Dear fellow Steemian - About followers and upvotes

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemian,

Header sunrise

We're seeing a big growth in our numbers. Many new people are discovering this amazing platform with its wonderful community. I am sure that for our new members, as for most of the existing members, the promises of riches are one of the reasons they are here. Like this Steemit slogan I like the most:

Come for the money, stay for the community!

I hope this will hold true for a long time to come.

Now, both exisiting members and new members are always on the lookout for a wider audience. Some enjoy the sense of community, others enjoy the extra upvotes that come with it. Whatever the reason (a bit of both maybe), we all have our own ways of gathering this bigger amount of followers. With this post, I want to address one of the tactics I have seen more of lately.

"I followed you, pls follow me."

This is what I've been seeing more of these last few days. It probably has to do with the higher amount of new members who are still trying to find their way. I'm writing this now to tell you that this question does not work. Sure, if asked to another new member, some might do this. If asked to a long standing member though, all this does is piss them off and make them want to follow you less.

"Then how do I get followers?"

Just write interesting stuff. You can do this in the form of your own blogs. If you write your own blogs, make sure it's original content. If you share someone else's content, at the very least you should add value and link back to the source. You can also write valueable comments. Give you opinion on whatever someone else is writing about, participate in discussions. Say more than just "Upvoted" or "Nice post".

"What about those upvotes?"

Don't ask for votes in your comments either! If people like your content, be it your own posts or your comments, they will upvote it. People know how this site works. Even new members quickly understand what that upvote button does and how it works. We can 'like' something on Facebook, we can upvote something here on Steemit.

I know it takes a while to ge used to something new. To find your way around and to find what works and what doesn't. Luckily, Steemit holds a lot of nice and helpful members who are always willing to explain these things to you. Just look at all the posts being written for our new members right now.

Participate in conversations and add value to the site. That way, followers and upvotes will naturally follow!

Edit: I want to share this one great tip from our fellow Steemian @Sumsum: "Get involved in contests you will find likeminded people, new followers will find you and it´s really fun. Have fun on steemit and magic wil happen."

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Don't forget to Upvote, Resteem and Follow!

My Deviantart image used as a header for my blog posts.


For myself I really enjoy Steemit for a big reason. For a long time i did bot have a olace where I could properly vent my thoughts and opinions as well as reviews about the very nice things in life. Now I guess I really found a platform where I can be of any value to other people. The money would be a welcome plus but it is a package thing for me. Bonus everywhere and I am feeling very positive about Steemit!

That is great to hear! I'm glad you have such a positive experience with the platform :-)

For me, the community seem so much nicer than on my other online platforms. I'm sure the rewards are a big part of that, but hey, if it works, it works!

I agree. The whole follow-for-follow concept is terrible and is rife on instagram and twitter as well. The worst ones are those who follow you, you follow back and then they unfollow you. What's the point, really? (rhetorical qn.) Terribly insincere.

Personally, I usually follow anyone who has followed me because i like the sense of community and i try to engage with what they've posted.

It all feels very insincere indeed. I do check out my followers/commenters most of the time.

Usually, I check out their posts first to see if we share any interests, but I don't always follow them. I am of no use as a follower of a sports writer for instance. There is no way I can contribute anything useful there and voting power is limited, so I save that for posts that are in my field of interest.

LOL do people really do that unfollow thing?? Yaa I guess they must since that topic is popular enough to be song lyrics on the radio these days lol...
I just don't have the time for all that - unless stalking gets out of hand then they gotta go Lol! But once again I'm glad to be reminded of another point of view on this, thanks!

Great post. I just restreemed it. One tip for newbees: get involved in contests you will find likeminded people, new followers will find you and it´s really fun. Have fun on steemit and magic will happen.

Oh yes, that is a great suggestion! Mind if I put that up there (with your name, ofcourse)?

Ad it of course. the more poeple try it, the better!

Great! I just added it, thank you :-)

I do agree. Many will be tempted to use such tactics that you mentioned, but in the long run, it's going to hurt rather than help. Better to post good content - in the long run, things will go well.

It hurts not only yourself, but also the platform's reputation I think. Thank you for your comment! :-)

Yes indeed, it does hurt the platform's reputation. For those who are new, when they see posts of others who just go "follow me!" and "upvote me!", they will be turned off by their selfishness, and when they know of others who want to use the platform, despite its potential, they may likely tell others not to use the platform.

That is exactly the concern I have with this. Thank you for voicing it :-)

I'm a following ya, same applies to me. Come for the money and stay for the Community!

I was the opposite- is that weird lol?? Because I saw the money potential a year ago but wasn't sure it wasn't a scam lol ( no offense to anyone, I just always do my own due diligence ) So now after hearing debates online, having several discussions with friends including Tone Vays/Bitcoin Maximalist lol, and most importantly getting to know members of the community...I'm here to EXPERIENCE Steemit for myself!
I'm still getting to know my way around, so I'm grateful for the timing of your post dear. I thought it was just being nice to say follow back, as a way of support you could say lol....But now I see how it could come across another way - thanks!

As I'm a new here, this information is useful for me. Thank You!

I am happy to hear that!

Yes...No need to ask for follow, resteem or upvote...people would do that anyway. The focus should be good content and one should have fun here rather than sit and think all day lon on how to make more money here. Do what you feel like, be honest, produce good content and the rest will follow :)

Definitely. I understand it can feel frustrating at times, especially in the beginning. It took me a while to get to where I am now too. It'll all happen with time :-)

Yes..patience is key.

This was very usefull read. Thank you for taking the trouble :)

Thank you, I'm glad to hear it was useful!

Unfortunately, I upvoted this post by someone else, not as a resteem. So have my upvote. I removed it from the other post.

Hopefully that user gets banned.

Thank you @novaatebatman. If you're talking about @steemitonline, me and a few other people already warned him about his actions and flagged his post. I don't think banning is something that happens on Steemit, but behaviour like this does not get tolerated. Repeat offenders will eventually get flagged so many times, their reputation will go below zero, making their posts and comments less visible and showing everyone something's up with this user.

Yeah, I was referring to them.

I'm trying to track down the authors of the content he stole that I upvoted. They deserve the upvotes, not him.

From the 4 posts that I checked, two of them were copies from a year old post. Votes only have effect within the first 7 days. I didn't check if those accounts were still actively posting though... in that case you could upvote a new post they made. It's a nice sentiment of you!

I wasn't able to find the accounts for some of the posts at all. Else I would've upvoted recent posts if there were any.

I'm sure they'll forgive you ;-) It's the thought that counts! You'll have plenty of other times to make people happy with your upvotes. Just watch your vote power percentage a bit to prevent it from getting so low, it won't have any effect anymore (check it on

Thanks for the suggestion!

It won't load on my phone. I'll have to give it a try on my laptop later.

The community is top quality. Everybody is positive and helpful.

I agree! It's really different to most other online mainstream communities :-)

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