or to the entire steemit community as a whole.
Only through your comments, upvotes & resteems I would count with the proper instruments to ponder and gauge the consensus to consider release "The Omniscient Feature" for steemit in the wild.

Come on! Let me know your opinion. To Wind Up with some stamina my elder bot. }:)

¡Voooy queee queeeemo!

Cheers!! :)

"Giggles, Smiles, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"


Another great post @por500bolos :)

You would see how many people in the steemit community have viewed your content

I wonder how to count it. In the past Steemot has been showing amount of views but they took it down because it never functioned really well. And Steemit Inc didn't have any idea how to measure views accurately.

So that is a serious challenge.

You will receive a list of all users who visited your profile and has been reading your articles entirely top to bottom

How come? Is it even possible to know if post has been fully read? Regardless if it's being open on PC or smart phone? I didn't know it is possible.

I'm afraid, that with my app you will master the basics of stalking your stalkers very soon.

Wow. Im dying to test it. Is this app going to be free or cost something? I would suggest having 2 packages :) free + paid. I would surely be willing to be your client and support your business.

Are you somehow involved in creation of this tool? And when will it be available?


Fuck. I just realized that his post is 2 years old @por500bolos :/

Sounds useful.

Only & solely useful @lifeworship?
Tell me more mate! Or if you think this article is worth sharing so your followers can see it and give their opinion. Go ahead and resteem it, then we'll see how useful it could be. :)

I can imagine abuses for some of it, but the function of knowing how many looked where, when, would be very useful in writing choices and posting time. I'd also like to know how people get to my posts. Do they use the 'new' feed, their home feed, tags, how do most people, who are not already following me, find me? Just spit balling.

Oh good points! this comment actually is a more nutritious feedback to me. Thank you for that @lifeworship. Now we are talking!! :)
As for abuses, Yep! there will always be someone who will try to take advantage of this function for their own ¿evil? purposes. Whether these are good or bad. But this is how it has always worked and works on this world since humans set foot on this planet. We will only have to sharpen our eyes and keep a watchful eye on these guys to burn his underpants. That's all. Since we, the good ones also will have the snooping and stalking power to do that. :)

I'd also like to know how people get to my posts. Do they use the 'new' feed, their home feed, tags, how do most people, who are not already following me, find me?

Those are excellent suggestions which will end up in my TODO list right away too. However, at this moment, I will have to put on a bigger diving suit and inject more oxygen to my tank to dive deeper and figure out how I would snatch off those secrets from the Steem Blockchain yet. :)

You have a dry wit por500bolo, and this is the type of wit I like. Voted up and following. SirKnight

Hahaha @sirknight First of all, I'm glad for your Very Sharp Perception and good taste. :)
And then, I am also very grateful for your upvote and following. Yeah mate! keep an eye on this space to get daily a good dose of every state of wit. Gaseous, liquid, frozen, wet and finally Dry.. such as you like the most. LoL

Nevertheless I'm curious, ¿Have you any particular opinion on "The Omniscient Feature" yet?

Cheers!! :)

Never heard of it but will have a look. Cheers SK.

Is there a feature to punish those that view but don't vote or leave a comment? ;)

Oh! that's a cool and much desired 'feature' in the name and on behalf of true living engagement.
I will put that suggestion in my TODO list right away. :)

¿What if we try to put them outdoors exposed to public derision?steem on.jpg

Or is this too harsh? }:)

Hey! That's my clothesline.

Ah rightly so. I couldn't remember where I had taken that picture from. Now I know!! LoL :)

I see you are a Delightful NOT cranky Pink WIZARD. :)

This tool does seem useful!

It has its pros and it has its cons.

But I am hopeful that you do have contingency plans set in place so when released to the Steemit Community, this tool does NOT HARM or bring down the platform or EFFECT the price of STEEM/SBD in a BAD WAY.

Please keep ME and ALL STEEMIANS up to date with this tool @por500bolos

Best Regards,

P.S. I am leaning towards 51% of "The Omniscient Feature"

Thank you very much @cassidyandfranks for your support, feedback & compliment. :D
Well appreciated your interest, attention & comment mate.

Your username may be cassidyandfranks, but I guess you could well be named hanselandgretel too. Since I see you followed wonderfully well the Trail of Crumbs to get to my older tasty stuff from 15 days ago. LoL

Sure thing buddy. I will keep you and all steemians up to date with the progress of this almighty & omniscient tool. However, I'm afraid I will need more exposure out there, so steemians know about its existence & hopefully also get more feedback from the community in order to take a final decision about what to do next. If you think you could help and do something to pump that, it would be highly appreciated.

Finally, I'd be very interested you elaborate a bit more about how you envision a tool like this could be harmful in any way or misused by advantageous evil chaps till the level of affect steemit's platform or anything related to it in some counterproductive, adverse or bad way.

Looking forward for your reply. Cheers!!

This is for earmarking this post to see how many views and upvotes this gets after 14days.

14 days ago by por500bolos53
10 votes
Reply 14
Views 19

Your are Welcome @por500bolos

I accept the hanselsandgretel compliment. :)

As far as more exposure and promoting your "Omniscient Tool" we should air on the side of caution before releasing the KRAKEN?

From what I am hearing and seeing with this new upcoming HF19 and the changes being done, I am not sure if this is a good time to release it. I somewhat think that it should be a Pay For Service at the start possibly at a PREMIUM since the average Newcomer might be overwhelmed with this New Tool and began getting a different IDEA about using the steemit.com Platform.

Now at first I must admit that I thought this "Omniscient Tool" was a joke or a funny post to draw attention! However you seem to be SERIOUS?

If in fact you are SERIOUS about it please let me know AGAIN so I would go into MORE detail on your 2 posts and create a post of my own linking it back to them and I will discuss what I see as possibly harmful or dangerous to the Steemit Community which they can read and comment ALL at the same time?



Wow, is the feature available now?

Hello Gautam. Yeah mate, this feature is still kinda available. But since nobody payed much attention at the time of the post and apparently nobody gave me some useful feedback either, I decided to keep it only for my own use exclusively. }:)

On the other hand, I developed this feature almost 6 months ago and many changes have happened since then within the Steem Blockchain and many more modifications on the steemit.com front-end UI also. So, I stopped the development of the project for a while and I have not checked it again. Therefore, I will have to check its operation and functioning again soon after all these recent changes.

Life's boring when you are all alone in a spaceship.

In the mean time, just keep a vigilant eye on my blog to be in tune with my next updates. And also to not get bored so soon nor feel so alone in this spaceship either. Hehehe

Only single women allowed.

Oh! Ah! well, this seems to be a possible problem then. Because, even when I am a gorgeous & attractive Cranky Gandalf... I am too 'macho' despite to be attired in pink. LoL

Cheers!! :)

Hello, my friend!
I will have to scroll a long way down to find your name. So, would be better off asking you directly. :)
What's your name? And I'm pleased to meet you.
Yes, I am following you now. But sadly, as I said, can't allow anything 'macho' inside my spaceship, LOL.
Take care and let's stay in touch.
Maybe I'll visit your country next year.

I am pleased to meet you too mate!! :)

As for having to scroll down too much to find my secrets & gems, I will give you a nice shortcut right away. So as not to have to put up with so much your breathing while diving down to the depths of my blog: https://www.asksteem.com/search?q=author:%20por500bolos&pg=1

But even with that cool shortcut above. I'm afraid you won't find my real name down there even if you crash like a cachalot at the rock bottom. Hehehe }:)

Ah, I see you've chosen to keep your name a secret, haha!

Oh yeah! Just imagine being constanly persecuted and harassed by so many hot chicks, frenzied fangirls and all those willy-nilly groupies trying to kiss my Hello Kitty in my chest and steal my cute pinky knot from my hair.

I have to be cautious & careful!! }:)

Haha, I wish I were as lucky as you. ;)

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