Copying is the greatest form of flattery - Nipping this in the bud

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Thank you, flagging system.

[Enter the rest of the text of my most recent post here]

So I guess as a continuation to my last post, this up here is the perfect example of how not to succeed on this platform. Stealing other people's content will get you flagged, meaning your post will get hidden and your reputation will drop.

In this case, the copying was very obvious. I ask everyone who's against this sort of actions to flag his post. Thank you.

By the way, first time I'm seeing my text being copied. How flattering.

P.S.: I made screenshots of almost the entire thing, just in case he changes the texts later. This sort of action is horrible for the credibility of our platform.

Edit: I just noticed his second to last post is also a copy, check this out: his post, the same post from a year ago.
I have just commented this on that post aswell, but it already has too many upvotes for my flag to have a lot of effect. Please help me in combatting this plagiarism.

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Don't forget to Upvote, Resteem and Follow!

My Deviantart image used as a header for my blog posts.


That action just made me unfollow him.
To bad that kind of things happen.

It's something we can't always do something about. I'm glad I caught this one. Luckily, we also have our very own @cheetah, who finds many plagiarising posts!

It was quite blatant to be honest. It was posted well within the hour after you posted...

Exactly! On his post before that, he atleat copied an article from a year ago. No one will remember that! Except for when someone goes looking, like me :D

Yeah indeed cheetah got 2 comments from him to and checked out those websites.
In my case they indeed tell sort of the same but in there own words like i did

Cheetah got me too when I reposted from my own blog. In that case, it's easy enough to reply to Cheetah's comment with an explanation :-)

well for the rest it didn't do much if that happens i'll explain it.
And is see you dutch to me to but currently living in aachen.

That's a very shameful thing, copying others material. What would anyone benefit from this. Instead they would get flagged. People should try to respect others creation and create their own Ideas. In support of you @playfulfoodie and BTW love your food articles, followed you.

I guess it's the hope that they'll get paid for the article as the original writer got paid. Luckily, this isn't the case and it's a very risky move.
Thank you very much for you nice comment!

Keep doing the good work, One day, I might learn how to cook. Then I will try some of your recipies.

Haha, that would be awesome :D

I have just seen that guy's profile. Most of his posts are copied from anywhere else. He will not be able to sustain here much longer. Thanks for showing people about we could fight plagiarism.

I hope some highly influetial people will read this and see what kind of guy this really is. It would be great if he were to get flagged by people who actually have some effect. I'm glad I caught it!

Yepp, hope so.

Oh my gosh!
I hope would be a lonely case. I'm newbie and I like steemit platmorm, really hope would stay clean!
Thank you!

Post interesting and original content, make meaningful discussions, and you are good to go. Steem on!

Thank you. Plagiarism is something we sadly cannot do a lot about, except fight it as a community :-)

Thanks for putting up this article. It's good as a warning to those who are new to the platform as to what they should not do. Honestly, I could not believe my eyes when I first saw it - I had to read again just to make sure I was not hallucinating or anything. Your post on that article helped to clarify matters.

Originality is the way to go. Plagiarism - whether here on Steemit or from other websites - will only get you marked down. Unfortunately, we need a better system at detecting plagiarism - growing pangs for Steemit indeed.

Thank you for your kind comment. Steemit has a bot, @cheetah, who is pretty good at detecting plagiarism when it's text that's been copied from another site. I think the problem here was that my post was too recent, so @cheetah didn't know about it yet.

Yes, that perhaps is the case. I thought that @cheetah only isolates those who get their articles from outside, but I won't be surprised if @cheetah comes in and gives this guy yet another warning!

I have seen Cheetah mentioning Steemit articles before. I'm not sure how long ago they should be posted though.

Thanks for the mention. Maybe longer nowadays - there's really a lot of content going on now that Steemit is catching up.

I'm sorry you have become a victim of copyright violations. I've had more than my share of image and video theft, and have gone through the hassle of shutting down plenty of Youtube channels in the process with the three-strike rule. Do we all need to add a copyright signature at the bottom of every story we publish? It's shit like this that has turned me off from every other social media platform.

Yes, it's a horrible thing to happen. Sadly, there are a lot of dishonest people in this world (I am not the biggest fan of humanity) and there's not much we can do about this. I'm sure some of my best pictures will be floating around in places I did not authorize, but it's impossible to find all. I'm glad I caught this one, so we can try and make the platform a little better.

Congrats on your first copy-cat! :D

Thank you! It is a big compliment! But I am mad he tried to steal my content, so I'm glad I caught it :D

Yeah, my theory is that Cheetah didn't notice, because my post was so new... I'm not sure how Cheetah works, but maybe it's an indexing thing.

So bad, really really bad thing! I really hate plagiarism and I think to have copy-cats on Steemit is a very sad! I resteemed this post, so everyone knows about it!

Thank you! Yes, luckily @Cheetah catches a lot of them. I noticed this guy has done it before, so I flagged both of his posts. It doesn't have a lot of effect, but it's better than nothing. I don't think he should get a reward for an article someone else wrote.

Obvious case of plagiarism. Your flag is legit

Thank you. In his previous post, he did exactly the same with a one year old article. It's a sad thing to see.

It appears to me that @cheetah is asleep or been caught by a lion... have a look here..

and see my response in the comments...

Oh bah! Weird that Cheetah didn't catch that...
It does appear Cheetah's still commenting though. It's made several posts this last half hour.

I must admit it burns my butt a bit ... doing 3 digit earning 'copy and pastes' whilst original content gets lost in the grist.

Yes, definitely! Instead of the weird flag wars we see happening here sometimes, this is what flags should be used for.

I thought something looked awfully familiar lol...So this post was flagged? How does that work exactly?

Yes, i flagged his post. In the top right corner of a post, you will see a little flag icon. If you click that, you can flag the post for various reasons explained there.

Gotcha! You're obviously doing something right for this to happen, I've learned a few great tips from you already! Thanks :)

Yes, I am taking it as a compliment! But I'm also mad he's copying my stuff, so there we go ;-)

Thank you! I'm so glad to hear I've been able to help!

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